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Past Recent Additions 2006 Archives
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Past Recent Additions 2008 Archives
Past Recent
Additions 2009 Archives
Past Recent Additions 2010 Archives
Past Recent
Additions 2011 Archives
Past Recent
Additions 2012+ Archives
Note: Category locations of past items may have changed due to the
continual re-organization of this site necessary to keep up with the
volume of entries. If you can't find it, use the search function on the
main page. "Find in this Page" under your Edit menu may also
help. "Epic" categorization for Poetry changed to "Poems" in
The archives are in a "backwards" order
with the most recent being at the top.
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May
June July Aug Sept Oct
Nov Dec
- Gondor Needs No
Pants by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Short Stories/ Inklets/ Light 3)
- Updates to
Recipes and Thanksgiving Recipe Page (Other)
- Updates to
Middle-earth Moments (Tales/ Misc/ Moments 6)
- Not This Day by
Dinledhwen - Dinelleth added to Serial Tales.
- The Green Dragon
by Varda (Tales/Misc)
- The Rabbit Elm by
Yaralindi (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Waiting by Daisy
Gold (Poetry/ Poems)
- Rumors by
Agape4Rivendell (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Estrangement by
Agape4Rivendell (Tales/ Short Stories/ Inklets/ Serious 4)
- Rivendell Suite:
Autumn-tide in the Last Homely House East of the Sea by jan-u-wine
(Poetry/ Poems)
- Updates to the
Gingerbread Gallery (Galleries)
- New hidden forum
opened: Sam's Stewpot, with two subforums.
- Hope Enjoined by
jan-u-wine (Poetry/ Poems)
- Additions to our
gallery of Tolkien-themed Gingerbread (galleries).
- The Yule Gifts by
Dinledhwen (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Updates to Captions game (Galleries)
- The Road is Long by Onomir (Tales/ Short Stories/
Drabbles/ Onomir)
- Good Day by Onomir (Tales/ Short Stories/ Drabbles/
- A Mother's Lament by Agape4Rivendell (Tales/ Short
- Beater & Biter by Jimbo Baggins (Poetry/ Poems)
- The Witch King's Hearing Protector by MithrandirCQ
(Stories/ Short Stories/ Inklets/ Light 3)
- A Ghost in Dol Amroth by Agape4Rivendell (Tales/ Short
- Pumpkin Night by Primula (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Adorned by Onomir (Poetry/ Verses/ Serious 7)
- Not This Day by Dinledhwen (Dinelleth) (Tales/ Short
Stories), with additions.
- The Calling by Onomir (Poetry/ Verses/ Serious 7)
- All Hallow's Eve by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Short Stories)
- An alliteration for Elladan & Elrohir by Primula
(Poetry/ Forms/ Alliterations)
- Harvest Time by Queen of Gondor (Poetry/ Verses/
Serious 7)
- Top Ten Things
Lord Elrond’s Kids Should Never Admit To Him by Dinledhwen (Top Tens/ 7)
- A Gift for
All-Hallow's Eve by Agape4Rivendell (Tales/ Short Stories)
- A Path Through
Darkness by Varda (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Additions
to Haiku pages. (Poetry/ Forms/ Haiku/ Assorted 3) with haiku by
Primula, Orangeblossom Took, MithrandirCQ and Elvellon Ringsbane
- Additions to
Limerick pages (Poetry/ Forms/ Limericks 3)
- A Small Hope by
Jimbo Baggins (Poetry/ Verses/ Serious 7)
- A Mortal Life by
Orangeblossom Took (Tales/ Short Stories/ Drabbles/ Orangeblossom)
- Rivendell Suite
by jan-u-wine (Poetry/ Poems)
- To My Cousin Upon
His Birth-day by jan-u-wine (Poetry/ Poems)
- Syntax Fluff n
Stuff by jan-u-wine (Tales/ Misc)
- Autumn's
Melancholy by Jimbo Baggins (Poetry/ Poems)
- Ghostly Fun by
Dinledhwen (Tales./ Short stories/ Drabbles/ Din 4)
- A Cat in King Elessar's Court, completed, by
Agape4Rivendell (Tales/ Serial)
- Bombur's Diet, completed, by Primula (Tales/ Serial)
- Smoky Memory by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Short Stories/
Drabbles/ Din 4)
- Eoywn's Regret by Ringwraith-Wife (Poetry/ Poems)
- Not for Thee by Primula (Poetry/ Poems)
- Clerihew for Tolkien by Yaralindi (Poetry/ Poems/
Verses/ Light 12)
- Clerihew for Viggo by Ringwraith-Wife (Poetry/ Poems/
Verese/ Light Verse 12)
- Clerihews for some of our crazy board-folk by Primula
(Poetry/ Verses/ Fans 8)
- Clerihew for Din by Strange Elf (Poetry/ Verses/ Fans
- From the VBC Valinor by Agape4Rivendell (Tales/
- Clerihews for those Others by Primula (Poetry/ Light
Verse 12)
- Assorted Clerihews by Ringwraith-Wife (Poetry/ Poems)
- Fighting Orcs by Linaewen (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Clerihew page added to Fixed Form Poetry section.
