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Note: Category
locations of past items may have changed due to the continual
re-organization of this site necessary to keep up with the volume of
entries. If you can't find it, use the search function on the main
page. The archives are "backwards" in that the most recent are at
the top. No archive records were kept for 2001, though some items
were archived from December of that year.
Feb. Mar. Apr.
May June
June 6 was the last update for Redbeard in 2002. Ownership was
transferred, and in February 2003, the
Scrapbook was reopened and updated by Primula inclusive of many
backlogged items from between 6/02 - 2/03.
Preserved Original index of Old Boards with
links to current Decipher site
June 6, 2002 Update (includes all submissions
through May 29)
Tales of the Ring
- "110 Days" (Chapters 8 through 10) by Linaewen (Stories)
- "Frodo's Return to the Shire 2" (entries 9 through 14) by
Lirien (Stories)
- "Lind's Story" (Chapters 18 through 39) by Lindorie (Stories)
- "Monty Python: Fellowship of the Ring" by Hstaphath (Parodies)
- the third "Postcard from Angband" by Baron W (Parodies)
- Week 4 Eviction Night added to the Big Brother week 4 page by
Meriodoc (Parodies)
- "LOTR Action Figures We Would Like to See" by Primula
- "Blessings" by Anborn1 (Stories)
- "Lament for Boromir" by Shelob (Epic)
- "Four Swords" by Shelob (Epic)
- "Frodo the Lonely Pilgrim" by Zanring (Verses about LOTR 3)
- "Legolas Greenleaf, Prince of the Silvan Elves" by Zanring
(Verses about LOTR 3)
- "Strength of the Hobbits" by Zanring (Verses about LOTR 3)
- "Virtual World - A Thank You!" by Shelob (Verses about the
fans 3)
- "NorthStar's Thanks" by NorthStar (Verses about the fans 3)
- A response to NorthStar's Thanks by Lilywillow (Verses about
the fans 3)
- A Limerick by Dandy (Limericks about LOTR)
- A Limerick by Lindorie (Limericks about LOTR)
- For Linaewen by Lindorie (Limericks about the Fans)
- For LInd by Dandy (Limericks about the Fans)
- For Dandy by Lindorie (Limericks about the Fans)
- For Primula by Lindorie (Limericks about the Fans)
- "Lembas" by Primula (Poetry/Primula's Adaptations)
- "Queen of Delete" by Shelob (Poetry/Verses about the Fans 3)
- "Ode to a Pony" by simpetarwen (Epic)
- "In Imladris did Elrond Wise" by Vison (Poetry/Adaptations 2)
- "Aiya Viherlehti, iire ile entula' amin?" by Lady Nurlhawen
- "A Wall Fall" by Shelob (Poetry/Silly)
- "Pippin's Grief" by Lady of the Shire (epic)
- "The Heart of Aragorn" by Lady of the Shire (epic)
- "Oh a little hobbit" by Dabs (Poetry/Silly)
- Limericks by Fili (Poetry/Limericks about LOTR)
- A Limerick by Northstar (Poetry/Limericks about LOTR)
- "In Bree" by Northstar (Epic)
- "This Board to Me is As a Second Home" by lilywillow (Verses
about the Fans 3)
- "Eowyn's Lament for Aragorn" by Marsaili (Epic)
- "Frodo" by Sauron's Rite-hand-man (Verses about LOTR 3)
- "Nine plus One" by Shelob (epic)
- "A Song for Sam" by Lady of the Shire (epic)
- "There Was a Hobbit" by Zanring (Songs page 7)
- "Pelennor" by Baron Wilderness (Songs page 7)
- "Ballad of a lonely Orc" by Rasputintx (Songs page 7)
- A song about Mordor by LIndorie (Songs page 7)
Gandalf Theme (Themes)
- Stories
- "The Early Years of Gandalf Greyhame" by Vison
- "Sam in Lorien, Musing on Gandalf" by Dandy
- "Gandalf's Tangled Web" by Elwen
- "Mission, Quest, Thing...Impossible" by lilywillow
- "Gandalf's Trip to the Shops" by Meriadoc
- "The Lone Watch" by Dandy
- "A letter to Radagast" by Hobbitlove
- "Gandalf smokes his Pipe in Moria, and ponders" by Vison
- Poems
- "A bit of wretched doggerel in honour of Mithrandir" by
- "The Path Not Taken" by Lindorie
- "Moria" by Lindorie
- "Wizard's Hats" by Shelob
- "Eyes of Wizards" by Shelob
- "Gandalf's Shame" by Shelob
