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Additions 2012+ Archives
Note: Category locations of past items may have changed due to the
continual re-organization of this site necessary to keep up with the
volume of entries. If you can't find it, use the search function on the
main page. "Epic" categorization for Poetry since
changed to "Poems". The archives are in a "backwards"
with the most recent being at the top.
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May
June July Aug Sept Oct
Nov Dec
December 21 -
December 31, 2004
- Updates to assorted serial tales and
serial parodies.
- Haiku by Lothithil (Poetry/ Haiku/ Loth)
- Orc Hunting by Onca Icatra (Tales/ Inklets/ Serious)
- A Great King of Rohan and Samwise the Brave by mrspippin
(Poetry/ Epic). Poetry menu created for mrspippin.
- The King of Gondor by Onca Icatra (Poetry/ Epic)
- Updates to Winter Sports by Onca Icatra (Tales/ Parodies)
- Haiku by Nuroreiel (Poetry/ Haiku/ Nuroreiel)
- What We Didn't See in the Drinking Game by Dinledhwen (Tales/
Drabbles/ Din 3), plus updates to serial drabbles by Dinledhwen.
- In a Dark, Bad Place by Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- True Love by Silivren Ithildin (Tales/ Drabbles/ Silivren), in
two parts.
- Take Heart by Halona Treeclan (Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 7)
- The Rain of Wrath by Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- Updates to Tales of Samwise by Onca Icatra (Poetry/ Epic)
- What is Love by faramirgirl (Poetry/ Epic)
- Oh Little Town of Hobbiton by Orangeblossom Took (Songs/
Christmas) and (Songs/ OBT 4)
- Drabbles for Gimli by faramirgirl (Tales/ Drabbles/ Other)
- The Twelve Days of Middle-earth by various (Top Tens)
- Hero's Journey by Mrs. Frodo (Poetry/ Epic)
- Attack at Weathertop by Shelob (Poetry/ Epic)
- Merry Yule by Avondster (Tales/ Short Stories)
- At the Crossroads of the King by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- A Hobbit's Christmas by Onca Icatra (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Frodo Stared, Aghast by jan-u-wine (Tales/ Inklets/ Humorous)
- Frodo's Cover-up by Primula (Tales/ Inklets/ Humorous)
- Silver Velvet by Varda (Tales/ Short Stories)
- You Shall have Neither the Ring nor Me by jan-u-wine (Tales/
- The Lore of the Ring contest pages added for Jennan O Possums
- When First we Practice to Deceive by jan-u-wine (Tales/ Short
- Frodo and the Ugly Chair by Agape4Rivendell (Tales/ Inklets/
- The Hobbit's Song and Proud Steward of Gondor by mrspippin
(Poetry/ Epic)
- "Last update" dates added to unfinished serial tales and serial
- Beneath the Banner of His Eye by sevilodorf (Tales/ Short
- Frodo at Amon Hen, and Isildur's Bane by Mel Baggins (Tales/
Short Stories)
- Scrolling most recent updates box added for serial tales on
front page.
- The Last Journey of Elrond by mrspippin (Poetry/ Epic)
- Frodo's Dream by Firiel (Tales/ Inklets/ Humorous)
- Ghost of Arwen by Yaralindi (Songs/ LOTR 6)
- The Candle, Boromir's Butterfly and The White Tree by Onono
(Poetry/ Epic)
- Of Worth (Poetry/ Verses/ Fans 6), Hope Fades, and Home
(Poetry/Verses/ LOTR 7) by Onono
- The Breaking of Thangorodrim by Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- Christmas at the Prancing Pony by Peregrine (Tales/ Parodies)
- Time is a White Tree by Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- If Wishes were Horses by Samwisegirl (Poetry/ Epic)
- Conclusion of Winter Sports by Onca Icatra (Tales/ Parodies)
- The Dead Marshes by Primula (Poetry/ Epic)
15, 2004
- Updates to assorted serial tales and
serial parodies.
- LOTR Diet and Exercise Program by Goldberry with additions (Top
Tens/ 7)
- Thangorodrim and Ancalagon by Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- Ode to Eowyn's Stew by Varda (Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 7)
- Updates to Tales of Samwise by Onca Icatra (Poetry/ Epic)
- Gimli's Gold by Onono Laivindur (Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 7)
- Snow Angels by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Drabbles/ Din 2)
- ME Moment by AnnaEstel (Tales/ Misc/Moments 4)
- No Good Morrow by Primula (Poetry/ Adaptations/ Prim 3)
- Letter from Pippin by Faramirgirl (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Additions to Christmas Songs (Songs/ Holiday/ Christmas)
- The Wisps of Dreams by Elenna (Poetry/ Epic)
- The Fellowship of the Ring Parody by Lordofthejedi17 (Tales/
Serial Parodies)
- Dragon Breath by Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- Sam's Highest Praise by Avondster (Poetry/ Epic)
- The Snowball Fight by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Drabbles/ Din 2)
- The Gift and Evenstar by visionary (Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 7)
- DarkElf and the Second Gift by Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- Middle-earth Moment by mrspippin (Tales/ Misc/ Moments 4)
- A Letter to Sam from Frodo by Faramirgirl (Tales/ Short Stories)
- For Faramir by TexasHobbit (Poetry/ Epic)
- Regret by Dinledhwen (Poetry/ Epic)
- Sam's Song by Daughter of Kings (Poetry/ Adaptations)
- Lembas by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/ Acrostic/ Drabbles 2)
- Clad in an Elven Cloak by Varda (Tales/ Misc)
- Is the Arkenstone a Silmaril by AnnaEstel and various (Musings)
- Two Yules by jan-u-wine (Poetry/ Epic)
- Return to Geek Planet by Avondster (Musings)
- The Mistletoe Incident by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Inklets/ Humorous)
- Eowyn's Letter to her Uncle by mrspippin (Tales/ Short Stories)
November 16 - November 30, 2004
- Updates to assorted serial tales and
serial parodies.
- LOTR: the Pants - collected poetic verses inspired by the
classic pants game. (Poetry/ Misc )
- Brew, Brew, Brew your Beans by pi (Poetry/ Verses/ Fans 6)
- Halimath 1389 S.R.. and Heir to the Dreamer by jan-u-wine
(Poetry/ Epic)
- The FroDoll pages and Fellowshop of the Ring links added to
Member Sites and General Links pages. (Links)
- Galadriel's Curse by Onca Icatra (Poetry/ Epic)
- Middle-earth Clothing Store and Winter Sports by Onca Icatra
(Tales/ Parodies)
- Pipes by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/ Acrostics/ Drabbles 2)
- Additions to Limericks for Aragorn by pi (Poetry/ Limericks/
- Tears by Agape4Rivendell (Poetry/ Epic)
- Remembrance and The Water by jan-u-wine (Poetry/ Epic)
- Birthdays listing for fans added to Definitions.
- Beacons haiku (Poetry/ Haiku/ Nuroreiel) and drabble (Tales/
Drabbles/ LOTR 2) by Nuroreiel
- Additions to Pants poetry (Poetry/ Misc)
- Bygone Bywater by Onono Laivindur (Poetry/ Epic)
- Brink of Death by Onca Icatra (Poetry/ Epic)
- What is Precious by Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- Walks Arwen by Beruthiel (Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 7), Beruthiel
added to Contributors.
- Haiku for a Non-Mountain Climber by Beruthiel (Poetry/ Haiku/
Assorted 2)
- The Seige of Mouse Tirith by Varda (Tales/ Serial Parodies/
- The One Shield by Primula (Tales/ Inklets/ Humorous)
- Thankfulness by faramirgirl (Musings)
- Journey to the End by Beruthiel (Poetry/ Individual)
- Lost Comrades by Orangeblossom Took (Tales/ Drabbles/ LOTR 2)
- In the Halls of the Dead by Samwisegirl (Tales/ Drabbles/ LOTR
- Conclusion of Gimli's Decision by Halona Treeclan (Tales/ Short
- Letters from Faramir by faramirgirl (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Pleasant Distractions by Lothithil (Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 7)
- The Band O' Doom and Sauron, Ring-maker by Primula (Poetry/
Adaptations/ Prim 3)
15, 2004
- Updates to assorted serial tales
- Conclusion
of "A Woman of Gondor in NZ" by Agape4Rivendell (Tales/ Misc)
- The Supply Closet of the FB by halavana
and others (Definitions)
- Legolas vs. the Ghost parts 2-7 by
Dinledhwen (Tales/ Drabbles/ Din 2)
- Hobbit's Halloween by Lothithil (Tales/
Short Stories)
- Elfriend67 and FrodoGirl added to
profiles. (Definitions/ Profiles)
- Ariel by Tari added to serial tales.
- Thoughts
of Frodo, Tales of Samwise, Thoughts of Legolas and Voice of Gollum by
Onca Icatra, Poetry menu created for Onca Icatra. (Poetry/ Epic)
- DC Middle-Earthlings added to regional
fan group listings. (Links)
- Emyn Muil by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/
Acrostics/ Drabbles 2)
- Their Strength by Nuroreiel (Tales/
Drabbles/ Nuroreiel)
- Rosie's Shire Pie by Rosie Gamgee added
to Middle-earth Recipes (Other)
- The Leave-taking by Varda (Poetry/ Epic)
- DarkElf Reunion with Elros and Elrond by
Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- Black Riders by Visionary (Poetry/ Epic),
Visionary added to Contributors.
- My Sam by jan-u-wine (Poetry/ Epic)
- Sting by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/
Acrostic/ Drabbles 2)
- An Elven Gift by NorthStar (Tales/ Short
- What is Family? and What is a Friend? by
faramirgirl (Poetry/Epic). Poetry menu created for faramirgirl.
- You Can't Have the Ring by Lothithil
(Songs/ Loth 5)
- Take my Hand, and Do Not Say by Tinidril
(Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 7)
- Updates to Posters gallery. (Galleries)
- Alanai Elentari added to Profiles. (Definitions)
- Additions to Tales of Samwise by Onca Icatra (Poetry/ Epic)
October 15 - October 31, 2004
- Updates to assorted serial tales
- Freedom by
Lalaith (Poetry/ Epic)
- A Thrush's Tale by Onono Laivindur
(Tales/ Short Stories)
- Fall by Dinledhwen (Poetry/ Epic)
- Stuck Down in Mordor with You and Tore
Down a La Frodo by Orangeblossom Took (Songs/ OBT 4)
- A Woman of Gondor in New Zealand by
Agape4Rivendell (Tales/ Misc), with updates.