- Black, White and Grey by Rogorn (Musings)
- In Dreams by Elvellon Ringsbane (Poetry/ Poems)
- Thror's Map by Elvellon Ringsbane (Poetry/ Poems)
- Conclusion of 'A Cheesy Serial Drabble' by Dinledhwen
(Tales/ Short Stories/ Drabbles/ Din 4)
- May Stars Shine Upon Our Meeting by Onomir (Poetry/
Verses/ Serious/ 7)
- I Will Take It by Agape4Rivendell (Tales/ Short
- Pam + Hobbits = Mayhem by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Short
Stories/ Drabbles/ Din 4) with updates.
- Updates to the Captions page (Galleries)
- Burns Stanza collection added to Fixed Form Poetry.
- Gollum's Lament by Doctor Gamgee (Poetry/ Verses/
Light 4)
- The Traveller by Onomir (Tales/ Short Stories/
Drabbles/ Onomir)
- Updates to License Plates (Other) and Captions
- A Rough Draft Start by Primula (Poetry/ Verses/ Light
- Saddle Sore by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Short Stories/
Drabbles/ Din 4)
- Mission to Mousegiliath by Varda (Tales/ Serial
Parodies/ Archer Mice)
- June 2008
- Tater Blues by Primula (Poetry/ Fixed Form/ Blues)
- Blues added to Fixed Form poetry menu.
- Sitemap updated.
- Hollywood Hobbit Blues by Lothithil (Poetry/ Fixed
Form/ Blues)
- Additions to A Cheesy Serial Drabble by Dinledhwen
(Tales/ Short Stories/ Drabbles/ Din 4)
- Updates to Middle-earth Moments (Tales/ Misc/ Moments
- In Fair Ithilien by Daisy Gold (Poetry/ Poems)
- Duplicity by Agape4Rivendell (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Battlements by Agape4Rivendell (Poetry/ Poems)
- Huorns and Black Mirkwood by Primula (Poetry/ Poems)
- In the Deep by Daisy Gold (Poetry/ Poems)
- You'll be Held Down by a Tree by Primula
(Songs/Primula 4)
- Madrigal for the Old Forest by Primula (Poetry/ Poems)
- Sonnet for the Trees by Primula (Poetry/ Adaptations/
Prim 4)
- The Old Forest, and Fangorn Forest by Daisy Gold
(Poetry/ Poems)
- The Mallorn Grove by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Parodies)
- Mirkwood by Ringwraith-Wife, with accompanying
original Etching (Poetry/ Poems)
- Woodland Reverie by Daisy Gold (Poetry/ Poems)
- Cinquains for the Forests by Primula (Poetry/ Fixed
Form/ Cinquains)
- Old Man Willow by Doctor Gamgee (Songs 12)
- Top Ten Jokes Ents Hate (Top Tens/ Collected 7)
- Get Me to the Moot on Time by Ringwraith-Wife (Songs
- The Storming of Isengard by Primula (Songs/ Primula 4)
- Lives of the Old Forest by Linaewen (Poetry/ Poems,
also under Linaewen's Found Poetry)
- Awaken by Daisy Gold (Poetry/ Poems, also under
Poetry/Fixed Forms/ Acrostics/ Asst. 2)
- Namarie Lothlorien by Daisy Gold (Poetry/ Poems, also
under Poetry/ Fixed Forms/ Rhopalics)
- In Memory of the Silver Tree by Varda (Musings/ Varda)
- Wellinghall, a found poem by Elvellon Ringsbane
(Poetry/ Poems)
- Forest Lament by Elvellon Ringsbane (Poetry/ Poems)
- Chapter by Chapter - commentary on the reading of LOTR
by Celedor and Onomir with contributions by others. (Reference)
- The Magic in the Hair by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Short
- Rivendell International Airport by Primula (Tales/
Serial Parodies)
- A Boast from the Black Gate by Primula (Poetry/
Verses/ Light 4)
- Legolas' Advice, conclusion by Dinledhwen (Tales/
Short Stories/ Drabbles/ Din 4)
- Additions to Middle-earth Moments (Tales/ Misc/
Moments 6)
- Grima, a Ballade by Beruthiel (Poetry/ Poems)
- Some Mother's Son by Ringwraith-Wife (Poetry/
Poems). Poetry author's menu created for Ringwraith-Wife.
