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Additions 2002 Archives
Past Recent Additions 2003 Archives
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Additions 2004 Archives
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Additions 2011 Archives
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Additions 2012+ Archives
Note: Category locations of past items may have changed due to the
continual re-organization of this site necessary to keep up with the
volume of entries. If you can't find it, use the search function on the
main page. "Epic" categorization for Poetry since changed to
"Poems". The archives are in a "backwards" order
with the most recent being at the top.
2003 included backlogged items from the Scrapbook's dormancy between
6/02 - 2/03.
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May
June July Aug Sept Oct
Nov Dec
December 31, 2003
- Snowmane's Freedom by Peregrine (Tales/Short Stories)
- Shiretalk: The Return of the King by Lothithil (Tales/Serial
- Upward Climb by Peregrine (Poetry/Epic)
- One Solitary Tear - ROTK, by Pippin's Sunshine (Poetry/Epic)
- Where is the Light? and When First my Eyes Open by Peregrine
- Faramir Muses by Vison (Poetry/Epic)
- Now He Tells Me by AuntKimby (Tales/Parodies)
- pi encourages everyone (Limericks/Duels)
- Letter to Linaewen from Boromir by Linaewen (Tales/Serial
- Essays by Eglerio Hyn and Flame of Thangorodrim (Essays)
- Additions to the For Your Consideration gallery (Galleries)
- My Last Steward by Primula (Poetry/Adaptations/Primula 2)
- The Fall by Aussie Hobbit (Poetry/Epic)
- Updates to Lord of the Coffee by Lothithil (Tales/Serial
December 20 - December 30, 2003
- Assorted updates to serial tales.
- Music for Bilbo's birthday party - mp3 file (Ref)
- Updates to ROTK awards page (Ref)
- The Charge of the Rohirrim by MithrandirCQ
(Poetry/Epic, also Adaptations)
- Poem for Aragorn and Gondor by Queen of Gondor
(Poetry/Verses/LOTR 2)
- Top Ten Things I Hate about PJ's Version of ROTK by
The Foe Hammer (TopTens/LOTR 5)
- Havens by Knocking Thrush (Poetry/Verses/ LOTR 2)
- Ballad of Bag End by Primula (Poetry/Epic)
- Recipe for a Happy Ringer by Vison (Tales/Misc)
- A Fellowship Christmas by Elvenstar (Tales/Short
- 3 songs for Christmas by TruElvenPrincess
- Virtual stockings offered for decoration by Tinidril.
- Lord of the Coffee split into its own menu
(Tales/Serial Parodies)
- Alphabetic by title browsing menu added to Serial
- One More Reason to go Home by Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- Gallery of scans from the Fanclub chain letter added.
- The Ents and Entwives at Winter Solstice by Vison
- Additions to Posters gallery. (Galleries)
- The Hunters by Varda (Poetry/Epic)
- Memories Lost in Time by Queen of Gondor (Tales/Short
- A Christmas limerick for the Pony by Shelob
- Additions and updates for Links page.
- Japanese LOTR covers added to bookcovers gallery.
- Frodo's Smile by You Shall Not Pass
- Goodbye to Middle Earth by Eglerio Hyn (Poetry/Epic)
- Set Me Free by Varda (Tales/Short Stories) and Who
Stole the Lembas? (Musings)
- Song of the One Ring by Vison (Poetry/Epic)
- The Transformation by NorthStar (Musings)
- The Founding of Numenor by MithrandirCQ (Poetry/Epic)
- Quarte Haiku for Frodo by Lothithil
(Poetry/Haiku/Loth) and To Absent Friends (Poetry/Verses/Fans 5)
- The Beastmaster of Sauron by Vison (Tales/Short
- Additions to the For Your Consideration gallery.
- At Full Force on Slender Steeds by Varda (Musings)
- Not So Easily Mended and Do Not Speak to Me of Fear
by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- Top Ten Things "That Orc" Looked Like (Top Tens/LOTR
- Not Remembering, Heads and Traveler from Gondor by
Primula (Poetry/Epic)
- As the Ring Takes Hold by Queen of Gondor
(Poetry/Verses/LOTR 2)
- Three Hunters by Primula (Poetry/Adaptations/Primula
- Traitor's Hour by Varda (Poetry/Epic)
- A Dream of Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood by Aussie Hobbit
- Letters from Faramir by Agape4Rivendell moved to their own
menu. (Tales/Serial )
- Denethor Speaks of his Sons by Vison (Poetry/Adaptations)
December 12 - December 19, 2003
- Assorted updates to serial tales.
- Forest Haitus by
Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- Alternate Endings by
Primula w/ additions (TopTens/LOTR 5)
- Boris, the Red-Eyed
Wraith-Horse by Bluebell (Songs/Christmas)
- Hey,Ho to the Oscars
he Goes by Kiwifrodo (Poetry/Verses/LOTR 4)
- Choices by Nuroreiel
(Poetry/Individual Poems)
- News from Bree by
Vison (Tales/Parodies)
- Additions to Book
Covers Gallery.
- Moot Page created.
- I
Forged the Ring, The Dark Lord Goes Boom!, Elf in the Moon, Gamgee
Garfunkel and A Fanatic Sings to P. Jackson by Lothithil
(Songs/Lothithil 3)
- The Most Obvious
Theme in the Two Towers by Tigerlily Goodbody (Musings)
- List of LOTR Movie
Books by Game-Player (Ref)
- It is Not This Day
by Elvellon Ringsbane (Musings)
- Free by Varda
- Miss the Ring and
Fifty Ways to Lose a Ring by Lothithil (Songs/Lothithil 4)
- ROTK: Not Your
Average Classic Movie, and What Makes the LOTR so Popular? by Tigerlily
Goodbody (Musings)
- A Letter to Rosie by
Varda (Tales/Short Stories)
- Awards page begun
for ROTK (Ref)
- We Three Trolls by
Lothithil (Songs/Christmas)
- Top 10 one-word things fans will do after seeing the movie
tonight by The Foe Hammer (Top Tens/Obsession 2)
- We Four Hobbits of the Shire by Peregrine (Songs/Christmas)
- Two haiku for the ROTK opening by Orangeblossom Took &
Lothithil (Haiku/More Assorted Tolkien)
- In Party Lines by Lothithil (Songs/Loth 4), also update to Lord
of the Coffee by same.
- Top Ten last minute things to do before ROTK by Rosie (Top
Tens/Obsession 2)
- Some Advice to All by Wheathills (Poetry/Verses/ Fans 5)
- Additions to ROTK lyrics (Ref/Lyrics)
- Gone West by Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- How to Survive Arachnophobia in ROTK by GentleGiant
- Scrapbook project information moved to Other.
- Elven Rope and The Row and the Rain by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- One Son of Gondor by Primula (Poetry/Epic) and Oliphaunt
Revisited (Poetry/Adaptations/Primula 2)
- Merry by Sam Wood (Poetry/Epic)
- My Eyes by Dandy (Poetry/Epic)
- Toronto: A Poem from the Heart by Vison (Poetry/Verses/ Fans 5)
- Sam and Frodo's Excellent Adventure by Vison (Tales/Parodies)
- Poem for the Wide Shores by Meneloth (Poetry/Verses/ LOTR 2)
- A Good Movie that Could have been Great by Vison (Musings)
December 1 - December 11, 2003
- Assorted updates to serial tales.