- DarkElf Dresses in Shadows by Lothithil
(Poetry/ Epic)
- Linaewen's Bane by Linaewen (Tales/
Serial Parodies/ Conversations)
- Red Book by Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- Song by jan-u-wine (Poetry/ Epic)
- Updates to Middle Earth Moments (Tales/
Misc/ Moments 4)
- Ways Your Behavior has Changed since
you're a Ringer by Rogorn with additions (Top Tens)
- Second page created for Silivren
Ithildin's acrostic drabbles. (Poetry/ Acrostics)
- Winners of the Bad Writing Contest
- Sunlight on the Tower and The Cage by
Orangeblossom Took (Songs/ OBT 4)
- Anduril by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/
Acrostics/ Drabbles 2)
- Why do I Keep Returning Here? by
Dinledhwen (Poetry/ Epic)
- The Host of the West Comes to Arda Marred
by Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- The End and the Beginning by
FaramirsLadyLove (Tales/ Short Stories)
- One Moment of Peace by Queen of Gondor
(Poetry/ Epic), Alphabetic browsing added to Queen of Gondor's poetry
- The Gift by Onono Laividur (Poetry/ Epic)
- Legolas vs the Ghost by Dinledhwen
(Tales/ Drabbles/ Din 2)
- Lord of the Ego by Lothithil (Poetry/
Misc/ Hair Tales)
- Sam Speaks out for Bill the Pony (Poetry/
Misc/ Hair Tales)
- A Father's Wish by Dinledhewn (Poetry/
- Gimli's Fear by Dinledhwen (Tales/
Drabbles/ Din 2)
October 1 - October 14, 2004
- Updates to assorted serial tales
- This Day in ME History, September 30 by Lindorie (Ref / Daily)
- Updates to
serial parodies (Bucklebury and Lord of the Coffee)
- Gollum by NoroLimAsfaloth (Poetry/ Haiku/
Assorted 3)
- The Gulls by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Drabbles/
- Rivendell Sunrise by NoroLimAsfaloth
(Poetry/ Epic)
- The Portrait by AuntKimby (Tales/ Serial)
- Two of Swords by Orangeblossom Took moved
to Serial tales.
- New indexing for completed Serial tales
- Loss by Evermind (Poetry/ Epic)
- A Long September, Take it Easy and Glad
Tidings by Orangeblossom Took (Songs/ OBT 3)
- Amane added to Profiles.
- The Fall Storm by Dinledhwen (Poetry/
- Moments of Middle-earth by Doctor Gamgee
- Top Ten B-day Presents You Wouldn't Want
to Give to Legolas by Dinledhwen (TopTens / LOTR 6)
- Conclusion of Boromir's Ride by Onono
Laivindur (Tales/ Serial)
- Boromir by Dinledhwen (Poetry/ Verses/
- Haiku for the Boston Exhibit by Nuroreiel
(Poetry/ Haiku/ Nuroreiel)
- DarkElf Speaks to the High King by
Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- I Stood Upon the Shore by Halona Treeclan
(Poetry/ Epic)
- A Terrible Beauty by Varda (Musings)
- The Ghost by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Parodies)
- Fear by Shelob (Poetry/ Cinquains/ Shelob)
- Our Leggy went to Sea by Peregrine
(Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 6)
- I'm On Fire and River of Dreams by
Orangeblossom Took (Songs/ OBT 4)
- The Golden Kiss by Lothithil (Poetry/
- Fanclub Map page up and running. (Ref)
Multiple entries made.
- Orangeblossom Took added to Profiles
(Definitions/ Profiles)
- A Not so Typical LOTR Fan by Dinledhwen
(Tales/ Drabbles/ Din 2), with addendum by Primula.
- Samwise Sings the Blues by Lothithil
(Songs/ Loth 5)
- Not Mister Spock by Varda (Tales/ Misc)
- Fireworks at Harvest by Orangeblossom
Took (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Updates on Prim's house. (Galleries /
Picturepage - click on the house.)
- Legolas' Not so Bright Idea and What
Frodo Needed by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Drabbles/ Din 2)
- For Aragorn by Nuroreiel (Poetry/ Verses/
- Weathering the Storm by Halona Treeclan
(Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 6)
- Echoes by Onono Laivindur (Tales/ Short
Stories/ Inklets/ Serious)
- The Fate of Two Brothers by Dinledhwen
(Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 7)
- Brelene added to Profiles (Definitions/
- The Shadowy Threat by Dinledhwen (Poetry/
- For Legolas by Gimliguy (Poetry/ Epic)
September 15 - September 30, 2004
- Updates to serial tales
- Updates to the Bad Writing Contest
- Night Thoughts by Samwisegirl (Poetry/ Epic)
- Faramir's Farewell by Onono Laivindur (Songs/ Onono 2)
- Assorted limericks (Poetry/ Limericks/ LOTR 2, Fans 3)
- Updates to serial parodies (Bucklebury and Lord of the Coffee)
- The Drowning of Numenor by Orangeblossom Took (Tales/ Drabbles/
- I Know Your Face by Onono Laivindur (Poetry/ Epic)
- The Last of the Ringbearers by Pippin's Sunshine (Tales/ Short
- Conclusion of The Tale of the Last Elf by Dinledhwen (Tales/
Short Stories)
- LOTR Lines that Could Have Been Said by Someone Else by Rogorn,
with additions by others. (TopTens)
- One Glass Tear by Queen of Gondor (Poetry/ Epic)
- Mablung by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/ Acrostics / Drabbles)
- Pride and Despair by Evermind (Poetry/ Epic)
- Dress Your Pet contest launched. (Galleries)
- Awoken by Onono Laivindur (Poetry/ Epic)
- Update to Profiles: Fan Forever (Definitions/ Profiles)
- Elves by Dinledhwen (Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 6)
- Bilbo's Advice, Frodo's Eyes and The Nickname by Dinledhwen
(Tales/ Drabbles/ Din)
- Connectivity by Gentle-giant (Poetry/ Epic/ Individual)
- Large and varied amounts of items about Aragorn, each
under their respective categories as well as on the new Theme Page.
(Varied, plus Themes)
- Viggo's Aragorn by Rogorn (Musings)
- The Saga of Strider by Wielder of Narsil (Tales/ Serial)
- Greymantle by Varda (Poetry/ Epic)
- Haiku by Gentle-giant (Haiku/ Assorted 3)
- The Passing of the Elves by Dinledhwen (Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 6)
- Leaving the Shire by Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- The Abduction of Celebrian by NorthStar (Tales/ Serial)
- Guthlaf by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/ Acrostics/ Drabbles)
- The Sirens of Autumn by Lothithil (Portry/ Epic)
- A Sailor's Quest by jan-u-wine (Poetry/ Epic)
- Alone by Elenna (Poetry/ Epic), poetry menu created for Elenna.
- Have Sword Will Travel by Jennan O Possums (Songs/ LOTR 5)
- On Top of Ol' Mount Doom by Mallorn Nut (Songs/ LOTR 6),
Mallorn Nut added to Contributors.
- Bad Writing Contest closed.
September 1 - September 14, 2004
- Updates to serial tales
- Updates to Lord of the Coffee and
Bucklebury (Tales/ Serial Parodies)
- Updates to the Bad Writing Contest! (eww)
- Somewhere by Halona Treeclan (Poetry/ Epic)
- 2 cinquains by Ben-Hur (Poetry/ Cinquain/ Assorted)
- On the Knees of Mt. Doom by Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- Gimli's Humor by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Short Stories/ Inklets)
- Asfaloth by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/ Acrostics/ Drabbles)
- Boromir's Will by Onono Laivindur (Poetry/ Epic)
- Hairy drabble series by Silivren Ithildin (Tales/ Short
Stories/ Drabbles/ Silivren)
- The Winter of my Soul by boriel (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Sailing out of Life by Orangeblossom Took (Songs/ ObT 3)
- The Unexpected Visitor by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Short Stories/
- Assorted updates to Bookcovers gallery, ROTK Awards listings,
Magazine cover gallery, serial parodies.
- Additions to Middle Earth Moments (Tales/ Misc/ Moments 4)
- A Poem for Bilbo by GimliGuy (Poetry/Epic). Poetry menu created
for GimliGuy.
- Wicked Women: Tolkien and King Lear by Varda (Musings)
- Blue-eyes, Madame Lo(belia) and These are the Days by
Orangeblossom Took (Songs/ OBT 3)
- A Big Leap by Mrs. Frodo (Parodies)
- Frodo Lives by Laiquendi (Tales/ Misc)
- Tomorrow and Someday by Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- Assorted limericks added, 2nd page of LOTR limericks begun, 3rd
page of limericks for the Fans begun. (Poetry/
- Ulmo Bears Him Home by Evermind (Poetry/
- Weeping for Memory by Queen of Gondor
(Tales/ Short Stories)
- Gorbag and Lurtz in Canada in Vison
(Tales/ Parodies)
- Inside the Caves of Helm's Deep by
Minyavasiel (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Big Black Scary Mountain by Lothithil
(Songs/ Loth 5)
- Bad Writing contest extended to end of
- Dreams I've Had by TelcontarsAniron
(Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 6)
- Brave Bilbo by Onono Laivindur (Tales/
Short Stories/ Drabbles/ LOTR 2)
- The Weathering of the Storm by Halona
Treeclan (Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 6)
August 15 - August 31, 2004
- Updates to serial tales
- Updates to Lord of the Coffee and
Bucklebury (Tales/ Serial Parodies)
- Haven by Orangeblossom Took (Songs/ OBT 3)
- No More by Queen of Gondor (Poetry/ Epic)
- Summer's End by Orangeblossom Took (Poetry/ Epic)
- Earendil and the Ring of Doom by Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- Nob and Hama by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/ Acrostics/ Drabbles)
- Movie Lines We Love to Hate by Tarmiriel and various (Top Tens/
LOTR 6) Tarmiriel added to Contributors.
- Traces by Dinledhwen (Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 6)
- Do You Not Know? by Lalaith (Poetry/ Epic)
- Just Sleeping by Linaewen (Tales/ Serial Parodies/
- Remembrance by Evermind (Poetry/ Epic)
- The Story of the Last Elf by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Short Stories)
- DarkElf Recruited by Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- Samwise Says His Piece by Lothithil (Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 5)
- Celebrian by Avondster (Poetry/ Epic)
- A Hair Raising Tale by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Drabbles/ Din)
- Little Poem of an Elf by Minyavasiel (Poetry/ Individual),
Minyavasiel added to Contributors
- Book or Movie? LOTR by way of The Count of Monte Cristo by
Tarmiriel (Musings)
- Whistling Human Ranger by Orangeblossom Took (Songs/ OBT 3)
- Updates to Two of Swords by Orangeblossom Took (Tales/ Short
- Lady of Lorien by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/ Epic)
- This World of Men by Dinledhwen (Poetry/ Epic)
- Edges by MrsFrodo (Poetry/ Epic)
- Gandalf's Dilemma by Nuroreiel (Tales/ Drabbles/ Nuroreiel)
- Inklets page created under Short Stories.
- In the Hall of Fire by Firiel (Tales/ Short Stories/ Inklets)
- Gimli to the Rescue by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Short Stories/
- Joke by Elbereth (Other/ Jokes)
- Farewell to Valinor by Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- Erkenbrand by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/ Acrostics/ Drabbles)
- No Ordinary Storm by Evermind (Poetry/ Adaptations)
- Hair Tales by Lothithil and various (Poetry/ Misc)
- A Foolish Double Drabble by Nuroreiel (Tales/ Short Stories/
- The Stairs Before the Bridge of Khazad-Dum by Dinledhwen
(Tales/ Parodies)
- Updates to Details of ROTK (Toptens/ The Little Things)
- Baldor the Hapless by Ben Hur (Poetry/ Epic), Ben Hur added to
- A Lament for Eregion and The Song of the Sea by Ben Hur
(Poetry/Epic). poetry menu created for Ben Hur.