- Theoden, and Wormtongue, both by Ringwraith-Wife
(Poetry/ Poems)
- One
Ring by Silivren Ithildin, #9 in acrostic drabbles series for
Fellowship artifacts. (Poetry/ Forms/ Acrostics/ Acrostic drabbles/
Silivren 2)
- A Cheesy Serial Drabble by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Short
Stories/ Drabbles/ Din 4)
- An Easter Egg Roll like No Other by Ringwraith-Wife
(Poetry/ Verses/ Light 4)
- The Esquire by Agape4Rivendell (Tales/ Short Stories)
- A Great Evil Unmade by Linaewen (Tales/ Short Stories)
- The Gifts of the Three Hobbits by jan-u-wine (Poetry/
- In the Chamber by jan-u-wine (Poetry/ Poems)
- Wherein Dwells the Quest by jan-u-wine (Tales/ Short
- Strawberries and Cream (Poetry/ Poems)
- The Eviction of Hamfast Gamgee by Sevilodorf (Tales/
Short Stories)
- Hurin Takes the Ring by Agape4Rivendell (Tales/ Short
- The Moth Takes the Ring by Primula (Tales/ Short
- Barney on Caradhras by Primula (Tales/ Short Stories/
Inklets/ Light 3)
- Updates to Captions gallery (Galleries)
- The Singing Bane by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Grond by Silivren Ithildin #10 in her
series for
Fellowship artifacts. (Poetry/ Forms/ Acrostics/ Acrostic drabbles/
Silivren 2)
- Archery for Elves by Varda (Tales/ Parodies)
- Pippin Takes the Ring by Eruvanne (Tales/ Short
- Gimli on the Shore by Beruthiel /Beruthless (Poetry/
Verses/ Serious LOTR 7)
- A Tale of Two Cities by jan-u-wine (Tales/ Short
Stories/ Drabbles/ LOTR 3)
- Gamgee Blues by Lothithil (Poetry/ Verses/ Serious 7)
- Duet Two It by Lothithil (Poetry/ Verses/ Light LOTR 4)
- Eowyn's Blues by Ringwraith-Wife (Songs/ 12)
- Nine-Finger Blues by Primula (Poetry/ Verses/ Serious
- Perennial by Lothithil (Poetry/ Poems)
- They're Throwing Rocks at Me, Mama! by Ringwraith-Wife
(Poetry/ Verses/ Light 4)
- Firiel Waits for the Packet by Firiel (Tales/ Misc)
February 2008
- Revision of A Mother's Love by Pippin's Sunshine
completed (Stories/ Serial)
- Far-Seeing Eyes by Freya Baggins (Poetry/ Poems/
- Dust Bunnies vs. Plot Bunnies by Primula (Tales/ Short
Stories/ Inklets/ Light 3)
- Hoy Linaewen by Agape4Rivendell and The Lin by Primula
(Poetry/ Verses/ Fans 7)
- Tolkien by Beruthiel (Poetry/ Fixed Form/ Acrostics/
- Additions made to the Tolkien Book-Covers Gallery
- Belle Eowyn by Daughter of Kings (Songs/ 12)
- Strider
Unmasked, and Strange Elf by Ringwraith-Wife (Poetry/ Fixed Forms/
Acrostics/ Assorted 2), Ringwraith-Wife added to Contributors.
- Children of Eru by Lothithil (Poetry/ Fixed Forms/
Acrostics/ Assorted 2)
- Nalláma: Echo by Queen of Gondor added to
Serial Tales.