- A Tribute to Bill the Pony by Auntkimby (Tales/Short Stories)
- Parrot Karaoke (Songs/Karaoke)
- Nor Bid the Stars Farewell by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- Who Am I? by pi (Other/Riddles)
- Top Ten Things on Aragorn's Christmas Wish List by Peregrine
(Top Tens/LOTR5)
- The Nazgul and the Morgul Blade by casper (Poetry/Epic)
- Additions to LOTR License Plates listing (Other)
- The Horn of Gondor by Dandy (Tales/Short Stories)
- Cold September by Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- Ring's on the Table and The Grey Havens by Dandy (Songs/Dandy)
- The 12 Days Until ROTK by Lothitihil (Songs/Christmas)
- 2 Portraits of Faramir added to Faramir's theme page. (thanks,
- From Moria to Valinor by casper (Poetry/Epic)
- Fellowship of the Toys by Peregrine (Tales/Serial Parodies)
- Essays by Vison, Fan Forever, Bregalad, TimeWarrior, Rosie,
Lothithil and Twilight Maiden. (Musings & Essays/Essays).
- Twilight Maiden, Aussie Hobbit and TimeWarrior added to
contributors list.
- Decipher magazine covers gallery added.
- Top Ten Things You
Should Not Give As Christmas Presents to LOTR Characters by Dinledhwen
(TopTens/LOTR 4)
- Whispers on the Wind
by samwisegirl (Tales/Short Stories)
- A poem for the end
by Boriel (Poetry/Epic)
- The Road Goes Ever
On by Varda (Poetry/Epic)
- Frodo's
Lament, The Grief of Arwen, Samwise and Lothlorien by Aussie Hobbit
(Poetry/Epic). Poetry menu created for Aussie Hobbit.
- The Cave Troll's
Spear by casper (Poetry/Epic)
- Failure in the
Fellowship by Agape4Rivendell (Musings)
- Heads at a Loss by
Linaewen (Tales/Serial Parodies/Conversations)
- 12 Days of
Christmas, Ringer-Style by various (Songs/Christmas)
- Blob's collection of
jello recipes by various (Other/Recipes)
- Coneys Roasting on
an Open Fire by Maxie (Songs/Christmas). Maxie added to Contributors.
- Trial by Fire by
Elven Redwood (Songs 7)
- White Sails by
Dinledhwen (Poetry/Epic)
- My Love for Home is
Gone by casper (Poetry/Epic)
- Long and Winding
Road by Orangeblossom Took (Songs/Orangeblossom)
- A Grand Beginning by
Dandy (Poetry/Epic)
- Tolkien's Books vs.
Jackson's Films by Tigerlily Goodbody (Musings)
- Updates to
Bucklebury's LOTR Parody. (Tales/Serial Parodies)
- The Last Full Moon
of Winter by Dandy (Poetry/Epic)
November 24 - November 30, 2003
- Assorted updates to serial tales, additions to
Faramir and Boromir theme pages.
- The Greatest Risk is Friendship by Pippin's Sunshine
- Frodo and Faramir, and Boromir and Frodo by Dandy
- A Claims Adjustor Visits Isengard by NorthStar
- Rivendell Banquet Black-Bottom Muffins by Mousechief
- Castles in the Air: The Farewell Between Brothers by
Dandy (Tales/Short Stories)
- The Ranger's Journey by NorthStar (Tales/Short
- LOTR Reference split off from Other into own menu,
updates to site map.
- The Faramir Matrix by Varda (Tales/Misc)
- Orc-Busters by boriel (Tales/Parodies)
- Saruman by JennanOPossums (Songs 9)
- Winter Waiting for Spring by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- LOTR License Plates list. (Other)
- Fate of the Bearer by Lothithil (Songs/ Lothithil 3)
- Weathertop
Set by Primula (Poetry/Epic): Hollow, Dark Under the Dell, Put It On,
The Glory of Shadows, Fading Away, Becoming Like Them.
- Updates to LOTR Poster Gallery.
- Faramir's Journey by Varda (Musings)
- Faramir's Ninth Letter by Agape4Rivendell
(Tales/Short Stories/Letters)
- Darkness and Light by Peregrine (Poetry/Epic)
- Additions to ROTK Lyrics (Ref/Lyrics)
- Her Ladyship's Despair by Shelob (Poetry/Verses/ LOTR 4)
- A Short Verse for Frodo by Samwisegirl
(Poetry/Verses/LOTR 4)
- Ode to Sam/Sean by Tori*Took (Poetry/Epic)
- The Claiming by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
November 14 - November 23, 2003
- Assorted updates to serial tales.
- Double-dactyls for Wormtongue and Faramir by onone
(Poetry/Haiku & Dactyls/Onone)
- Many, many Faramir items! Check the Faramir Theme page for
- New entries for the Tissue-Box Contest.
- Updates to LOTR Posters gallery.
- Mornings I Miss and When the End Comes by casper (Poetry/Epic)
- Top Ten Signs You're Turning into a LOTR Character by
Dinledhwen (TopTens/ Obsession 2)
- Shire Talk Magazine: An Apology by Lothithil (Tales/Serial
- Additons to Letters to Faramir by Agape4Rivendell (Tales/Short
- A Lament for Boromir by Faramir by Sinthor (Poetry/Epic, also
- The Call of the Road and The Counsel of Elrond by jan-u-wine
- Face of the Enemy by Linaewen (Tales/Serial)
- Secret Hiding Place by Bluebell (Poetry/Epic)
- A verse for Eowyn by RosieCotton (Poetry/Verses/LOTR1)
- Poet's Blues and Midnight Nazgul by Onono (Songs/Onono)
- Merry by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- The Day has Come by casper (Poetry/ Verses/ LOTR 1)
- While Here at Journey's End I Lie by Lothithl (Poetry/Epic)
- Thirty Days Hath November by Lothithil (Poetry/ Verses/ Fans4)
- Lyrics for the LOTR Soundtracks (Other)
- Links page rearranged. (Links)
- Updates and additions to the For Your Consideration Gallery.
- GimliShadow by Onono (Poems/Epic)
- Letter from Faramir by Agape4Rivendell additions (Tales/Short
- Three Hunters by Son of Lin (Poetry/Epic/Single Poems)
- I Have Held by Primula (Poetry/Epic)
- Double Dactyl for Gandalf by Onone (Poetry/Dactyls/Onone)
- As Above, So Below by Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- Conclusion of Winds of Change by WindSinger (Tales/Serial)
- To Valinor I Sail by casper (Poetry/Epic)
- Nightfall by Varda (Poetry/Epic)
- Long Have I Lived by Dinledhwen (Poetry/Epic)
- The End of All Things by Tom Cotton (Poetry/Individual
- Periannath and Meriadoc the Magnificent by Lothithil
(Songs/Lothithil 3)
- Choices in LOTR: the Role of Men vs.Women by Fan Forever
- Conclusion of The Goblin Pit by elenna (Tales/Serial)
November 1 - November 13, 2003
- Assorted updates to serial tales.
- Lost in the Light by casper (Tales/Short Stories)
- Listen by Elvellon Ringsbane (Poetry/Epic)
- Dwarven Women's Pumpkin Cake by Gimli's Sister added to
recipes (Other). Browsing menu added to recipes.
- Small banner selection added to links page.
- Linaewen's New Job by Linaewen (Serial Parodies/Conversations
with Boromir)
- Top Ten Signs you are a Lord of the Rings Fanatic by
anironlegolas (TopTens/ Obsession 3)
- DarkElf at Sea by Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- Cormarphobic added to definitions with thanks to Luthien
- Whether or No by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- In Your Eyes (Aragorn and Arwen) by Onono Laivindur
- The Last Elf by Dinledhwen (Poetry/Epic)
- Various small site banners added to main Links page.