- The Battle of the Hornburg - a Script Change by Dinledhwen
(Tales/ Parodies)
- Faces in the Dark by Halona-Treeclan (Poetry/ Epic)
- Song of Frodobaggins by Primula (Poetry/ Adaptations/ Prim 3)
- Updates to ME Moments (Tales/ Misc/ Moments 4)
- Whistle While You Work by Vison (Songs/ LOTR 7)
- Updates to the Bad Writing Contest! (eww)
- Lothithil the Coffee Queen by HobbitNaga (Poetry/ Verses/ Fans
- The Forsaken by Evermind (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Love Intertwined our Hearts by Silivren Ithildin and Dinledhwen
(Poetry/ Epic, under both authors)
- The Problem by Silivren Ithildin (Tales/ Short Stories/
Drabbles/ Other)
- Faramir's Feedback by Lothithil (Poetry/ Misc/ Hair)
- Faramir's March by Agape4Rivendell (Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 6)
August 1 - August 14, 2004
- Updates to serial tales
- Updates to Bucklebury's LOTR parody (Tales/ Serial Parodies)
- Precious by Varda (Poetry/ Epic)
- No Admittance by Triba (Poetry/ Cinquain/ LOTR)
- Ranger in Waiting by Pippins Sunshine (Tales/ Serial)
- Gamling and Bob by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/ Acrostic/
- FredO's Journal of Howard Shore in Pittsburgh (Tales/ Journals)
- Gimli's Axe by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Short Stories/ Script Change)
- The Shire is Our Home and Bilbo the Riddling Burglar by
Lothithil (Songs/ Loth 5)
- Updates to Middle-earth Moments (Tales/ Misc/ Moments 3)
- DarkElf Reunites with Earendil by Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- My Last Kiss by Alatariel ElfQueen (Poetry/ Individual),
Alatariel added to Contributors.
- Ode to the Fanclub Boards by Simpetarwen (Poetry/ Verses/ Fans
- Eowyn's Diary by Alatariel ElfQueen (Tales/ Journals)
- A Lament for Boromir by Dinledhwen & Silivren Ithildin
(Poetry/ Epic, under both authors)
- Don't You Let Go and Calling Me
Home by Queen of Gondor (Poetry/ Epic)
- West Wind by Tinidril (Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 6)
- The NOG Song by Evermind (Songs/LOTR 7)
- Assorted limericks by Brave Hobbit (Poetry/ Limericks/ LOTR)
- A Hobbit Lullaby by Lothithil (Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 6)
- The Forgotten by Dinledhwen (Poetry/ Epic)
- Khamul by Halona Treeclan (Poetry/ Epic)
- Khamul the Black Easterling by Halona Treeclan (Tales/ Short
- Tolkien and the Internet by Varda (Musings) with response from
Brave Hobbit.
- A Day on the Heights by Lindorie (Tales/ Misc/ ME Moments 3)
- DarkElf Meets Calafalas of the Teleri and DarkElf Speaks to
Námo In Valinor by Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- Dark Love and To Sail by Onono Laivindur (Poetry/ Epic)
- Up In a Tree by Dinledhwen (Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 6)
- Allegiance by Queen of Gondor and Evermind (Tales/ Serial Tales)
- Gollum the Norman Overlord by Varda (Tales/ Misc)
- What Must I Do? by Nuroreiel (Poetry/ Epic)
- In the Peaceful Years by Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- Green Leaves by Dinledhwen (Poetry/ Epic)
July 20 - July 31, 2004
- Red Book board links, and button on the
index page added.
- Updates to assorted serial tales.
- Ghosts (Poetry/Epic) and My Ain True Love (Songs/ OBT 3) by
Orangeblossom Took
- Updates to Lord of the Coffee (Tales/ Serial Parodies)
- Assorted limericks for the old boards (Poetry/ Limericks/ Fans
- A Woodland Elf limerick by Dinledhwen (Poetry/ Limericks/ LOTR)
- Gimli's drabbles # 7-11 by vaires (Tales/ Drabbles/ Other)
- Conclusion of The Little Hunter (Tales/ Serial Tales)
- The Touch of Grief by Agape4Rivendell (Poetry/Epic)
- Letter to Boromir from Faramir by Faramirgirl (Tales/ Short
- Top Ten Things I Never Want to See on These Boards by Old Toby
(Top Tens/ Message Boards)
- Rosie by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/ Acrostics/ Drabbles)
- Sam's Eyes by Dinledhwen and Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/ Epic
under both names)
- Hollin's Lament for the Elves by Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- Faramir, My Love by Maiden of MinasTirith (Poetry/ Individual),
Maiden added to Contributors.
- Updates to Middle Earth Moments (Tales/ Misc/ Moments 3)
- Haiku for Bilbo by Triba and Lothithil (Poetry/ Haiku/ Assorted
- Haiku for Gilraen and Primula by Orangeblossom Took (Poetry/
Haiku/ OBT)
- Gandalf? Gandalf! by Onono (Poetry/ Epic)
- A Poem for Frodo by Gimliguy (Poetry/ Individual), Gimliguy
added to Contributors.
- Song from Gandalf to Saruman by WiseMithrandir (Songs 5)
- Will You Ever Return? by ArwenGermany (Poetry/ Epic)
- Traces by Dinledhwen (Poetry/ Epic)
- Run for Your Life by Orangeblossom Took (Songs/ OBT 3)
- The Gift and Palantiri by Lothithil (Songs/ Loth 5)
- The Last Ent Goes West by Vison (Poetry/ Epic)
- It's a Gift by Onono Laivindur (Poetry/ Verses/ Fans 6)
- Arwen's Gift to Frodo by Elenna (Musings)
- A Hiimalayan Middle-earth Moment by Aussie Hobbit (Tales/ Misc)
- Bad Writing Contest pages assembled and launched.
- In the Hands of the Valar by Evermind (Poetry/Epic)
- Elrond's Questions by Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- Aman (Haiku/ Assorted 3) and Evermind (Cinquains) by Triba
- Hamfast by Silivern Ithildin (Poetry/ Acrostic/ Drabbles)
- A large batch of limericks (Poetry/ Limericks/ Fans 2)
- The Watch and A Poem for Dark Elf by Onono Laivindur (Poetry/
- In a Land Where No Mallorn Tree Grew by Evermind (Poetry/ Epic)
- After the Battle by Halona Treeclan (Poetry/ Epic)
- On the Dark Side by The Foe Hammer (Songs 8)
- Updates to Bucklebury's LOTR Parody (Tales/ Serial Parodies)
- Smeagol Looked by Halona Treeclan (Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 6) and
The Museum (Poetry/ Epic)
- Defenders of Gondor by Berethor (Tales/ Serial), Berethor added
to Contributors.
- Varda and Avondster Meet an Ent by Varda (Tales/ Misc)
- Will I Remember by Queen of Gondor (Poetry/ Epic)
- Pippin's Tale by Agape4Rivendell (Tales/ Serial)
- Two of Swords by Orangeblossom Took (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Gloin by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/ Acrostic/ Drabbles)
- Conclusion of The Cottage of Lost Plays by Halona-Treeclan
(Tales/ Misc)
- ZZZZZ by Dinldehwen (Tales/ Drabbles), navigation menu added to
Din's drabbles.
- DarkElf and the Shoreline Pipers by Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- Conspiracy and Wanderer by Primula
- DarkElf and Elwing Meet in Alqualondë by Lothithil
(Poetry/ Epic)
- Aragorn & Arwen by Halona Treeclan (Songs/ LOTR 8)
July 11 - July 19, 2004
- The Mystery of Frodo by Varda (Musings)
- Updates to assorted serial tales.
- Bilbo's Greatest Moment by Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- Erestor and Halbarad by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/ Acrostic/
- Lord of the Coffee update (Tales/ Serial Parodies)
- What If? by NoroLimAsfaloth (Poetry/Epic). Poetry menu created.
- Rohan theme page mostly completed. Poll created for next Theme
- The Son of Tuor by Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- Some updates to the Links page.
- Rare Visits by Wheathills (Poetry/ Verses/ Fans 6)
- Board Games by pi (Poetry/ Verses/ Fans 6)
- The Mines of Moria by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Parodies)
- Limerick for the writers by Lothithil (Poetry/ Limericks/ Fans
July 1 - July 10, 2004
- Ioreth by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/
Acrostic/ Drabbles)
- ME Moments updated (Tales/ Misc), Triba added to Contributors.
- Haldir by Halona Treeclan (Poetry/ Epic)
- This Day in Middle Earth updated (Ref)
- Remember Me by Orangeblossom Took (Poetry/Epic)
- About Rohan and Rohan in Tolkien's Letters, compiled by Rogorn
- The Squabble by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Drabbles/ Din)
- Back at Last by Varda (Poetry/ Epic)
- Both Nine by Legolasgirl3 (Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 6) and a
limerick (Limericks/ LOTR). Legolasgirl3 added to Contributors.
- Prelude to a Journey by Lineawen (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Sun Setting Over Water by Orangeblossom Took (Poetry/ Epic)
- Strider's Eyes by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/ Epic)
- Lost by Agape4Rivendell (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Faramir and Eowyn by Queen of Gondor (Poetry/ Epic)
- Updates to assorted serial tales.
- Letter from a Soldier of Rohan by WiseMithrandir (Tales/ Short
Stories), and The Elven One (Poetry/ Individual).
- Pip's Decision by WiseMithrandir (Tales/ Short Stories),
WiseMithrandir added to Contributors
- Buckland by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/ Acrostics/ Drabbles)
- Tuile by ArwenGermany (Poetry/ Misc/ Non-English) and also
(Poetry/ Epic). Poetry menu created for ArwenGermany.
- A Streetcar Named Tolkien by Varda (Musings)
- The Challenges of Elromir Enerdhil by WiseMithrandir (Tales/
Short Stories)
- Elven Lembas Bread recipe by Elven Maiden (Other/ Recipes),
Elven Maiden added to Contributors.
- Going to the Airport by Linaewen (Tales/ Serial Parodies/
- A Poem for Denethor by TexasHobbit (Poetry/Epic)
- DarkElf Divided and DarkElf Greets the Mariner by Lothithil
(Poetry/ Epic)
- My Love by Silivren Ithildin and Dinledhwen (Poetry/ Epic, and
- Eowyn and Faramir by Halona Treeclan (Poetry/ Epic)
- On the Dark Stair by Aussie Hobbit (Poetry/ Epic)
- For Theodred by Evermind (Poetry/ Epic)
- The lotr Forums are Great by The Renewer (Poetry/ Verses/ Fans6)
- The Love of my Life by ArwenGermany (Poetry/ Epic)
- A wide and varied assortment of works for Rohan Day, each under
the new theme page as well as the appropriate category.
- Song of the Ainur by AussieHobbit (Poetry/ Epic)
- Update to LadyCoralie's Aussie in King Aragorn's Court (Tales/
Serial Parodies)
- Poetry menu created for Daisy Gold, Sevilodorf added to
- This Quiet Elf by Dinledhwen (Poetry/ Verses/ Fans6)
June 27 - June 30, 2004
- Updates to assorted serial tales
- Updates to Profiles (Definitions)
- Lights by Queen of Gondor (Poetry/ Epic)
- Brand New Day by Orangeblossom Took (Tales/ Short Stories)
- This Ring by Orangeblossom Took (Songs/ OBT 3)
- Like a Wind-blown Leaf by Dinledhwen (Poetry/Epic)
- Heroes acrostic by Orangeblossom Took (Poetry/ Acrostics/
Assorted), plus 2 haiku.