- Aphrodite of Edoras vs. the Boar of Mordor by
Beruthiel (Poetry/ Poems)
- I Have No Memory by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Gandalf the Torturer by Varda with responses (Musings)
- Shire for the Harrowing by Beruthiel (Poetry/ Verses/
Serious 7) also placed under (Poetry/ Fixed Form/ Ae
- Why I Came to You by Ringwraith-Wife (Poetry/ Poems/
Single) also placed under (Poetry/ Fixed Form/ Ae
- Menu for Completed
Serial Tales, by Author, added to navigational options.
- The Barrow Downs by Primula (Poetry/ Fixed Form/ Ae
- Aging Heroes by Primula with some responses (Musings)
- Dr. Gamgee by Dr. Gamgee (Poetry/ Form/ Acrostic/ Fans)
- Just a Thought by Beruthiel (Poetry/ Form/ Acrostic/
- The Legend of Crickhollow by Beruthiel (Poetry/ Forms/
- Anduril by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/ Forms/
Acrostic), also under (Poetry/ Poems/ Silivren)
- Ten Possible Categories for Middle-earth Jeopardy,
with additions (Top Tens/ Collected 7)
- Mission Secured by gustaf added to Serial Tales menu.
- Legolas' Advice by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Short Stories/
Drabbles/ Din 4)
- Words by Agape4Rivendell (Poetry/ Poems)
- Never Too Old by Indis (Tales/ Misc)
- Monty Python: The Hobbit by Hstaphath, (Tales/
January 2008
- Recent Additions listings for 2007 archived for reference.
- Menu browsing by title of poem added to
Single/Double Poem Authors (Poetry/ Single)
- Gollum by the Lake by Primula (Tales/
Drabbles/ LOTR 3)
- The Day After by Dinledhwen (Tales/
Drabbles/ Din 4), additional page for Din's collected drabbles added.
- Search, Seeker by Dandy (Poetry/ Poems)
- Browsing by Original Song Title added to
indexes for Songs, Collected song indexes updated with added navigation.
- Waurd-smiðr by jan-u-wine, a tribute to the
Professor for his birthday (Poetry/ Poems)
- Various older songs found in the back files
reintegrated with current song menus.
- Trust by Agape4Rivendell, 2nd page of Drabbles started
for Agape (Tales/ Short Stories/ Drabbles/ Agape 2)
- The Sleigh Bell Incident, conclusion, by Dinledhwen
(Tales/ Short Stories/ Drabbles/ Din 3)
- Conclusion for The
Pink Oliphaunt by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Short Stories/ Drabbles/
Other 2)
- And what shall I fear now that IT is gone? by Dandyb
(Tales/ Short Stories/ Inklets/ Serious 4)
- The Descent from the Pass of Caradhras by Dinledhwen
(Tales/ Short Stories/ Drabbles/ Din 4)
- Separations in Gondor: First of the Ship-Queens by
Beruthiel (Poetry/ Poems), Poetry menu created for Beruthiel.
- Kyrielle to the Age of Men by Beruthiel (Poetry/ Poems)
- Veil by Lothithil (Poetry/ Poems)
- A Cat in King Elessar's Court by Agape4Rivendell
(Tales/ Short Stories)
- Harad-coo by Beruthiel (Poetry/ Poems)
- The Elf's Question by Dinledhwen (Poetry/ Poems)
- Gallery of Virtual Gingerbread manips added
(Galleries/ Gingerbread)
- The Troll's Sock Song by Ashlyn (Poetry/ Adaptations/
- Updates to listing of sites run by the fans (Links/
- A Letter by Dandyb (Tales/ Short Stories/ Inklets/
Serious 4)
- Honey Pho Soup by Beruthiel (Poetry/ Poems)
- Where the Heart Is by Onono Laivindur / Onomir
(Poetry/ Poems)
- Legolas and Lianna by Freya Baggins (Tales/ Short
Stories), Freya Baggins added to Contributors.
- Poor Radagast's Almanac by various (Tales/ Parodies)
- Lines LOTR Characters Would Never Say by Primula with
additions (Top Tens), Aatui added to Contributors.
- Additions and updates to Bookload Smilies page.
- Prima Hobbit by Maura Labingi (Songs/12)
- Crebain News from Helms Deep by Beruthless (Poetry/
Verses/ Light 4)
- Menu of Unfinished
Works in Progress added to stories, listing by author.
- Adulas' Tale by Dinledhwen, a revision of the Tale of
Adulas, added to Serial Tales. (Stories/ Serial)
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
2011 2012+
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