- Escape from the Iron Mountain by Varda (Tales/Short Stories)
- Mount Doom by Shelob (Poetry/Epic)
- Additions to the posters and bookcovers galleries.
- Updates to Lord of the Coffee (Tales/Parodies)
- Haiku additions (Poetry/Haiku/Orangeblossom)
- Fanclub Guest Map link added to front page, search window
relocated to top.
- Conclusion of "Under the Stars" by AuntKimby (Tales/Serial)
- I'm Still Here, Fallen and Numb by casper (Songs/casper)
- The Dragon and the Fox by Varda (Tales/Serial)
- DarkElf Visits the Deeps by Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- The Memories of the Last Elf and The Passing of the Last Elf
by Dinledhwen (Poetry/Epic)
- Shadow of a Doubt by casper (Tales/Short Stories)
- The Open Gate by Shelob (Poetry/Fixed Form/Found)
- Strongest Must Seek a Way and The Sons of Denethor by Linaewen
(Poetry/Fixed Form/Found)
- Doom is at Hand by pi (Poetry/Epic)
- Letters from Faramir by Agape4Rivendell (Tales/Short Stories)
- Some Thoughts on Frodo as Tragic Hero by elenna (Musings)
- A Lament to the Passing Ages by Sinthor (Poetry/Epic), Poetry
page created for Sinthor.
- Reunion by Niphrandl (Tales/Short Stories) - thank you,
- Black Rider and The Parting of Elrond and Arwen by Sinthor
- Limerick duel: pi vs. Linaewen (Poetry/Limericks/Duels)
- Naught to be Forgiven and The Light Which Does Not Fail by
jan-u-wine (Peotry/Epic)
- The Lament of the Last Elf by Dinledhwen (Poetry/Epic)
- "Monty Python: The Two Towers" by Hstaphath (Tales/Parodies)
- The Gardener's Tale: Faramir by Varda (Tales/Short Stories)
- Time to Go and Endless Night by casper (Poetry/Epic). Poetry
menu created for casper.
- Things You Never Thought they would say On the Boards (Top
- FOTR EE special features and easter eggs by Celedor
(Other/Easter Eggs)
- The Lady Eowyn by Daerpethron & Primula
(Poetry/Adaptations/Primula 2)
- Blue Sky by Onono Laivindur (Songs/Onono)
- Lost Hope by boriel (Poetry/Epic)
- To Heed a Dream by Linaewen (Tales/Short Stories)
- From Weathertop to Rivendell by casper (Poetry/Epic)
- Updates to Personality Test compilation (Other)
October 24 - October 31, 2003
- Song Collection page created for Calafalas.
- Gandalf Visits Bombadil by Vison moved to serial tales.
- The London Experience by Indis (Musings)
- Guilt in the Heart of a Ranger by casper (Tales/Short Stories)
- Darkness for a King by Peregrine (Tales/Short Stories)
- Song Collection page created for casper, plus several songs
- Direct linking to avatars disabled.
- Lady in the Morning, and Burning Ground by Orangeblossom Took
(Songs/ Orangeblossom)
- Greensleeves by Varda (Musings)
- Top Ten Reasons list for Legolas by Dinledhwen (TopTens/LOTR
4, also TopTens for Legolas)
- Watcher of the Water, A Book by its Cover and Too Often by
jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- Udun's Fire by pi (Poetry/Epic)
- Updates to Legolas and Captain Roland by Vison (Tales/Serial)
- The Little Hunter by Pippin's Sunshine (Tales/Serial)
- Éowyn in Love by Fan Forever
- The Grey Pilgrim and Lament of a
Friend by Lothithil (Songs/Loth3)
- The Field by Varda (Poetry/Epic)
- DarkElf in Arvernien and DarkElf Loses
Her Heart to the Sea by Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- I Just Don't Want to be King, The Road
and Inside the Shire by Lothithil (Songs/Loth 3)
- Faramir from a Different Point of View
by Celedor (Musings)
- Top Ten Signs You May Have Theoneringphobia by Dinledhwen
(TopTens 5)
- Frodo Meets Posey by Auntkimby (Tales/Short Stories)
October 14 - October 23, 2003
- Quick click menu added to main page.
- You Cannot Swim by The Foe Hammer (Poetry/Epic)
- Two Wizards by Shelob (Poetry/Epic)
- Two Wizards/ Two Blizzards by Shelob & Primula
(Poetry/Verses/LOTR 4)
- Two Sons and But Not Back Again by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- A Mother's Love by Pippin's Sunshine moved to Serial Tales.
- Alphabetic browsing added to poetry collections for
jan-u-wine, Primula, Varda and Shelob.
- Black Velvet by Varda (Tales/ Short Stories)
- Leaving Middle-Earth by Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- Updates to various serial tales and parodies
- Gandalf Visits Bombadil by Vison (Tales/Short Stories)
- Aragorn to Arwen on the Bridge by Onono (Songs/Onono)
- Steward of Nothing by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- Prisoners of War by Varda (Tales/Short Stories)
- Rohan Rider and A Song for All of You by Onono (Songs/Onono)
- From Faramir to Father by boriel (Songs 9)
- Refusing to Wield a Sword by Primula and many others (Musings)
- Traveling Light by Linaewen (Tales/Serial Parodies/
- I'm Tired, Sammy Boy by Orangeblossom Took
- The Arena by Samwisegirl (Tales/Serial)
- Fellowship in the Goo by casper (Tales/Parodies)
- Conclusions of A Mother's Love (Tales/Serial) and also of
Letters to Faramir. (Tales/Serial Parodies)
- Spoilers by Old Toby (Tales/Misc.)
- Knocking on Heaven's Door: a visit to the LOTR Exhibit by
Varda (Musings)
- On Geekiness by NorthStar (Musings)
- I cannot do this by boriel (Poetry/Epic)
- Custom LOTR Paint Colors by Blob, boriel and Calafalas
(TopTens/ LOTR 4)
- You Know You are a Geek When by The Foe Hammer (TopTens/ Foe
- Our Middle-earth Journey and Aiglos by pi (Poetry/Epic)
- Wraiths by pippin (Poetry/Epic) Poetry page created for
- What it was Like to Be an Orc in ROTK by Celedor
October 1 - October 13, 2003
- 'Twill Not be Forever by Lithilien Quicksilver (Poetry/Epic)
- Tale of Four Winds, Solitude and Riders of the Black Wolves by
Shelob (Poetry/Epic)
- The War of Tree and Stone by Lothithil (Short Stories)
- The Flying Wizardmouse by Varda (Tales/Serial Parodies/Archer
- An Imposter Dreams and Words of a King before Battle by
Northstar (Poetry/Epic)
- Lothlorien Lady by Onono Laivindur (Songs 9)
- Various additions for Legolas, both at their proper category
and under the newly constructed Theme page.
- The Betrayal of the Master by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- Browsing menus added to collected songs pages 1-9.
- Idiosyncrasy Toteboard by Celedor (Other)
- Rohan by Narya (Poetry/Epic)
- Ten Lines that Wouldn't have been Nearly as
Impressive if they'd had a Bad Cold by Primula (TopTens 4)
- Stranger by Primula (Poetry/Epic)
- Scrapbook Project gallery added. (Galleries)
- Successors to Tolkien by Varda (Musings)
- News from Bree: Jackson Improves on 'Return' by
Primula (Stories/Parodies)
- October 6th by RosieCotton (Poetry/Epic)
- Weather Top by pippin (Poetry/Epic/Single)
- Tree and Stone by Lothithil (Tales/Serial)
- DarkElf Comes to the Sea by Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- Enigma by Overlithe (Poetry/Epic/Single)
- Preparing for December 17 by Mrs. Frodo (Tales/Misc.)