- The Home of Aulë, Off of the Map and Frodo's Joy by
Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- The Last Journey by Evermind (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Gimli's Decision by Halona Treeclan (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Updates to Lord of the Coffee (Tales/ Serial Parodies)
- Lost by Varda (Poetry/ Epic)
- Two are Better than One by NoroLimAsfaloth (Poetry/
Individual), NoroLim added to Contributors.
- Maiden Fair by Faithwalker (Poetry/ Individual), Faithwalker
added to Contributors.
- The Sign by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Drabbles/Din)
- Home is Where You Are by Pippin's Sunshine (Tales/ Drabbles/
- Parenthetical hugs added to Definitions.
- A spate of limericks on the "new" boards, collected by Old Toby
(Poetry/ Limericks/ Duels)
- Lothlorien by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/ Acrostics/ Drabbles)
- Precious by Varda (Poetry/ Verses/ Fans 6)
- The Witch King and The Fall by Squishee Samwise (Poetry/ Epic),
Squishee Samwise added to Contributors.
- Sonnets for Denethor, Shadowfax, Eomer and Theoden by Primula
(Poetry/ Epic)
- The Ring will come to Gondor by Varda (Tales/ Serial)
- Forging the Bonds of Morgoth by Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- Frodo vs. the Laptop by Auntkimby (Tales/ Parodies)
- The Song of the Smith by Evermind (Poetry/ Epic)
- Song of the Wind and Rosie's Questions by Halona Treeclan
(Poetry/ Epic)
June 10 - June 20, 2004
- Updates to assorted serial tales
- The Pony by Elvenstar (Poetry/ Verses/
Fans 5)
- The Fellowship of Brothers by Onono (Poetry/ Epic)
- Light After Shadow by Peregrine (Poetry/ Verses/ Fans 5)
- Frodo and Job by Lizmybit (Musings)
- The Little Things for ROTK by Celedor (TopTens)
- The Trial of JRR Tolkien by Varda (Tales/ Short Stories)
- If You Give a Hobbit a Mushroom by Laerlass (Tales/ Parodies)
- Assorted limericks about the new boards (Poetry/ Limericks/
Fans 2)
- My Hope by Onono (Poetry/ Epic)
- Goodbye Old Boards by Halona Treeclan (Poetry/ Verses/ Fans 5)
- Haiku by Lothithil and Old Toby (Poetry/ Haiku/ Assorted 3)
- Assorted drabbles (Tales/ Drabbles)
- Updates to Middle Earth Moments (Tales/ Misc)
- The Bottom is out of the Shire by Gimli's Goat (Poetry/
- The Ents are Moving by Silivren Ithildin (Tales/ Parodies)
- Frodo's Task by Elenna w/ responses (Musings)
- Lament for Lothlórien by Laerlass (Poetry/ Epic)
- Haldir and Eowyn by Evermind (Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 6)
- Gandalf the Angel by Daisy Gold (Musings)
- Pony Poem by Isilme (Poetry/Epic)
- Anborn by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/ Acrostic/ Drabbles)
- Continued updates to the Profiles page. (Definitions / Profiles)
- Treasures Most Precious by Peregrine (Poetry/ Epic)
- Boromir's Farewell by Onono (Poetry/ Epic)
- DarkElf Leaves the Mansions of Mandos by Lothithil (Poetry/
- Barley and Wheat by Varda (Poetry/ Epic)
- Theodred by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/ Acrostic/ Drabbles)
- My Shire Love by Orangeblossom Took (Songs/ OBT 3)
- 3rd page added to ME Moments (Tales/ Misc)
- I Lurk in the Shire by Angle2watchoverPippin (Poetry/ Verses/
Fans 5), Angel added to Contributors.
- Turning Pages by Onono (Poetry/ Epic)
- DarkElf Rides in Valinor by Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- Time of No Reply by Orangeblossom Took (Songs/ OBT 3)
- Goods and Services in Middle-earth by Daisy Gold (Top Tens/
- Murder Will Out and The Vala of the Hunt by Lothithil (Poetry/
- Da by Lithilien Quicksilver (Poetry/Epic)
- Updates to Bucklebury's LOTR parody (Tales/ Serial Parodies)
June 1 - June 9, 2004
- Updates to assorted serial tales
- I Hear by Dinledhwen (Poetry/
- Your Light by ArwenGermany (Poetry/ Individual)
- Dry Leaves by Mel Baggins (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Rivendell by Varda (Poetry/ Epic)
- Golden Hair by Onono Laivindur (Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR
- Home by Avondster (Poetry/Epic)
- The Tears of the High Man are Salty Like the Sea by
Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- Changes by Orangeblossom Took (Tales/ Misc)
- Musing on Pocket Handkerchiefs by Linaewen (Musings)
- The Board Family by Avondster (Musings)
- Children of the Boards by Avondster (Tales/ Parodies)
- O Middle Earth by Lothithil (Songs/ Loth 5)
- Assorted drabbles (Tales/ Drabbles)
- Conclusion of Oathbourne by Lothithil (Tales/ Serial)
- On Bag End Street by Orangeblossom Took (Songs/ Orangeblossom 3)
- Ecosystems by Fan Forever (Musings)
- Middle Earth Moments by Halona Treeclan (Poetry/ Verses/ Fans 5)
- Update to Lord of the Coffee (Tales/ Serial Parodies)
- Like an Elf I Will Feel by Dinledhwen (Poetry/ Verses/ Fans 5)
- Faramir Has Come Back by Varda (Poetry/ Epic)
- Top Ten Reasons that you Never Toss a Dwarf by Silivren
Ithildin (Top Tens/ LOTR 6)
- Gimli's Secret Revealed by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Drabbles/ Din)
- Hope and Faith by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/ Epic)
- Three Stars by Halona Treeclan (Poetry/Epic)
- One Last Alliance by Evermind (Poetry/Epic)
- The Conversation by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Misc)
- Why Should I Cry for You by Orangeblossom Took (Songs/ OBT 3)
- Gimli by Vaires (Tales/ Drabbles/ Other)
- DarkElf Goes West by Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- May It Be by Varda (Musings)
- Namarie, and Even Elbereth Weeps by Evermind (Poetry/Epic)
- My Faithful Friend, and Your Burden by Laerlass (Poetry/Epic).
Poetry menu created for Laerlass.
- The Courtship of Master Samwise by Rosie Cotton (Poetry/Epic)
- Radagast by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/Acrostic/ Drabbles)
- The Fellowship Crosses Caradhras by
onónë (Songs/ LOTR 5)
- Middle Earth Moments updated (Tales/ Misc)
- Ashlyn and Laerlass added to Contributors
- Profiles page created for members. (Definitions)
- Frodo on the Anduin by Frodo Baggins (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Two drabbles by Pippin's Sunshine (Tales/ Drabbles/ LOTR)
- Song for the Elves by TruElvenPrincess (Poetry/Epic)
- Two Cousins by Orangeblossom Took (Songs/ OBT 3)
- Merry and Pippin Gallery retired from the Scrapbook. (may be
reinstated upon request)
May 26 - May 31, 2004
- Updates to assorted serial tales
- Remembering Bill, and My Sam by Queen of
Gondor (Poetry/Epic)
- Gandalf's Lament by Agae4Rivendell (Poetry/ Epic)
- Middle Earth Fantasy by Onono Laivindur (Songs/ Onono 2)
- The Tour Guide by Peregrine (Tales/ Parodies)
- That Which They Call Mallë
Téra by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- Jade and Amber by Varda (Poetry/ Epic)
- A Halfling Shall Lead by Silivren Ithildin (Poeitry/ Epic)
- The One Kiss by Onono Laivindur (Poetry/ Epic)
- Drabbles by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Drabbles/ Din)
- A Cloak of Many Colours by Old Toby (Poetry/ Epic)
- My Light by Lalaith (Poetry/ Epic) Poetry menu created for
- Page created for Queen of Gondor's drabble collection. (Tales/
Drabbles/ Queen)
- Frodo and Gandalf; After the Ring by Lothithil (Tales/ Short
- Never Apart by Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- The Skateboards of Middle Earth by Varda (Tales/ Parodies)
- Smeagol's Debate by Shelob (Poetry/ Epic)
- Welcome to Middle Earth by Halona Treeclan (Tales/ Misc)
- Like a Thief in the Night by boriel (Poetry/ Epic)
- The Forgotten Prince by Evermind (Poetry/ Epic)
- Q & A with Jed Brophy at the PP (Other)
- Marian's Wish by Linaewen (Tales/ Parodies)
May 19 - May 25, 2004
- Updates to assorted serial tales
- Flight to the Ferry by Halona Treeclan
(Tales/ Parodies)
- Extended
menu options moved to their own page to clean up the main page.
Submissions page updated. Small navigational tweaks added.
- Butterbur, and Arod by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/ Acrostics/
- In Remembrance by Queen of Gondor (Poetry/ Epic)
- Frodo to Sam by Kingunderthemountain (Songs/ LOTR 4)
- The Missing by Shelob (Poetry/ Fixed Form/ Cinquain/ Shelob)
- A Light in the Door by Peregrine (Poetry/ Verses/ Fans 1)
- Last Journey of the Dwarf by Frodo Baggins (Poetry/ Epic)
- The Missing by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Serial)
- Love is For the Weak, and My Sister by Queen of Gondor (Poetry/
- Where She Lives by Halona Treeclan (Poetry/ Epic)
- A Single Kiss and My Brother, My Captain, My King by Evermind
- Top Ten Signs That You’re
Suffering From ROTK Withdrawal Symptoms by Dinledhwen (TopTens/
Obsession 3)
- Alas! For Love by Queen of Gondor (Tales/ Short Stories)
- I've Carried You by Avondster (Poetry/ Adaptations)
- Frodo's Dreme: The Sea-Bell by Lothithil (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Mithlond by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/ Acrostic/ Drabbles)
- Burial by Primula (Poetry/ Epic)
- Eowyn in Fever Pitch by Halona Treeclan (Poetry / Epic)
- Remember this Day, Little Brother by Queen of Gondor (Poetry/
- A drabble for Celeborn by Samwisegirl (Tales/ Drabbles/ LOTR)
- Fear by Dinledhwen (Poetry/ Epic)
- Shards of Broken Glass by Peregrine (Poetry/Epic)
May 10 - May 18, 2004
- At Peace by Queen of Gondor (Tales/Short Stories)
- 3 Double-Dactyls & 1 Drabble for Merry by onónë
(Poetry/Dactyls/onone), (Tales/Short Stories/ Drabbles/Merry)
- Updates to assorted serial tales
- The Mumakil & the Haradrim by jan-u-wine (Poetry/ Epic)
- Evil Days and A Ranger's Journey removed from Scrapbook at
author's request. (unfinished)
- Who But Boromir by Onone Laivindur (Poetry/Epic)
- Haldir of the Ancient Race by Queen of Gondor (Poetry/Epic)
- For the Sons of Feanor by Evermind (Poetry/Epic)
- Additions to Sauron's E-mail (Tales/ Parodies), King Lamoni
added to Contributors.
- Gimli the Axe Man by Lothithil (Songs/Loth 5)
- Conclusion of the Tale of Adulas by Dinledhwen (Tales/Serial)
- The White Tree by Highland Elf (Tales/Short Stories/Drabbles /
- The Balrog by Highland Elf (Poetry/Epic) Poetry menu created
for Highland Elf.