- Songs page with menu created for Onono (Songs/Onono)
- A Song For The Sons of Fëanor by
Varda (Poetry/Epic)
- Tolkien's Mythic Works; a Question by
Doctor Gamgee (Musings)
- Business Links page added.
- Boromir writes home: Letters to
Faramir by NorthStar (Tales/Serial Parodies)
- The Tower of the Horn by Lothithil
(Songs/Loth 3)
- Sam the Peasant by Varda (Musings)
- Ships, War and Destiny by Pippin's
Sunshine (Poetry/Epic)
- Strider, Man of Mystery by boriel
- Precious by boriel (Poetry/Epic)
- Sam to Frodo: I Will Follow by
Calafalas (Songs 9)
- Letter to Boromouse; the Revenge of
Faramouse by Varda (Tales/Serial Parodies/Archer Mice)
- His Last Breath and Haunted by casper
(Songs 8 & 9)
- Sam Says by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- The Hope of Sam by kaybaggins
- Take this ring and burn it, by boriel
(Songs 9)
- To Moria by Shelob (Poetry/Epic)
- Seven new avatars added. (Galleries)
- Silmarillion and Roverandom covers
added to Bookcovers Gallery. (Galleries)
- A Blade for the Battle by Linaewen
(Tales/Short Stories)
- Frodo Baggin's website added to Sites
Managed by Members. (Links)
- Road to Orodruin by Orangeblossom Took
(Songs/ OBT)
- I Will Always be with You by Varda
(Tales/Short Stories)
September 21 - September 30, 2003
- But He's Still Got Curly Hair by JennanOPossums (Songs 8)
- To Idril's House and Awareness of Heat and Noise by Lothithil
- I Smell the Salt, the Sea by gaeranna (Poetry/Verses/LOTR 4)
- Anagrams for Faramir by MagicDreamer (Poetry/Verses/LotR 4)
plus addition by Lothithil
- High Maintenance Hobbit by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- The Boards are Back by Orangeblossom Took
- In the Uruk-Hai by Bombadilwasrobbed (Songs 8)
- Pippin and the Troll, the Real Story by Auntkimby35
- Top 10 things that Frodo Baggins and Elijah Wood have in
common by Overlithe (TopTens 4)
- Harthad, a poem in two parts by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- Merry has a Secret by Lothithil moved from short stories to
serial tales (Heir of the Hill/Young Rascal)
- Éowyn's Harp Song by Varda
- A New Beginning by suzie sheelf and
Magic Dreamer (Tales/Serial)
- Frodo by caspar (Poetry/Verses/ LotR4)
- Boromir, Captain of Gondor by Linaewen
(Tales/Short Stories)
- Birth Day by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- Flowers for Bilbo by Auntkimby35
(Tales/Short Stories)
- Circles of Gold by Shelob
- Throughout the Flight by Lothithil
- Arwen and Elrond by Vison
- Do You? by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- There is a Stone by Lothithil
- Boromir's Dream by Varda (Tales/Short
- 15 Heartbreaking Moments from The Two
Towers by NorthStar (TopTens/ 4)
- Browsing contents menus added to
Verses about LOTR and Verses about Fans (Poetry)
- Who are the Fairest in Middle-Earth?
by Onono Laivindur (Poetry/Verses/ Fans 4, also Poetry/Epic/Onono)
- What is this, a love-in? by Auntkimby
(Poetry/Verses/Fans 4)
- Hobbledehoy Poem by Dr. Gamgee
- I Need a Hero by boriel (Songs 8)
- Updates to assorted serial tales.
- Alliterations page added to
Poetry/Verses section.
- Sorrowing Nimrodel, Slopes of
Ash and Chasm by Primula (Poetry/Epic)
- Warrior am I by samwisegirl
- The Tale of Adulas by Dinledhwen
- Alone Again (Naturally) It's all about
Gollum by Bombadilwasrobbed (Songs 9)
- Bag End Avenue and Grace by
Orangeblossom Took (Songs/Orangeblossom)
- Arwen and Elrond by Vison (Tales/Short
- Beat on Me and Misery by casper
(Songs 9)
- Namarie by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- Additions to the poster and book cover
- Addicted to Mud by boriel (Songs 9)
- Never Leave You by Eglerio Hyn
- Our Valiant Prince by Elvish OBsession
- The Little Things: Details from FOTR
& TTT by Celedor (TopTens)
- Sam the Elf Warrior and Memoirs of
Samwise by Lothithil (Songs/Lothithil 3)
- He Said he was a Tree-Herder by
mousechief & JennanOPossums (Songs 9)
- Freaky First of Summerfilth by
Auntkimby (Tales/Parodies & Themes/Tom, Elrond)
September 16 - September 20, 2003
- Interview with Shelob by
Auntkimby35 (Tales/Parodies)
- Celebrian to Elrond by Vison
- Breaking the Fellowship by
Lothithil (Tales/Short Stories)
- An Aussie in King Aragorn's
Court by ladycoralie (Tales/Serial Parodies)
- The Golden Hall by Shelob
(Poetry/Fixed Form/Found/Shelob)
- Additions to Under the Stars
by auntkimby35 (Tales/Serial)
- In his Element by Mrs.Frodo
- Linaewen's New Calendar: a
Conversations with Boromir (Tales/Serial Parodies)
- Sam's Hope by Shelob
- Updates to "A Mother's Love"
by Pippin's Sunshine (Tales/Short Stories)
- Updates to Winds of Change by
WindSinger (Tales/Serial)
- Updates to Legacy of the
Ringsbane by Lothithil (Tales/Serial)
- Updates to The Winds of
Change by WindSinger (Tales/Serial)
- Updates to Lord of the
Coffee, and relocation of LotC from Misc. to Parodies (Tales/Parodies)
- Evil Days by NorthStar
- Arwen's Choice and Dark Days
of Hope by LegolasPointyEaredBowTwanger (Poetry/Epic)
- The Return of the Mouse King
by Varda (Tales/Serial/Archer Mice)
- Lady Nurlhawen's poems moved
to LegolasPointyEaredBowTwanger's.
- Unbroken by jan-u-wine
- Names of a King by
MagicDreamer (Poetry/Epic)
- Ungoliant by gaeranna
(Poetry/Verses about LotR 4)
- Young Frodo by Overlithe
- Vik's Visa Vs. Helm's Deep by
Vik (Tales/Misc.)
- The Witch-King meets his
Doom, Jack and Jill style by Auntkimby35 (Tales/Parodies)
- DarkElf Sings of the Song of
Stone by Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- A wee bit of fun with names
by On'ono Laivindur
(Poetry/Verses/Fans 4)
- I hate NOGs by Baron Wilderness (Tales/Misc.)
- Alphabetical browsing added to Serial Tales menu.
- Tarnin Austa by Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- Ringshadow by Orangeblosom Took (Songs/Orangeblossom)
- Hobbits on Harleys by Overlithe (Tales/Parodies)
September 1 - September 15, 2003
- In Praise of Fandom by Celedor (Musings)
- Russian, Spanish and Bakshi added to book covers gallery.
- Additional posters added to posters gallery.
- For Arrarat: Of Rings and Things by Doctor Gamgee
(Poetry/Verses/ Fans 4)
- Legacy of the Ringsbane Ch. 13-14 (Tales/Serial)
- Hobbit covers added to Bookcovers Gallery (Galleries)
- The Last Turn of the Road by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- Additions to Black and Gold by NorthStar (Tales/Serial)
- The Keep by Tirinwe (Poetry/Epic). poetry page created for
- Gimli is Missing by Red Leaf (Poetry/Verses about Fans 4)
- Conclusion of The Coat of Earendil by Lothithil (Tales/Serial)
- A Poem for Legolas by boriel (Poetry/Epic)
- After the Gate by Primula (Poetry/Epic)
- The Winds of Change by WindSinger (Tales/Serial)
- Grow Grow Grow by Lothithil (Songs/Lothithil 3)
- Browsing contents added to TopTen pages.
- Epilogue for Firewood by AuntKimby35 (Tales/Serial)
- Mrs. Sackville-Baggins and My Master's Back by Lothithil
(Songs/ Lothithil 3)
- Thinking of Frodo by Magic Dreamer, plus poetry page created
for Magic Dreamer (Poetry/Epic)
- Climbing Caradhras by Shelob (Poetry/Epic)
- Eowyn of Rohirrim site added to links.
- Young Boromir by Varda (Tales/Serial)
- Many Years after Return of the King by Vison (Poetry/Epic)
- Samwise's Tale by RosieCotton (Poetry/Epic)
- Rip Them All Down by Varda (Tales/Misc.)
- The Goblin Pit by Elenna (Tales/Serial)
- Canada is Invaded by Vison (Tales/Serial Parodies/Archer Mice)
- Under the Stars by AuntKimby35 (Tales/Serial)
- Quest for the Pizza Ring of Power Parts 7 & 8 by Rayvah
(Tales/Serial Parodies)
- Ballad of Boromir by
Onóno Laivindur (Songs 8)
- The Wish Star: an image by
Lothithil (Tales/Short Stories)
- A Poem for Frodo by
KellaDartain (Poetry/Epic/Single)
- A Long Winded History of a
Shot in FOTR by Celedor (Musings)
- The Magnificent Speaks by
Avondster (Tales/Serial)
- For Faramir and Boromir by
Orangeblossom Took (Poetry/Haiku/ObT)
- Fading Heart by Lothithil
(Songs/ Lothithil3)
- Additions to A Mother's Love
by Pippin's Sunshine (Tales/Short Stories)
- Greetings from (Other)
- The Lay of Lethargy by
Lothithil (Tales/Misc./Coffee)
- The Lord of the Kitchen by
Mel Baggins (Tales/Parodies)
- Conclusion of Black and Gold
by NorthStar (Tales/Serial)
August 22 - August 31, 2003
- A large and varied selection for both Elrond and Tom, each at
the theme day pages and also under thier individual categories.
- Ch. 41-44 of The Stable Boy by The Foe Hammer (Tales/Serial)
- Black and Gold by NorthStar (Tales/Serial)
- A Reflection from Sarehole by Chubb of the Shire (Musings)
- Dogwood, Elm , Sequoia and Pine by Lothithil (Songs/Lothithil
- Praise them with Great Praise by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- The Coat of Earendil by Lothithil (Tales/Serial)
- Lord of the Beans by Lalaith (Tales/Parodies)
- Final chapter of Firewood by AnutKimby35 (Tales/Serial)
- New Book Covers gallery added, and updated.
- Galleries split off into their own menu.
- Restoration by Linaewen (Tales/Short Stories)
- Middle-earth Football challenge set up (Tales/Challenges)
- The Good Ol' Ringette Game by boriel (Songs 8)
- aragornlegolasfrodo's contributions updated to her new handle,
Queen of Gondor.
- Shelob's Lair by Eglerio Hyn (Tales/Short Stories)
- The Chiropodist of Middle-Earth by Fili (Tales/Parodies)
- Gaze-a-lot, praise-a-lot by onone (Poetry/Silly)
- Immortal Tears by Lindar7 (Poetry/Epic)
- Where are you Evenstar by Tirinwe (Poetry/Individual)
- Hobbit with a Ring by Onóno Laivindur (Songs 8)
- Faramir's
Farewell to Frodo by Varda (Poetry/Epic)
- Beside You by
Orangeblossom Took (Songs/Orangeblossom)
- Tissue-Decorating
- Elfstone by
Primula (Poetry/Epic)
- I Can See
Clearly Now and The Choices of Master Samwise by Lothithil
(Songs/Lothithil 3)
- Various
non-english book covers added to the book gallery.
- The Middle
Earth Diet by Varda (TopTens/LOTR Obsession 3)
- But, for Now
by Estel Elfstone (Poetry/Epic). Poetry page created for Estel.
- 10 Steps to
Insanity by Gimli's Goat (TopTens/ LOTR Obsession 3)
- Links to
webcams in NZ. (Other)
August 11 - August 21, 2003
- Updates
FotR & TTT.
- Choices
- Where
have all the Readers Gone? by On'ono Laivindur (Songs 8)
- They
Say by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- Rivendell
- Ch.
7-12 Legacy of the Ringsbane by Lothithil (Tales/Serial)
- DarkElf
Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- The
Paths of the Dead by MithrandirCQ (Poetry/Epic)
- No
More Ring by Elanor Gamgee(Songs 8)
- The
One Thread by Primula & Bluebell (Top Tens/ Message Boards)
- The
Heir of the Hill Ch.6 by Lothithil (Tales/Serial)
- The
Legend of the Golden Whisker by Varda (Tales/Serial Parodies/Archer
- Bitter
Heart by Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- Gollum
and Conquered Hero by LegolasPointyEared BowTwanger
- O.M.V.
and O.M.O. added to Definitions page.
- The
Fairest Flower by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- The
Oceans that Part Us by Orangeblossom Took (Tales/Serial)
- A
Mother's Love by Pippin's Sunshine (Tales/Short Stories)
- One
by One by boriel (Poetry/Epic)
- New
indexes for individual's collected songs added.
- Rosie
and Icarus' Engagement at the Pony: a keepsake of the thread. (Other)
- Sharkey's
Took (Songs/Orangeblossom)
- The
Red Rose and the White by Varda (Poetry/Epic)
- Firewood
6 by AuntKimby35 (Tales/Serial)
- Updates
Test links page. (Other)
- Fair
of Face by LPEBT (Poetry/Epic)
- Where
the Shadows Lie by Lizmybit (Tales/Short Stories)
- A
Poem from Sam to Rose by Vison (Poetry/Epic)
- There
And Back's LotR Parody (Tales/Serial Parodies)
- A
Young Hobbit's Fancy by Elenna (Tales/Serial)
- Arwens
Heart Speaks by Vison (Poetry/Epic)
- Gallery
added. (Other)
- Dreading
Return of the King by Lizmybit (Musings)
- Seeing
the Teaser Trailer for the First Time by Avondster (Musings)
- Living
Forever by Fan Forever (Musing)
August 1 - August 10, 2003
- Legolas and Captain Roland, Ch. 7-9 (Tales/Serial)
- J.W.'s LOTR fansite (Celedor's) added to fan managed site
- Sheathed by Fan Forever (Poetry/Epic)
- I Stung the Hobbit by Lothithil (Songs/Lothithil 2)
- Long Time Gone by Orangeblossom Took (Songs 8)
- Uncle Bilbo's Lonely Halfling Band by Lothithil (Songs/
Lothithil 3)
- When I'm Softish Goo by Blob (Songs 8)
- Reorganization of Site Map, Parodies split into Serial and
Individual menus.