- Irreducible Took by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- Homebrew'd Delight by Lothithil (Songs/ Loth 5)
- The Tide by Dinledhwen (Poetry/Epic)
- The Last Goodbye by Shelob (Poetry/Epic)
- Middle Earth Moment by Vison (Poetry/Epic)
- Walking in the Dark by AuntKimby (Tales/ Short Stories)
- 4 Lantern Poems by JennanOPossums (Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 5)
- A Coherent Moral Universe by Dr. Gamgee & Varda (Musings)
- A Letter from the Author by JennanOPossums (Tales/ Short
Stories/ Drabbles / Merry)
- Imrahil by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/ Acrostic/ Drabbles)
- The Last Aisling by Varda (Poetry/Epic)
- A Lord of Gondor Falls by Queen of Gondor
- A
Poem about Lost Time, Faster & Faster, and I Wish to Live in
Middle-earth by Halona Treeclan (Poetry/Epic), poetry menu created for
- Lord of the Rings, Rock On! by I Voted for Mayor Gamgee (Ref)
- A Poem of Remembrance and Youth by Arianid Morningstar (Poetry/
- No Child of my Body by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- Lord Elrond, Too, Sheds Tears by Queen of Gondor (Poetry/Epic)
- The Last Ship by Evermind (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Mirkwood by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/ Fixed Form/ Acrostic/
- Eowyn's Song by Faye (Poetry/Epic)
- Drabbles Menu created under Tales.
- The Return of Eowyn's Stew by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Parodies)
- Where you are Bound by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- Dark by Mel Baggins (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Conclusion of Legacy of the Ringsbane by Lothithil. (Tales/
- Legolas' Tears by Arianid Morningstar (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Set of haiku by GondorianGirl (Poetry/ Haiku/ Assorted 3)
May 1 - May 9, 2004
- Updates to assorted serial tales.
- Letters to King Elessar by Tworivers (Tales/ Short Stories).
Tworivers added to Contributors.
- Time Immemorial by Orangeblossom Took (Tales/ Short Stories)
- The Standard of Aragorn Elessar by Lothithil (Songs/ Loth 5).
5th page created for Loth.
- For King Elessar by Bregalad (Poetry/ Haiku/ Assorted 3)
- I Can Avoid being Seen by boriel (Poetry/ Epic)
- Uruks, Bregalad and Bag End by Silivren Ithildin
(Poetry/Acrostic /Drabbles)
- Sadness of an Elf Queen by Queen of Gondor (Poetry/Epic)
- Gandalf by billylover (Poetry/ Individual), billylover added to
- >Cinquains for Rivendell by Shelob (Poetry/Fixed Form/
Cinquain/ Shelob)
- Four Wheel Through Mordor by Queen of Gondor (Tales/ Parodies)
- Definitions page created for Alternate Characters table and
basic html tags. (Definitions)
- The Last Lap by Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- Aragorn's Hair by Dinledhwen & Aragorn's Revenge by
Lothithil (Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 1)
- Pippin Looked by Avondster (Tales/ Parodies)
- Scars by Orangeblossom Took (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Denethor's Appendix by Varda, with Linaewen & Tworivers
- It is Good to Not be the King by Lothithil (Poetry/ Verses/
- Gollum's Hair by Dinledhwen & Best Hair by Lothithil
(Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 5)
- Waitin' in the Havens Grey by Orangeblossom Took (Songs/ OBT 3)
- The Dwarvish Delegate Speaks out on Hair by Lothithil, with
addendum by
Nuroreiel (Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 5), also Hair, Maia Style.
- We Shall Not Meet Again by Evermind (Poetry./ Epic)
- A Poem about Lost Sleep by Halona Treeclan (Poetry/Verses/ LOTR
- Where the NOGs are by Lothithil (Songs/ Loth 5)
- Grey Hooded Wanderer by Faye (Poetry/Epic) Poetry menu created
for Faye.
- Birthday Poem for Lyria (Poetry/ Verses/ Fans1)
- Lines in the Sand by Doctor Gamgee (Musings)
- Aragorn by billy lover (Poetry/ Epic). Poetry menu created for
billy lover.
- Assorted items for Meriadoc Day. (everywhere), Merry't Theme
page under construction. (Themes)
- Sauron's E-mail Quiz by FredO (Tales /Parodies), Additions to
E-mail Quizzes by various, FredO added to Contributors.
- Desperate Fever by Kingunderthemountain (Tales/ Short Stories)
- A Conspirator's Story by Kaybaggins (Poetry/ Epic)
- Gnawing Doubts and Sailing to Elvernesse by Lothithil (Tales/
Short Stories)
- Like Lightning from a Clear Sky by Varda (Tales/ Misc.)
- Cinquains and Acrostic for Merry by Shelob
(Poetry/Cinquain/Shelob) & (Poetry/Acrostic)
April 21 - April 30, 2004
- Updates to assorted serial tales.
- Sam's Thoughts by Silivren Ithildin (Tales/ Journals)
- The Very Private Papers of Gimli, Son of Glin by NorthStar
(Tales/ Short Stories)
- Master of the Hill by Lothithl (Tales/ Serial)
- Unless I Fall by Mrs. Frodo (Poetry/Haiku/LOTR 3)
- Assorted drabbles added (Tales/ Short Stories/ Drabbles)
- Top Ten Signs of NOG Withdrawl by Calafalas (TopTens/
- Ghosts by AuntKimby (Tales/Serial)
- Cymberlie Undumbiel: A Mary Sue for the Ages by
Auntkimby (Tales/ Parodies)
- Lullaby from Sam to Frodo and Son of a Steward Man by
Orangeblossom Took (Songs/ OBT 2)
- Time by Dinledhwen (Poetry/Epic)
- Angmar by The Foe Hammer (Poetry/ Epic)
- Why Frodo Should Never Play Poker by Lothithil (Songs/
Loth 4)
- I Dreamt a Dream by Queen of Gondor (Tales/ Short
- In the Presence of Beauty by Lothithil (Poetry /Epic)
- Third page of songs created for OBT. In the Garden by
Orangeblossom Took (Songs/ OBT 3)
- Menu of ice-creams and desserts added. (Definitions)
- Drabble page created for Nuroreiel (Short Stories/
- Eowyn illumination added to Picturepage (Galleries)
- Denethor's Madness by Lothithil (Songs/ Loth4)
- Keeper of the Entwives by Halona Treeclan (Tales/
Short Stories)
- Merry Rides to Battle by Varda (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Updates to This Day in ME by Lindorie (Ref)
- Gimli's Wonder by Faye (Poetry/Individual)
- The War of the Epics by Varda (Musings)
- In This Life and Summer Straw by jan-u-wine
- The Party Tree by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry / Epic)
- The King and His Captain by Linaewen (Poetry/Epic)
- Like the Stars by Dinledhwen (Poetry/Epic)
- Voices by Varda (Poetry/ Epic)
- Gandalf by NcTrHeel (Poetry/ Individual)
- Elladan and Elrohir by Silivren Ithildin
- Elessar the King by Old Toby (Poetry/Epic)
- A Took by Onono Laivindur (Poetry/Epic)
- Ring by Elvenstar (Poetry/ Verses /LOTR 3)
April 12 - April 20, 2004
- Updates to assorted serial tales.
- The Beginning of a Dangerous Business by Orangeblossom Took
(Tales/ Short Stories)
- You Can't Always Get What You Want by Orangeblossom Took
(Songs/ OBT 2)
- Updates made to the ongoing Boromir Musing (Musings)
- The Shadows of the Perk by Lothithil (Tales/ Serial Parodies/
Coffee 24)
- Linaewen and the List of Doom (Tales/ Serial Parodies/
- Ithilien (Poetry/ Acrostics/ Drabbles) and Pippin's Hurt
(Tales/Short Stories/ Drabbles) by Silivren Ithildin
- Two drabbles by Gaeranna (Tales/ Short Stories/ Drabbles/ LOTR)
- Five poems by Laurwen, Poetry menu created for Laurwen
- Updates to Middle Earth Moments (Tales/ Misc.)
- You Don't Mess Around with Sam by Lothithil (Songs/ Loth 4)
- I Will Follow by Orangeblossom Took (Songs/ OBT 2)
- Several bookcovers added to the gallery with thanks to
Narquelie and LuLu (Galleries/ Bookcovers). Navigation added.
- Peter Jackson Can by HobbitNaga (Songs/ LOTR 9)
- Assorted drabbles added. (Tales/ Short Stories/ Drabbles)
- Gollum's Search for a Friend by Faye (Tales/Parodies), Faye
added to Contributors.
- Frodo's Eyes by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/Epic)
- Ode to Sam Gamgee by Mr. Smeagol by Faye (Poetry/Verses/ LOTR 5)
- Hate and Hunger by Varda (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Goodnight Samwise by Orangeblossom Took (Songs/ OBT 2)
- In Silence by Dinledhwen (Poetry/Epic)
- A Sleepless Malice by Queen of Gondor (Poetry/Epic)
- Two cinquains for Shelob, by Shelob (Poetry/Fixed Form/
- Fellowship haikus by Laurwen (Poetry/Haiku/LOTR 2)
- Top Ten Director's Versions of the Hobbit we don't want to see
by The Foe Hammer (Toptens/ LOTR 6)
- Updates to This Day in M-E History by Lindorie (Ref)
- As a Father by Evermind (Poetry/Epic)
April 1 - April 11, 2004
- Updates to assorted serial tales.
- A Spring Drowning by Orangeblossom Took (Tales/ Short
- The Song of the Elves by Rosie Cotton (Poetry/ Epic)
- The Fellowship of the Ring ala Gilbert & Sullivan
by onone (Songs/ Longer)
- Someday by Overlithe (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Limericks by Dinledhwen and NcTrHeel13 (Limericks/
- Boromir's Ride by Onono Laivindur (Tales/ Short
- Celeborn by Siliven Ithildin (Poetry/ Acrostics)
- My Dear Friend by Queen of Gondor (Songs/ LOTR 9)
- Why Can't We be Friends? by Tori*Took (Songs/ Tori)
- Elrond's Infirmary and Take a Walk on the Gold Side
by Orangeblossom Took (Songs/ Orangeblossom 2)
- Additions to Bookcover and Poster galleries, with thanks to
LuLu for Chinese editions.
- White Flowers for a Warrior by Evermind (Poetry/Epic)
- The Shopkeeper by Elen Lilta (Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 5)
- Part-time Nog-ger by Gondorian Girl (Songs/ LOTR 3)
- Gallery of ROTK sketches from the credits added, thanks to
FredO and FirebrandX. (Galleries)
- INN (Istari Network News) added to Definitions page.
- The Last Spring by Orangeblossom Took (Tales/ Short Stories/
Drabbles/ Frodo)
- A Dribble or Drooble for ME by Vison (Poetry/Verses/ LOTR 5)
- Boromir: the Living and the Dead by Varda (Musings)
- The Heart of Aragorn King by Texas Hobbit (Poetry/ Epic)
- Boromir's Ride by Onono moved to Serial Tales
- An Elf, a Man and a Dwarf by Silivren Ithildin (Tales/ Short
- The Starlit Tomb by Varda (Poetry/Epic)
- Eomer is Loyal by Vaires (Tales/ Short Stories). Vaires added
to Contributors.