- Glorfindel in Imladris by Lothithil (Tales/Serial)
- The Other Story by Varda (Tales/Short Stories)
- A Toothless Took by Tori*Took (Tales/Short Stories)
- DarkElf Celebrates Nost-a-Lothion by Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- Eowyn's Heart by Rosie Cotton (Poetry/Epic)
- Aragorn's Tale Part I by Kaybaggins (Poetry/Epic)
- LOTR Avatars gallery added. (Other, also under Common Links)
- Faramir’s Song for Eowyn In The House Of Healing by Northstar
- Lembas recipe from On'ono Laivindur (Other/Recipes)
- Black-bird
of the Tale by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- Song
of the Ringwraiths by Shelob (Poetry/Epic)
- I Cry
to Iluvatar - Parts 1-3 by Lindar7 (Poetry/Epic)
- Anniversary,
by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- Lind
chapters 87-89 by Lindorie (Tales/Serial Stories)
- Bookloaf
for fanclub polls.
- Lord
of the Beans by Leggy Pants (Poetry/Silly)
- Fan
art gallery links added to links page.
- Other
member sites put on its own page, fan fiction sites added to list.
- The
Leaf by Dinledhwen (Poetry/Epic/Individual)
- You
Have Grown by Primula (Poetry/Epic)
- Firewood
Stories), Ch. 1-4
- Orangeblossom
onto their own page, browsing added to
individual's song pages and Christmas songs.
- Heir
of the Hill Chapter 5 in four parts by Lothithil (Tales/Serial Stories)
- Together
On'ono Laivindur (Poetry/Epic/Individual)
- DarkElf
of Tuor by Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- Weekly
Book Discussions added. (Other)
- Old
Sam Vison (Poetry/Epic)
July 16 - July 31, 2003
- A Poem for a Man by Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- Bilbo's Adventure by Daydream Believer (Poetry/Epic), also
Poetry page set up.
- For Those who don't Understand by Hobbitlove (Musings)
- Another Way by Shelob (Poetry/Fixed Form/Found/Shelob)
- Triolets of Pyre by Orangeblossom Took (Poetry/Fixed
- The Fellowship go to Camp by Nuroreiel (Tales/Challenges/Work)
- Why is It? and DarkElf Goes Native by Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- Sauron Undefeated by Varda (Poetry/Epic)
- The Voice of Saruman by Emyn (Musings)
- The Holiday of a Lifetime by Fili (Tales/Parodies/News from
- Legolas and Captain Roland: to Khand and Beyond by Vison
- Wellinghall added to fan-managed page links.
- Practical Merry by Lindar7 (Poetry/Epic)
- The Dagger of Westernesse by Avondster (Poetry/Epic)
- Casabalroga by Primula (Poetry/Adaptations/Prim2)
- Gimli, Son of Gloin: A Villanelle by Kaybaggins (Under Poetry,
Themes (Gimli) & Fixed Form/Villanelles)
- Tolkien's Elves and Traditional Faerie by Primula (Musings)
- Somewhere in Lothlorien by Agape4Rivendell (Poetry/Epic)
- Regional fan group links added to links page.
- Link for Tuilelindowan's garden project added to Other
Interesting Stuff.
- Song of Morgoth by Northstar (Poetry/Epic)
- Top 10 Worst Nightmares of the Fellowship by Avondster (Top
Tens/LotR 4)
- A Song for the Elves who Did Not go Away by Varda
- Gandalf the Wizard by Kaybaggins (Poetry/Epic & Fixed
- To Imladris by Lindar7 (Poetry/Epic)
- A Gardener Reflects Upon Regret by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- LOTR Captions Page added to member's page links.
- Ch. 64-65 and Epilogue of Son of Gondor by Linaewen
(Tales/Serial/Son of Gondor)
- The Red Book by Varda (Poetry/Epic)
- Reshoots by Primula (Poetry/Epic)
- Report from the Road by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- Ch. 4, 5 & 6 of Legolas and Captain Roland by Vison
- Frodo's Prayer by Avondster (Poetry/Epic)
- The Archer Mice go to Queen Galadrimouse's Garden Party by
Varda (Tales/Parodies/Serial)
- Poetry Contest winners added to contest page. (Poetry/Contest)
- Reorganization of Common Links page.
- Alphabetic browsing added to Epic Poetry menus. Single and
Multiple poets split up.
- Alphabetic browsing added to short stories, Serial and Short
stories split up.
- The Sword that was Broken by Linaewen (Tales/Short Stories)
- A Fan's Tale: Following the LOTR Project by Celedor (Musings)
- Lothlorien by aragornlegolasfrodo (Poetry/Epic)
- Alphabetic browsing added to parodies.
- New leaf icon to indicate when a serial story has been
- Ringers by Jennan O Possums (Poetry/Verses/Fans4)
- Thorns by Primula (Poetry/Epic)
- My Hope by Tori*Took (Poetry/Epic)
- DarkElf Pathos by Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- Cradling Elijah by boriel (Poetry/Epic)
July 1 - July 15, 2003
- Peter and Fran's Most Important Work by Celedor (Musings)
- List of numerical codes for alternate characters added to
Definitions page.
- King of the West by Varda (Tales/Parodies)
- Heart of the Fellowship by Lindar7 (Poetry/Epic)
- Baggage by Primula (Poetry/Epic)
- The Awakening by Frodo Baggins (Tales/Stories)
- Broken Heart by hobbitdreams (Tales/Stories)
- The Banner by Fan Forever (Poetry/Epic)
- Three DarkElf poems by Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- Holland Organised Artists Xpenditure
purchases Hobbit & Sil by Fili (Tales/Parodies/News from Bree)
- Poetry page set up for Arwen's Bane.
- An Old Friend's Visit by Avondster (Tales/Stories)
- Elvish Smile by Elizabeth (Poetry/Epic)
- Listen by Varda (Poetry/Epic)
- Dreaming, a book open on my
Vison (Poetry/Epic)
- Legacy of the Ringsbane Ch. 4-6 added (Tales/Stories/Serial)
- A Fine Point, One Hobbit's Precious, They Are Here and The One
Orphan by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- The Account of Amarond by Flame of Thangorodrim
- Song for the Journey Ch.16 (Tales/Stories/Serial)
- Last updates to the Poetry Contest
- NescaFrodo on Amon Syrup by Lothithil (Tales/Misc./Lord of the
- Link to Luthien's ../../Fennas Edhellen../../ added to fan
page links.
- The DarkElf Meets Turgon by Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- Silver Light by Avondster (Poetry/Epic)
- Take the Fellowship to Work Challenge with assorted replies
(Tales/Inkling Challenges/Work)
- I Cry to Ilúvatar part
1 by Lindar7 (Poetry/Epic)
- Dirge for a Sea-Faring Blob
by Blob (Poetry/Misc/Silly)
- Linaewen Tries to Change the Subject......a Conversation with
Boromir by Linaewen (Tales/Parody/Serial)
- Bloomin' Burrahobbit by Auntkimby35 (Tales/Parody)
- Fell Winter of TA2911 by Shelob (Poetry/Epic)
- Inkling Challenges section reorganized a bit.
- Path to Healing by Lindar7 (Poetry/Epic)
- One Night in Mordor by Lothithil (Songs/Loth2)
- Various items for Gimli Day begin to be entered.
- Poetry pages set up for Lyria and Swan of Dol Amroth.
- The Hobbit and the King set of two by jan-u-wine
- Shelob's Restaurant by Lothithil (Songs/Loth2)
- Book vs. Movie Boromir by Lindorie (Musings/Other)
- Bad Writing Contest entries added at last! (Tales/Inkling
Challenges/Bad Writing)
- Addition to TopTens by Daydream Believer (TopTens/LotR4)
- Slip Away by Varda (Poetry/Epic)
- Fellowshipmallows added to the definitions page.