- The Last Goodbye and Frodo's Lament by Orangeblossom Took
(Songs/ OBT 2)
- The Sneezing Elf by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Parodies)
- The Secret Passage and Withywindle Valley by Shelob (Poetry/
- The Lay of Boromouse by Varda (Tales/ Serial Parodies/ Mice)
- Pip & the Lad Who Wanders, and Tea by jan-u-wine (Poetry/
March 27 - March, 31 2004
- Updates to assorted serial tales.
- The Bluest Eyes by Auntkimby (Tales/ Parodies)
- Sailing by Dinledhwen (Songs/ LOTR 1)
- The Departure of Boromouse by Varda (Tales/ Serial
Parodies/ Mice)
- The True Fellowship by Indis (Essays)
- Wargs by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/ Verses/ Acrostic
- Frodo's Last Look by Overlithe (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Today is the Day by samwisegirl (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Acrostics & Alliterations menu added (Poetry)
- Menu browsing added to Acrostic Drabbles by Silivren Ithildin.
(Poetry/ Acrostics)
- Time is a White Tree by Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- A Brother's Love by samwisegirl (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Loneliness by Dinledhwen (Poetry/ Epic)
- Grey Shadows by Firiel (Poetry/ Individual)
- Pluralism in The Lord of the Rings by
elenna (Musings)
- Orcs by Silivren Ithildin
- Various drabbles (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Top Ten Reasons Why Aragorn May Reconsider His Marriage To
Arwen by Dinledhwen (Top Tens/ LOTR 6)
- Top Ten Reasons Why Arwen May Reconsider Her Marriage to
Aragorn by Primula (Top Tens/ LOTR 6)
- Ring-olution by Lothithil (Songs/ Loth 4)
- About Denethor by Rogorn (Musings)
March 20 - March, 26 2004
- Updates to assorted serial tales.
- Faramir Muses by Tori*Took (Tales/ Short Stories)
- The Warlords of Odin by Varda (Musings)
- The Television Show by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Short
Stories/ Drabbles/Other)
- Rosie's Confession by Dr. Gamgee (Tales/ Short
Stories) parts I and II.
- Conclusion of Aldamir, Elf of Lorien by Frodo Baggins
(Tales/ Serial)
- Don't Say Goodbye by Evermind (Poetry /Epic)
- This Day in Middle-earth History... by Lindorie -
page created for compiling. (Ref)
- Additional entry to Sam's Journal by Silivern
Ithildin (Tales/ Journals)
- Lord of the Ringers by Lothithil (Songs/ Loth 4)
- Birthday limericks for Queen of Gondor by Shelob
& Primula (Poetry/ Limericks/ Fans)
- The Toybiz Addict by Varda (Tales/Misc)
- Browsing by author added to Miscellaneous Tales.
- Deagol's Poem by The Foe Hammer (Poetry/ Epic)
- Welcome Back, Mr. Frodo by Fellowshipfan (Tales/
Short Stories)
- Parting Thoughts by Onono (Tales/ Short Stories/
Drabbles/ LOTR)
- The White and the Grey by Scothia (Poetry/Epic)
- Elvish Names, a collection of the translated handles
of the fans, compiled by Bregalad (Other)
- Additions to LOTR smilies section of Bookloaf smilies
- Alphabetic browsing by title added to Parodies.
- Middle-earth Moments page started. (Tales / Misc.)
- Assorted other Drabbles.
- A Middle-earth New Year's Poem by The Foe Hammer
(Poetry/ Epic)
- RingDay by Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- Limerick for Sam by Princess of Mirkwood
(Poetry/Limericks/LOTR), Princess of Mirkwood added to Contributors
- Here at the End at Last by Queen of Gondor (Poetry/
- Eomer Brought Theodred Home by Varda (Poetry/Epic)
- Trapped by casper (Poetry/Epic)
- The Rumor of My King by Evermind (Poetry/Epic)
- Crawling up the Mountain by Orangeblossom Took
(Songs/ Orangeblossom 2)
- We Love the Pony by Simpetarwen (Poetry/ Verses/ Fans
- Ten Thousand Years will not Suffice by
Agape4Rivendell (Tales/ Serial)
- Conclusion of Eomer and Legolas by Peregrine (Tales/
- Mischief by Mel Baggins (Tales/ Short Stories)
- A Tale of Two Hobbits by Peregrine (Tales/ Serial)
- From Ashes by Mrs. Frodo (Poetry/Epic)
- You Must by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/Epic)
- I Got You Friend, A Song from Smeagol and Wraiths in
theWind by Calafalas (Songs/ Cal)
- Ain't No Smeagol Now He's Gone and The Shady Wraith
by Lothithil (Songs/ Loth 4)
- Song from the Smeagol Mobile by Doctor Gamgee (Songs/
- Fighting in the Street by Marion (Songs/ LOTR
2), Marion added to Contributors.
- A Shadow by Queen of Gondor (Poetry/ Epic)
- I Could have Fought All Night by onone (Songs/ LOTR 2)
- Walking in Mordor by Gondorian Girl (Songs/ LOTR 3)
March 11 - March 19, 2004
- Updates to assorted serial tales.
- In Mordor by Mim (Songs/9)
- Faramir and Eowyn by Onen i-Estel Edain (Tales/ Short
- Additions to poster gallery. (Galleries)
- At the End of All Things by Lalaith (Poetry/ Individual)
- Horse of Rohan by Aredhel Ar-Feiniel (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Please Stay with Me, Far Away and Until the End by Queen of
Gondor (Poetry/ Epic)
- Assorted drabbles (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Into Darkness by Avondster (Serial Tales)
- To Destroy the Undestroyable Ring by Mim (Songs/ 9)
- Still Round the Corner by Queen of Gondor (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Sauron's Song by Lithilien Quicksilver (Songs / 1)
- Additions to LOTR Bookcovers gallery. (Galleries)
- Updates to Cast listing (Ref)
- Let Me Fall and The Stoor by Orangeblossom Took (Songs/
Orangeblossom 2)
- Frodo's Burden by Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- Merry Pippin by Mim (Songs/ 9)
- For Frodo, Love Sam and Anduril by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/
- Against Hope by Orangeblossom Took (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Frodo's Choice by Peregrine (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Final chapter of Brothers in all But Blood (Serial Tales)
- Sadness and Swift Sunrise by Queen of Gondor (Poetry/ Epic)
- The Rain by Dinledhwen (Poetry/Epic)
- The Good with the Bad by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/ Epic)
- No One for Me by Holly Baggins (Poetry/ Epic)
- St. Patrick's Day LOTR Limericks and additions to Limericks
about the Fans (Poetry/ Limericks)
- The Lady Eowyn and Why by Onono Laivindur (Poetry/ Epic)
- I Know Your Face, You Stole My Heart and How Much I Missed You by Queen of
Gondor (Poetry/ Epic)
- A Short Eowyn Poem by Evermind and a double-dactyl for Eowyn by
Bluebell (Poetry/ Verses/ Theme/ Eowyn)
- Additions to Eowyn Haiku page by Bregalad and Frodo Baggins
(Poetry/ Haiku/ Theme/ Eowyn)
- A Song of Ithilien by Evermind (Poetry/Epic)
- Poetry menu created for Scothia (Poetry/Epic)
- Cry for Gondor by NorthStar (Poetry/Epic)
- Where have You Gone? by Agape4Rivendell (Poetry/Epic)
- The New Sam by Samwisegirl (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Hobbit Porridge by Primula (Other/Recipes)
- I Love The Prancing Pony by Lothithil (Songs/ Loth 4)
- The Fourth Age by Lindorie (Musings)
- Journal Entry by Samwise Gamgee by Silivren Ithildin (Tales/
- Alphabetical browsing by author added to Musings.
March 1 - March 10, 2004
- Updates to assorted serial tales.
- Heading South by Linaewen (Tales/ Serial Parodies/
- Limericks by pi and Dinledhwen
- Laire by ArwenGermany (Poetry/Non-English)
- Song of the Void and Bag End Lullaby by Lothithil
- The Second Meeting and Spring is Coming by Dinledhwen
- Riding Home by Varda (Poetry/Epic)
- Brothers in all but Blood by pippiinmerry (Tales/
Short Stories)
- Taking Care of You, Not Alone and Beneath these
Boughs of Green
no More by Queen of Gondor (Poetry/Epic)
- Cousins by Illuvatar moved to Serial Tales.
- Listen by Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- Updates to lyrics page (Ref/ Lyrics)
- Additions to the Riddle Contest. (Other)
- The Wind is in the West by Holly Baggins, Poetry Menu
created for Holly Baggins (Poetry/Epic)
- Burden by casper (Poetry/Epic)
- Assorted tales, poems and other writings for Eowyn
Day, each under their categories.
- He Will N'er Be Back, The Door of the Voices and
Finely Crafted by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- Orc Sign by Auntkimby (Tales/Short Stories)
- A Song to Say Goodbye by Rosie Cotton (Poetry/Verses/
Fans 5)
- The Best of Times by Tori*Took (Songs/Tori*Took)
- Sam's Crush, Shire Love Song and This Dumb Ring by
Lothithil (Songs/ Loth 4)
- Safe in my Arms by Queen of Gondor (Poetry/Epic)
- Gimli, Gloin's Son by Mathom (Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 5)
- At Journey's End by Queen of Gondor (Poetry/Epic)
- He's an Elf by Rosie Cotton (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Untitiled thank you by Nora (Poetry/ Epic/ Individual)
- No One by Dinledhwen (Poetry/Epic)
- The Scrapbook Awards by Queen of Gondor (Tales/ Misc)
- The Steward by Orangeblossom Took (Songs/
Orangeblossom 2)
- Theoden's Story by Nora (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Half a Moment by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- Brothers in all but Blood by pippinmerry moved to
Serial Tales.
- Friends? by Nuroriel (Poetry/Epic), Poetry menu
created for Nuroreiel
- Updates to Lord of the Coffee (Serial Parodies)
- Various drabbles (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Jilted by Varda (Musings)
- Of Shadowfax by Aredhel Ar-Feiniel (Tales/ Short
Stories) Aredhel Ar-Feiniel added to contributors list.
- Daughter of Kings by Evermind (Serial Tales)
- Belladonna Took by Belladonna Took (Tales/ Short
- All Tuckborough will Kneel by pippinmerry
- Eowyn, Lady of Rohan by Kay Baggins (Poetry/Epic)
also, Fixed Form.
- Squish by Starlinguk (Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 5)
- Before the Battle by NorthStar (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Tireless by Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- A Merry Moment by Nuroreiel (Tales/ Short Stories)
- B-I-N-G-O by Dr. Gamgee (Songs/ 8)
- Fishtail by Silivren Ithildin (Tales/ Short Stories/
Drabbles - Other)
- A Happy Time by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/ Epic)
- Darkness and Silence by Peregrine (Tales/Short
- I'm Merry Brandybuck and His Name was Frodo by
Peregrine (Songs/4)
February 21 - February 29, 2004
- Updates to assorted serial tales.
- Drabbles
by starlinguk & Dinledhwen (Tales/Short Stories/Other Drabbles),
boriel (Tolkien
Drabbles) and Silivren Ithildin (Acrostic Drabbles)
- The Mirage and The First Meeting by Dinledhwen
(Poetry/ Epic)
- Tolkien's Frodo by Varda (Musings) with comment by
- Frodo, the Man with No Name by Vison (Musings)
- Drabble by Daisy Gold (Tolkien Drabbles), Daisy Gold added to
contributors list.