- Across So Wide a Sea by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- Galadriel's Mirror by Ladyhawk (Poetry/Epic) and change of
Ladyhawk to multiple poems list.
- DarkElf on the Field of Swords by Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
June 16 - June 30, 2003
- Lind Ch. 85-86 (Tales/Stories/Serial)
- Various poems for the poetry contest
- A Quizzicle poem for Rosie by Dr.
Gamgee (Poetry/Verses/Fans4)
- Page created for Orangeblossom Took's Haiku. (Poetry/Haiku)
- Disjointed Places and All the Long Way by jan-u-wine
- Eomer and Do Not Trust to Hope by Primula (Poetry/Epic)
- One Solitary Tear (Pt 1 and 2) by Pippin's Sunshine
- He Never Asked by Lindar7 (Poetry/Epic)
- Ungoliant by Shelob (Poetry/Epic)
- The Conches of Ulmo by Lothithil (Poetry/Fixed
- Link to Blossoms of the Shire added to Stories page (site of
writings of Orangeblossom Took).
- Another Sunless Dawn by Jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- The Orphans of Middle Earth by Varda (Musings)
- Top ten ways we know a newbie by lina (TopTens/LotR 4)
- Updates to Aldamir by Frodo Baggins (Tales/Stories/Serial)
- Starless Heart and The Hobbit & the Moon by Jan-u-wine
- A Kindly Friend set of 2, and If You Should Fall by Jan-u-wine
- The Stars that Play, Only a Dream and Beyond the Edge of the
World by Jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- Singular Sorrow, A Gardener Despairs, and The Mirror of Frodo
by Jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- All That I Might Deem Precious and Bright as a Blade by
Jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- Creep/Grima by Varda (Songs/LotR7)
- Drogo's Song by Mel Baggins (Poetry/Epic)
- Poetry pages set up for Fellowshipfan, Flame of Thangorodrim,
Jade of Orc and Jennan O Possums
- He Wouldn't Think of Rosie by Lindar7 (Poetry/Epic)
- And the Darkness shall not Pass, & And Come what Sorrow
Can by Jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- The Moth, and Boromir: the White Rose by Vison (Poetry/Epic)
- Where did it All Go Wrong? by Varda (Musings)
- Black Aubade, and Haldir's Dream by Varda (Poetry/Epic)
- Unerring Feet by Peregrine (Poetry/Epic)
- Updates to The Son of Gondor by Linaewen
- Of Rings and Things: Smeagol and Grima by Doctor Gamgee
June 1 - June 15, 2003
- Linaewen Balks at Boromir's End
- DarkElf poetry by Lothithil additions (Poetry/Epic/Lothithil)
- Frodo's Task, Eowyn's Path, Faramir's Tale, The Taste of his
Lips and Held Close by Lindar7 (Poetry/Epic/Lindar7)
- Top Ten Scenes We Don't Want to See on the Extended TTT DVD
(Top Tens/Top Tens 4)
- Top Ten Scenes We Don't Want to See in RotK (Top Tens/Top Tens
- Top Ten Reasons to Cry at RotK (Top Tens/Top Tens 4)
- Death of a Ringbearer by Varda (Tales/Stories)
- Carrot Cake recipe from Doctor Gamgee (Other/Recipes)
- Friendship by Avondster (Poetry/Epic/Avondster)
- As Twilight Falls and When Evening Stars Shine Brightly by
Lady of the Shire (Poetry/Epic/Lady of the Shire)
- Updates to the Lord of the Coffee by Lothithil (Tales/ Misc.)
- Homesick, We Won and Erendis by Primula (Poetry/Epic/Primula)
- Aragorn, Boromir and Nobility by Vison (Musings)
- He Escaped in the End by Linaewen (Musings)
- Updates to Verses for the Fans 4
- Gimli and Pippin Talk about Feet by Tori*Took (Tales/Stories)
- A Man of Gondor and Let Them Come by NorthStar
- The Mice that Can't Say No by Varda
- Top Ten Things to Give Eomer for His Birthday by Avondster
(Top Tens/Top Tens4)
- Assorted updates to short verses and haiku.
- I Cannot Remember by Frodo Baggins (Poetry/Epic/FrodoBaggins)
- Merry and Pippin by RosieCotton (Poetry/Epic/RosieCotton)
- Helm's Deep by Icarus, with addition by Lindorie. (Musings)
- Essay by Emyn (Essays)
- Found Poetry by Shelob and Orangeblossom Took (Poetry/Fixed
- Poems page created for Orangeblossom Took. Two Poems for
Faramir and Eowyn added. (Poetry/Epic/OrangeblossomTook)
- Three triolets by Orangeblossom (Poetry/Fixed Form/Triolet)
- Gimli Gives Legolas a Makeover by Primula (Tales/Parodies)
- Sestinas by Shelob and Tinidril added. (Poetry/Fixed
- Temptation by Eglerio Hyn (Tales/Stories)
- The War of the One Ladle by Jatamansi (Tales/Misc.)
- Top Ten Reasons Merry & Pippin Look Cool in Armour by
Avondster (TopTens/ TopTens 4)
- Conversations with Boromir by Linawen updated.
- Chapters 56-60 of Difficult Decisions by suzie sheelf
- Afterglow by Varda (Poetry/Epic/Varda)
- News from Bree: LotR the Musical by Vison
- Song for the Journey Ch. 14 added. (Tales/Stories/Serial)
- The Washtub by Vison (Poetry/Epic/Vison)
- Dara's Song for Elrond by Varda (Poetry/Epic/Varda)
- Current Poetry Contest Entries uploaded. (Poetry/Contest)
- Ch. 83-83 of Lind's Story by Lindorie added.
- A large heap of songs added. (Sung to the Tune of 1,4,6 and 7)
- Circle of Love by Lizmybit and Kit (Tales/Stories)
- Legacy of the Ringsbane Ch. 1-3 by Lothithil
- Empty by Eglerio Hyn (Poetry/Epic)
- The Red Pen by Vison (Poetry/Verses)
- The Fairest Blob by Blob (Poetry/Misc./Silly)
- Eomer by Primula (Poetry/Epic)
- List of awards won by TTT (Other)
- Mourning by Lindar7 (Poetry/Epic)
- Dara's Harp by Varda (Poetry/Epic)
- The Mouselorien Tennis Lawn Tournament by Varda
May 15 - May 31, 2003
- Alas for Faramir by Varda (Musings)
- Many items added for Haldir (see theme page for individual
- Haldir Day added to Themes.
- Poetry pages created for Kaybaggins and Peregrine.
- Mallorn of Lorien by Elvellon Ringsbane (Poetry/Epic/Elvellon)
also under Fixed Form/Sestinas.
- Bucklebury's LotR Parody (Tales/Parodies/Serial)
- Chapter 18 of The Darkness Within by NorthStar
- Some updates to the common links page.