- Additions to the Riddle Contest (Other)
- My Rock by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/Epic)
- Summoned, Arwen's Song and Elf Dreams by Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- My Brother, Gandalf, Eomer's Song and Eowyn's Sacrifice by
Evermind (Poetry/Epic)
- On the Shore, Loneliness, False Truth and Hopeless by Queen of
Gondor (Poetry/ Epic)
- To Whatever End by Mel Baggins (Tales/Serial)
- Additions to Haiku (Poetry/ Haiku /Assorted LOTR 2)
- Escape from the Iron Mountain by Varda moved to Serial Tales.
- Helm's Deep, Sea Longing, Shelob, A Friend in Me, Ride of the
Rohirrim, Bill the Pony and At the Ford by casper (Poetry/ Epic)
- Danger's Door by Onono (Poetry/Epic)
- More updates to serial tales, assorted drabbles, haiku and
- Song for Eowyn (Poetry/Epic) and Through Shadow by Queen of
Gondor (Tales/ Short Stories)
- DarkElf at Work and Age of the Sun by Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- The Sword that was Bent by Varda (Tales/ Misc)
- There's No Accounting for Humans by Northstar (Tales/ Parodies)
- He Tarries and I Grieve by Linaewen (Poetry/ Fixed Form/
February 15 - February 20, 2004
- Updates to assorted serial tales.
- Waiting on the Edge of a Battle by Varda (Poetry/Epic)
- Alphabetic browsing by title added to Short Stories, Tales menu
- I Can’t Let Go by Agape4Rivendell (Poetry/Epic)
- That Which Waits by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- Lament for Galadriel by Evermind, Poetry page created for
Evermind (Poetry/Epic)
- Shadows from the Past by RosieCotton (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Additions to the For Your Consideration gallery. (Galleries)
- Of Hobbits and Valor by samwisegirl (Tales/ Short Stories)
- From Frodo by Queen of Gondor (Tales/ Journals)
- Once Upon a Time in Ithilien by Varda (Tales/Short Stories)
- For Frodo by boriel (Poetry/ Epic)
- Claiming It, Another Day, Misery, Except for Me and 7 other
poems by casper (Poetry/ Epic)
- Updates to Lord of the Coffee (Tales/Serial Parodies) and
various drabble collections (Tales/ Short Stories/ Drabbles)
- Below the Golden Elves by Peregrine (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Were you a Friend of Boromir? by Varda (Musings)
- Frodo's Endurance by Fan Forever (Musings)
- Galadriel by Evermind (Poetry/Epic)
- The Stream and They Have Gone West by Dinledhwen (Poetry/ Epic)
- Fading into the West by pi (Poetry/Epic)
- Arwen and My Enemy,Myself and Bane by Queen of Gondor
- Unnecessary Middle-Earth Retail Ventures by Mrs. Frodo
(TopTens/ LOTR 6)
- A Baggins Tale (a Lullaby) by Onono (Songs/ Onono)
- The Healing Hall by Orangeblossom Took (Songs/ OBT 2)
- Assorted drabbles by Nuroriel & Silivren Ithildin.
- My Dearest Wish and A Shadow and a Thought by Silivren Ithildin
- A Poem About the Havens by Holly Baggins (Poetry/ Epic/
Individual). Holly Baggins added to Contributors page.
- A Conversation with "my" Frodo by Vison (Tales/
- When Obfuscation Masquerades as Artistry by Dr. Gamgee
- The Grey Veil by Orangeblossom Took (Tales/ Short
- Firefly by Queen of Gondor (Tales/ Short Stories)
- My Anchor by Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- RastaFrodo by Lothithil (Songs/ Loth 4)
- Cousins by Illuvatar (Tales/ Short Stories)
February 6 - February 14, 2004
- Updates to assorted serial tales.
- Evening Star by Varda (Tales/ Short Stories)
- The Dream of Theoden by NorthStar (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Dark Elf Seeks Daeron by Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- Into the West by Illuvatar (Poetry/Epic)
- Sam’s Hand Should Not Be Broken by Auntkimby (Tales/ Short
- Bag End Lane by Orangeblossom Took (Songs/ Orangeblossom)
- A Hero of Gondor by Vison (Tales/ Short Stories)
- LOTR lines that could have been said by somebody else by Rogorn
(TopTens/ 6)
- No Longer Stands by Evermind (Poetry/ Single Poems)
- Fly Away by Queen of Gondor (Poetry/Epic)
- 2 drabbles by Samwisegirl, 1 by Nuroriel (Tales/ Short Stories/
- King Elessar by Calafalas (Songs/Calafalas)
- Four Hobbits And A Wedding by Varda (Musings)
- Arwen’s Fate is now Bound to the Ring by Diamond Took (Musings)
- Various limericks by pi, sorted under their topics
- Eowyn, Shieldmaiden of Rohan by Vison (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Got to Go Back by Orangeblossom Took (Songs/ Orangeblossom 2)
- The Oliphaunt by Peregrine (Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 1)
- Thoughts on Elrond by Petunia (Musings)
- Additions to For Your Consideration gallery (Galleries)
- Betrayal or Mercy by Overlithe (Musings)
- Dark End by Lothithil (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Stone Speech by Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- Frodo Lives: A Critical Analysis of LOTR by gentlegiant (Essays)
- Faramir, the G. Q. guy from Gondor by Vison (Musings)
- The Limerick of the Ring by Doctor Gamgee (Poetry/Limericks)
- A Ringer's Guide to Having a RW Job yg Avondster
- Acrostic drabbles (Poetry/Verses/Acrostics) by Silivren Ithildin
- The Last Elf by Dinledhwen (Poetry/ Limericks/ LOTR)
- Lifeless by Illuvatar (Poetry/Epic)
- Where are We Going by jan-u-wine (Poetry/ Epic)
- Home Sweet Shire by Queen of Gondor (Poetry/ Epic)
- Speak Softly and Hit Hard by Varda and others (TopTens/
Obsession 3)
- Top 25 Ways your behaviour has changed since you're a Ringer by
Rogorn (TopTens/ Obesession 1)
- Top Ten Things for Ringers to do once the EE DVD is Out by The
Foe Hammer (TopTens/ Messageboards)
- It Was a Gift, Keep It by Silivern Ithildin (Poetry/ Epic)
- My Heart by Illuvatar (Poetry/Epic)
- Assorted drabbles. (Tales/Short Stories/ Drabbles)
- Beginnings & Endings by pippinmerry moved to Serial Tales.
- Undomiel Ortanë (Evenstar Rising) by Queen of Gondor moved
to Serial Tales.
- Taters in my Skillet by Calafalas (SOngs/ Calafalas)
- A Kiss to Chase the Dark by Orangeblossom Took (Poetry/Haiku/
- A Middle Earth Counting Rhyme by Evermind (Poetry/ Verses/
- Arwen and Aragorn by Queen of Gondor (Poetry/ Epic)
- Sam's Love Song by Rosie Cotton (Poetry/Epic)
- Addition made to Poster Gallery.
- The Valentine by Dinledhwen (Poetry/ Other Verse/ Valentines)
- Why doesn't Frodo let go? by Varda (Musings)
February 1 - February 5, 2004
- This Sandy Shore by Dinledhwen (Poetry/Verses/ LOTR 1)
- Drabbles by Silivren Ithildin (Tales/ Tolkien Drabbles)
- Gone by casper (Poetry/Epic)
- Updates to assorted serial tales.
- Song of Saruman by Shelob (Poetry/Epic)
- The Promise of Spring and If Only by Dinledhwen (Poetry/ Epic)
- Poetry menu created for Celebrian.
- Saruman by Highlad Elf (Tales/Short Stories)
- For Frodo: The Darkness by Vison (Poetry/Epic)
- In Eagle's Hands and A Mighty Duo by Silivren Ithildin
- The Lesser of Evils by Lothithil (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Anna Helleo by ArwenGermany (Poetry/Non-English)
- Undomiel Ortanë (Evenstar Rising) by
Queen of Gondor (Tales/ Short Stories)
- A Little Help from my Friends by Pippinmerry (Tales/Serial)
- A selection of cinquains by Shelob (Poetry/Cinquains/Shelob)
- If the Eagles Had Not Come by Lithilien Quicksilver
- Boromir's Dream by Varda (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Additions to For Your Consideration gallery (Galleries),
updates to Lord of the Coffee (Serial Parodies), ROTK Awards page (Ref)
- A Reunion of Brothers by Avondster (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Dear Sam by TexasHobbit (Poetry/Epic), Poetry Menu created for
- "Eomer and Legolas" moved to Serial Tales.
- Alternate Endings We're Glad Peter Didn't Consider by Mel
Baggins (TopTens/ LOTR5)
- My Chosen Road and As the Sun Sets by Queen of Gondor (Poetry/
- Gwaihir and Frodo's Heart by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/Epic)
- News from Bree: The Elvenbowl by Vison (Tales/Parodies)
- The Two Paths by Dinledhwen (Poetry/Epic)
- Never Left by TinuvielwithHim (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Whose hand held you last night? by Orangeblossom Took
- Contents listing for the Scrapbook project. (Other/Project)
January 27 - January 31, 2004
- Additions for For Your Consideration gallery (Galleries)
- Spiders Can't Hurt You by Varda (Tales/ Short Stories)
- And Then There were Two by Mel Baggins (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Loong Have I Searched by Dinledhwen (Poetry/Epic)
- Eirol by Onono Laivindur (Poetry/Epic)
- Soon by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- Picture added to Picturepage (Galleries), updates to Bucklebury
parody (Tales/ Serial Parodies)
- Boromir, My Brother by The Foe Hammer (Poetry/Epic)
- Echoes and The Dream by Dinledhwen (Poetry/Epic)
- A Dark Poem by Peregrine (Poetry/Epic)
- The Rage and the Ring by TexasHobbit (Poetry/ Single)
- Ringbearer's Blues and Are You Scared? by Lothithil (Songs/
Loth 4)
- Longing by Mel Baggins (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Who Fears to Speak? by Varda (Poetry/ Epic)
- Shadows and Sunlight by Elenna (Tales/ Serial)
- Elves by Illuvatar (Poetry/Epic)
- Leoglas' Eyes by Queen of Gondor (Poetry/Epic)
- Aragorn's Coronation and Mordor's Not My Home by Calafalas
January 19 - January 26, 2004
- Assorted additions to serial tales.
- Frodo and Denethor by Lothithil (Tales/ Serial)
- Depth of Subtle Brillance by Doctor Gamgee (Musings)
- Honour - for Boromir and Elessar by Eowyn of Ithilien (Poetry/
- Scenes from a Showing by NorthStar (Tales/ Misc)
- Updates to ROTK Awards page (Ref)
- The Steward Speaks by Vison (Poetry/Adaptations)
- Drabbles by samwisegirl, Lisse, AuntKimby, Primula and Dr.
Gamgee (Tales/Short Stories/ Tolkien Drabbles)
- Elessar of the House of Strider and Merry and Pippin by
Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/ Epic). Poetry menu created for Silivren.
- Lamplight by Varda (Tales/ Short Stories)
- The Broken Heart of Gondor by Queen of Gondor (Tales/ Short
- Old version of Message Board index mocked up for use.