- Incongruous Moments on the Quest by NorthStar (Tales/Parodies)
- Till You Cry by Eglerio Hyn (Poetry/Epic)
- Rings by Peregrine (Poetry/Verses/4)
- Top Ten Reasons Elrond Gets that Look on his Face by Lindorie
- Dark Elf Thwarted by Lothithil (Poetry/Epic)
- Frodo Dreams of Rivendell (Songs/Lothithil2)
- Finding Tolkien in Everyday Life by Dr. Gamgee (Musings)
- "She" by jan-u-wine (Poetry/Epic)
- Updates to Difficult Decisions (Tales/Stories/Serial)
- Six limericks by Avondster (Poetry/Limericks about LotR)
- Entwives Challenge added. (Tales/Challenges)
- Mice in Tights by Varda (Tales/Parodies/Serial/Mice)
- Athelas, Faramir and the Entwife by Avondster (Tales/Stories)
and (Tales/Challenge/Entwife)
- A Film Poem by Lordbg (Poetry/Verses/Fans4)
- The Quest Will Claim Your Life by NorthStar
- ShireTalk: Special Advertising Section by Lothithil
- The Dark Lord Management Consultancy Agency by Varda
- Favorite 100 Moments for TTT (TopTens)
- Obsession of Acronyms List (OoAL) by Laerindae (TopTens)
- The One Ring: Device or Being? by Anborn1 & Varda
May 1 - May 14, 2003
- Assorted poems, verses, songs...too many to list
- Difficult Decisions by suzie sheelf (Tales/Stories/Serial)
- To Snare an Elf by halavana (Tales/Stories)
- Anniversary letter to Sam from Frodo by Tori*Took
- More updates to Scrapbook Bookstore.
- Boromir My Son by Varda (Tales/Stories)
- The Upwardly Mobily Mondorian's Library by pilbara orc
- Musings merged with Essays.
- Snatching A Crown by Varda (Tales/Misc.)
- Song for the Journey by Mrs. Frodo (Tales/Stories/Serial)
- Shopping Carts in Middle Earth by various (Tales/Misc.)
- The Story of the True Hearted Easterling's Obsession by T.H.E.
- Ch. 17 of The Darkness Within by NorthStar
- News from Bree: A Visit to Squalor Row by Vison
- Sestinas added to poetry challenges.
- Several Dark Elf poems by Lothithil. (Poetry/Epic/Lothithil)
- Elvish translations page appended to "Difficult Decisions"
- Epic poetry authors list subdivided into "multiple poems" and
"singular poems" categories. (Poetry/Epic)
- Index of short verse added (Poetry/Limericks & Verses)
- Frodo Reminisces about his Mother by Lithilien Quicksilver
- Contents listings added to individual song collections.
- Index to Songs pages added.
- If The Beatles Wrote a LOTR Musical by Jatamansi
- Circle of Love by AuntKimby35 & Lizmybit (Tales/Stories)
- Survivor: Mordor by Mel Baggins (Tales/Parodies)
- Beyond the Sea by Lothithil (Tales/Stories/Serial)
- Updates to Lord of the Coffee (Tales/Misc.)
- Contents listings added to Top Tens pages.
- Double Feature by Avondster (Tales/Parodies)
- Poem for Inklingers and Ringers by Meneloth
- The Last Alliance by Varda (Tales/Stories)
- Gandalf's Choice by Isilme (Poetry/Epic/Isilme) also
April 2003
- Assorted poems, haiku, verses, songs...too many to list,
- Dinner in Isengard by Varda (Tales/Stories/Serial)
- Shire Talk Reports by Lothithil (Tales/Parodies/Serial)
- In Fangorn by MagicDreamer (Tales/Stories)
- A Time for Healing by Lizmybit (Tales/Stories)
- It Could Have been Different! by Wheathills (Tales/Parodies)
- Suggested King Kong scripts by Wheathills (Tales/Parodies)
- Merry Has a Secret! by Lothithil (Tales/Stories)
- Samwise Gamgee Day! (Themes)
- Aldamir by Frodo Baggins (Tales/Stories/Serial)
- Lovemoot Dating Agency applications (Tales/Parodies) by
- Arwen Fading (Other/Musing) by WindSinger
- Middle Earth Wrestling Matches (Tales/Challenges)
- Boromir Meets Captain Sharpe by Varda (Tales/Parodies)
- NOG added to definitions.
- Lord of the Coffee (Tales/Misc.)
- Some rearranging in Songs - individual collections created for
Dandy, Lothithil, Old Gaffer and Tori*Took.
- Love and Grief by Varda (Tales)
- All Things to All Men by Varda (Other/Musings)
- Top Ten LOTR names people might never choose (TopTens/Foe
- Transcript of Bruce Hopkin's visit to the Pony. (Other)
- Updates to ShireTalk Magazine (Tales/Parodies/Serial)
- Pippin and the Mushroom by Auntkimby35 (Tales/Parodies)
- Informational page for book project added. Link from front
- The Adventures of Merry and Pippin by Periwinkle, a pictorial
array. (Other)
- Lind's Story Ch. 81-82 (Tales/Stories/Serial)
- Updates to Linaewen's Son of Gondor (Tales/Stories/Serial)
- Essays link moved to basic list of topics.
- Site Map added to Scrapbook.
- Updates to Scrapbook Bookstore.
- Reading List put on it's own page.
- New category - Lothithil's Haiku (Poetry/Haiku)
- The Hard Way to Eradicate Mice by Varda
- Master of the Precious by Varda
March 2003
- Lots of verses, limericks, songs and poems...many Found
- Middle Earth Report Cards by Lilywillow
- Villanelles (Poetry/Fixed Form)
- Found Poetry (Poetry/Fixed Form)
- The Road Goes Ever On by Lizmybit (Tales/Stories)
- The Harpist's Tale by Varda (Tales/Stories/Serial).
- Inkling Challenges category added.
- Double-dactyls added (Poetry/Haiku)
- The Young Rascal from Buckland by Lothithil (Tales/Stories).
- The Heir of the Hill by Lothithil (Tales/Stories/Serial)
- Fishing by Kit: A Sam and Pippin Story by AuntKimby35
- The Missing Seeing Stone by Kaybaggins (Tales/Stories/Serial)
- The Stable Boy by The Foe Hammer (Tales/Stories/Serial) begun.
- Prim's picture page. (Other)
- A Ranger of Ithilien by Anborn1 (Tales/Stories/Serial)
- "Writings of Frodo Baggins" removed at author's request.
- Karaoke Night from March 14th. (Songs)
- Tower of Cirith Ungol by Lizmybit (Tales/Stories)
- Memories Full of Sorrow by Lizmybit (Tales/Stories)
- Anagrams by Wheathills (Tales/Misc.)
- Lovemoot Dating Agency (Tales/Parodies)
- Sam & Rosie E-Mail by sunwolf (Tales/Parodies)
- Dinner in Isengard by Varda (Tales/Stories/Serial)
February 2003
- Links to Ladyhawk Hollow and Osgiliath added to front page.
- Contributors moved to their own page.
- Epic poetry submissions alphabetized.
- Sections for Triolets, Villanelles and Alphabetical poems
- Theme Collections added: Balrog, Boromir, Gwaihir, Pippin and
- Conversations with Boromir added. (Tales/parodies)
- Too many poems and limericks added to list - enjoy browsing!
Likewise for top tens, songs and adapted poetry, etc.
- Lost in Middle Earth. (Tales/parodies)
- The Archer Mice of ME (Tales/parodies)
- LotR Christmas Carols collection.(Songs)
- Musical Analyses of FotR by Talagawen added.(Other), also a
few jokes (Other).
- Lind's Story updated. (Tales/serial)
- "The Darkness Within" dark inklings by NorthStar added.
- Liritar by Anarelen updated (Tales/serial)
- LOTR Mary-Sue Litmus Test added. (Other)
Amy/Primula re-opened the Scrapbook in February 2003,
after a period of its being unavailable due to Redbeard being unable to
maintain it.
September - January it was still under construction, thus no entries.
Many "backlogged" archives from that period were added in at it's
reopening, as well as all that could be recovered from various fans.
2003 2004 2005 2006
2007 2008 2009 2010
2011 2012+
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