- They Were Cats Once by Varda (Tales/ Serial Parodies/Mice)
- A Hairy Tale by Dinledhwen (Tales/ Parodies)
- Lords of Gondor by Linaewen (Tales/ Serial)
- Frodo the Brave by Varda (Musings)
- Never Dare by Varda (Poetry/Epic)
- Imposter by NorthStar (Tales/Serial)
- A Song for Saruman by Calafalas (Songs/ Calafalas)
- Roll Out the Barrel by mousechief (Songs/LOTR 1)
- The Envelope by AuntKimby (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Goodbye by Illuvatar (Poetry/ Epic/ Single)
- Thank You, Mr. Jackson by Fellowshipfan (Poetry/ Epic)
- Denethor, Mighty Cruel Steward, Arwen's Love and Why do
they Leave? by Queen of Gondor (Poetry/Epic)
- Legolas Goes to Work by Varda (Tales/ Parodies)
- Updates to ROTK Awards page.
- To Elanor by Lothithil (Songs/ Loth 4)
- I'll Sail Away by Orangeblossom Took (Songs/ OBT)
- Things that Make us Giggle in LOTR (TopTens/LOTR 5)
- Latest Endangered Species by Wheathills (Tales/ Misc.)
- Three drabbles by Silivren Ithildin (Tales/ Short Stories/
Tolkien Drabbles)
- I Can Carry You by Illuvatar. (Poetry/Epic) Poetry menu created
for Illuvatar.
- Second Son of Gondor by Queen of Gondor (Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 1)
- Shire Passed On by Avondster (Tales/ Short Stories)
- New Horizons by Onono (Songs/ Onono)
- Old Friends by Queen of Gondor (Tales/ Short Stories)
January 11 - January 18, 2004
- Assorted additions to serial tales.
- Assorted extra additions to Frodo's Theme Page, page created
for Cinquains.
- Why Did Frodo Keep the Ring? by Lothithil (TopTens / LOTR 5)
- What Happened to the Easterlings? by Avondster (TopTens / LOTR
- Remember This Day by Varda (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Beloved by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- Poetry for the Prancing Pony by Lothithil (Poetry/ Verses/
- An Ode to Samwise the Brave by Silivren Ithildin (Poetry/Epic/
- No Hopes by Dinledhwen (Poetry/ Epic)
- HobbitQuest by Lothithil (Tales/ Parodies), plus additions.
- A Poem for Pippin by RosieCotton (Poetry/ Epic)
- He was Flawed in his Perfection by Delphinium Took (Poetry/
Epic). Poetry menu created for Delphinium.
- Elves, Into Darkness and My Resting Stone by Queen of Gondor
(Poetry/ Epic)
- Gollum/Smeagol by elenna (Musings)
- The Adventure of Gimli & Legolas by Woodster (Tales/ Short
- Gaurdhol by Lothithil (Poetry/ Epic)
- Pony Kitchen and Sway by Onono (Songs/ Onono)
- Double-dactyls by Lothithil (Poetry/ Dactyls /Lothithil)
- Peregrin Took by Onono (Poetry/ Epic)
- Frodo and Sam by Overlithe (Tales/Short Stories)
- A Reuniting of Fellowship and Close Friends by Queen of Gondor
(Tales/ Short Stories)
- Örome, Elf Friend by Highland Elf (Poetry/ Epic/
- Updates to Lord of the Coffee (Tales/ Serial Parodies)
- Valinor Poem by Queen of Gondor (Poetry/Verses/LOTR 4)
- Assorted cinquains (Poetry/ Cinquains /Tolkien), cinquain
page created for Shelob.
- Moderator Clan by HobbitNaga (Songs 8)
- Just My Imagination by Calafalas (Songs/ Calafalas)
- I Wonder by Dinledhwen (Poetry/ Epic)
- I Know by YouShallNotPass (Poetry/ Epic/ Individual)
- Frodo's Alter Ego by Varda and Overlithe (Musings)
- Dreams and Dragons by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- Top Ten Reasons Why Legolas Left The Party In The Golden Hall
Early by Dinledhwen (TopTens/ LOTR 2)
- Updates to For Your Consideration gallery (Galleries)
- Top Ten Reasons Legolas Joined the Fellowship by Queen of
Gondor (TopTens / LOTR 2)
January 9 - January 10, 2004
- Minas Tirith joke from Woodster (Other/Jokes)
- Assorted limericks for Frodo (Poetry/Limericks/Frodo)
- Assorted Double-Dactyls for Frodo (Poetry/Dactyls/LOTR)
- The Last Part of his Adventure by Tom Cotton (Tales/Short
- Frodo's Reflections and The Parting by Shelob (Poetry/Epic)
- Fading by Samwisegirl (Poetry/Epic)
- Glorfindel in Imladris: a Moment with Frodo by Lothithil
(Tales/Short Stories)
- For Frodo! , If Only, Do You Remember Those Days? and One True
Friend by Queen of Gondor (Poetry/Epic)
- Threads of an Old Life, Frodo's Heir and Riding Homeward by
Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- These Curls by Elvellon Ringsbane (Poetry/Epic)
- A Letter from Frodo to Elanor by Avondster (Tales/Short Stories)
- The Flame Burns Bright but Consumes the Candle by Vison
- A Triolet for Frodo by Vison (Poetry/Epic)
- The World is Changing by captinofgondor (Poetry/Individual)
- Assorted Acrostics (Poetry/Acrostics)
- Mr.Frodo's Waiting by Linaewen (Tales/Short Stories)
- Drawing of the Dark and Farewell we Call to Hearth and Hall, An
Unhappy Birthday, and Harvest by Dandy (Tales/Short Stories)
- Frodo and Gollum by Dinledhwen (Poetry/Epic)
- Watching,
Lost and Alone, Ballad of Frodo of the Nine Fingers, Frodo's Fate, A
Passing Thing and The Tunnel by Dandy (Poetry/Epic)
- The Things I Brought by The Foe Hammer (Poetry/Epic)
- Frodo: A Pictorial Essay by Linaewen (Other)
- Sam's Eyes by starlinguk (Poetry/Individual)
- Frodo's Last Journey by Queen of Gondor (Tales/Short Stories)
- Not in Summer by Varda (Poetry/Epic)
- For Frodo by Elanor Gamgee (Songs 6)
- Letting Go by Lithilien Quicksilver (Poetry/Epic)
- Down by Elanor Gamgee (Poetry/Epic)
- An Extra Ordinary Life by Jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- Sam's Memories by Lithilien Quicksilver (Songs 7)
- Subordinate Claws by Mrs. Frodo (Tales/Parodies)
- Ode to a Lost Love by Elenna (Poetry/Individual)
- Lord of the Coffee: Coffee with Frodo by Lothithil
- A Guide on the Path by Mrs. Frodo (Tales/Short Stories)
- Frodo Encounters Writer's Block by Onone (Tales/Parodies)
- Naked in the Dark by Rosie Cotton (Poetry/Epic)
- This Darkest Hour by Vik (Tales/Short Stories)
- Assorted Top Tens (Top Tens/LOTR 5)
- To the Mountain by Elvellon Ringbane (Poetry/Epic)
- A Wish by Strideress (Poetry/Verses/ Fans5)
- Alliterations for Frodo (Poetry/Verses/Alliterations)
- Drabbles added to Short Stories menu.
- Bruised and Battered by Eglerio Hyn (Poetry/Epic)
- Here at the End of All Things by Frodo Baggins (Poetry/Epic)
- Mt. Doom, a found poem by Tinidril (Poetry/Fixed Form/Found)
- Choices by Shelob (Poetry/Epic)
- I Can Carry You by Rosie Cotton (Poetry/Epic)
- The Breaking of The Fellowship; Frodent and Sammouse go it
alone by Varda (Tales/Serial Parodies/Mice)
- Safe in My Heart by fellowshipfan (Poetry/Epic)
- Frodo's Journey by MithrandirCQ (Poetry/Epic)
- Frodo Baggins Before the Quest by Vison (Tales/Short Stories)
- Frodo's Letter to Sam by Kaybaggins (Poetry/Epic)
- Why Frodo left the Fellowship by Elvenstart (TopTens/ LOTR 5)
- I Will Go by TinuvielwithHim (Poetry/Individual)
- Here I Drift into a Sleep, Frodo and His Lonely Burden and
Towards the Shadow by Queen of Gondor (Poetry/Epic)
- Hold On by casper (Songs / casper)
- Ten Things Frodo Might have Heard, But Didn't by Primula
(TopTens/ LOTR 5)
- In His Element by Mrs. Frodo (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Top Ten Words from Frodo's Stylist by Rosie (Top Tens/ LOTR 5)
- Frodo's Last Letter by Queen of Gondor (Tales/ Short Stories)
January 1 - January 8, 2004
- jot-a-lot, jot-a-lot by Onone (Poetry/Verses/Fans 5)
- 10 Things We're Glad we Didn't see in ROTK by Primula
(TopTens/LOTR 5)
- Take off your Feather, Robin Smallburrow! by Lothithil
- Primula the Moderator by Vison (Poetry/Verses/Fans 5)
- Ol' Vison by Primula (Poetry/Verses/Fans5)
- 2 additions poster gallery, 9 additions bookcover gallery.
- The End of Shelob by Shelob (Poetry/Epic)
- Boromir Goes to the One Film by Northstar (Tales/Parodies)
- Merry is Mad by Avondster (Tales/Parodies)
- A Poem for Frodo and The Last Stand by Queen of Gondor
- My Heart, a Woodland Elf Poem by Dinledhwen (Poetry/Epic)
- Gorbag's Prey by Lothithil (Tales/Short Stories)
- Protecting His Own by Auntkimby (Tales/Short Stories)
- Edoras Table version of drinking song added to ROTK lyrics.
- For Eowyn, Shiedmaiden of Rohan by melbryn (Poetry/Individual)
- Footprints in the Dirt by Elanor Gamgee (Tales/Short Stories)
- Bequethal by Mrs. Frodo (Poetry/Epic)
- Blue March by Lothithil (Poetry/Haiku/Loth) also (Poetry/Epic)
- 100 Favorite Moments of ROTK by various (TopTens)
- Strange Comfort, Faramir in the Garden and Ithilien Sunset by
Primula (Poetry/Epic)
- Haunted by the Credits by Fan Forever (Musings)
- Reflections on the Complete Ring Cycle by Doctor Gamgee
- A Song for King Theoden by Varda (Tales/Serial/Harpist)
- Lyrics to Use Well the Days added to ROTK lyrics (Ref/Lyrics)
- Remember Me by Dinledhwen (Poetry/Epic)
- Fell Beasts in the Sky with Nazgul and Pelennor Fields by
Elanor Gamgee (Songs3)
- Nothing of Note by Primula (Tales/Serial)
- Don't Give Up by Lothithil (Songs/Loth4)
- Limerick for Frodo by Onone (Poetry/Limericks/LOTR)
- Hope by Mrs. Frodo (Poetry/Dactyls/LOTR)
- Comments Overheard at the Movies by Celedor (Top Tens/LOTR 5)
- Leave Me Behind by Eglerio Hyn (Poetry/Epic)
- Minas Tirith joke from Woodster (Other/Jokes)
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
2007 2008 2009 2010
2011 2012+
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