- "Fire and Lice" by Primula
- "Mithrandir" by Primula
- "Two Sonnets for Gandalf" by Primula
- "Falling" by Linaewen
- "Stormcrow's Warning" by Primula
- "The Ballad of Gandalf the Grey" by lilywillow
- "The Ring of the Ancient Mithrandir" by Primula
- ", I mean Wizard" by Lindorie
- "Wizard's Staff is Burning Bright" by Lindorie
- "Very Old Friend" by Primula
- "A tribute to Gandalf on his special day" by MithrandirCQ
- Verse Collections
- Limericks about Gandalf by Dandy, Joyful, Rasputintx,
Linaewen, Lindorie, Eressea, Primula, Elethril, Hobbitlove
- Verses about Gandalf, including Haiku by Lindorie, Dandy,
Anborn1 and Verses by Lindorie, Shelob, Tori*Took, Vison, simpetarwen
- Songs
- "Ode to Gandalf" by arianid, elvenmaid
- "He's Always a Wizard to Me" by Primula
- "Gandalf's Never Fed" by Primula
- "Run Run Run" by Primula
- "A tune for Gandalf" by Niere
- "Parody for Gandalf and the Fellowship" by arianid,elvenmaid
- "I love to tell the story" by Tori*Took
- "Stay with Me" by Lindorie
- "Pipeweed Wizard" by Gryster
- "Oh Pilgrim Grey" by Joyful
May 21, 2002
Tales of the Ring
- "The Gardener's Tale 3" by Varda (Tales of the Ring/Stories)
- "The Lost Leader" by Varda (Tales of the Ring/Stories)
- "The Pale King" by Varda (Tales of the Ring/Stories)
- "The Long Dark of Moria" by Elwen (Tales of the Ring/Stories)
- "Interlude at Imladris" by Elwen (Tales of the Ring/Stories)
- "The one pen" by Redbeard (Tales of the Ring/Parodies)
- "Tales of Tolman Gamgee" (Parts 17 through 20) by Lilywillow
(Tales of the Ring/Stories)
- "110 Days" (Chapter 7) by Linaewen (Tales of the Ring/Stories)
- "Frodo's Return to the Shire 2" (Parts 7 and 8) by Lirien
(Tales of the Ring/Stories)
- "The Grey Rain" by anborn1 (Tales of the Ring/Stories)
- an addition to Fellowship of the Bun by Lindorie (Tales of the
- Postcards from Angband by Baron Wilderness (Tales of the
- "The Adventures of SaruDooku" by StefBaggins
- "Song for a Saturday Night" by Vison (Poetry/Verses about the
Fans 3)
- "A Poem to Prim" by Vison (Poetry/Verses about the Fans 3)
- "Sam's Wish" by Shelob (Poetry/Epic/Shelob)
- "It's Growing Dim - a poem through Frodo's eyes" by Lithilien
Quicksilver (Poetry/Epic/Lithilien)
- "For Lindorie" by Vison (Poetry/Verses about the Fans 3)
- "Frodo's Night Song" by DelphiniumTook
- "Bilbo's Baking Song" by Niere (Songs page 6)
- "Sing-A-Long" (a story with songs) by Niere (Songs)
- "Three Blind Orcs" by Barliman Butterbur (Songs page 6)
- Essays added to the contest by CedarRapidsBorn, Firiel,
May 18, 2002
Tales of the Ring
- The Fellowship of the Bun" by by Elethril, with Samwise
Arandel, Dandy,
Primula, Lirien, Lilywillow, Overlithe, Mitheithel StefBaggins, Mr.
Baggins, jan-u-wine, Treblemaker, Meadowlark, Joyful, Ivis, Annie
Bayley, Orlindall, Lady of the Shire, CedarRapidsBorn, and Melkor's
Sister (Collected by Primula) (Tales of the Ring/Miscellaneous)
- "Elanor's Diary" (June 7, 10, 15, 1437) by Vison (Tales of the
- "Oh Heck! ROTK having to be re-filmed!" by Baron Wilderness
(Tales of the Ring/Parodies/News Flashes)
- "Faramir and Mithrandir" by Dandy B (Tales of the
- "Elrond muses the Night before his Council" by Vison (Tales of
the Ring/Stories)
- Added to: "Conversations with Faramir: Bree" by Lilywillow
(Tales of the Ring/Stories)
- "Is He Going to Die," "The Darkness Just Before the Dawn," "Sam
Garth Palen," "The River Flows Ever On: The First Day on the Anduin,"
"The River Flows Ever On: Gollum" by Lilywillow (Tales of the
Ring/Stories/Various Inklings)
- "The Tale of Lithilien Quicksilver" (Part 1 revised, and parts
2 and 3 added) by Lithilien (Tales of the Ring/Diaries)
- "What REALLY happened on Weathertop" by Baron Wilderness
(Tales of the Ring/Parodies)
- "Polite coherent fan meets EJW : a spoof" by CedarRapidsBorn
(Tales of the Ring/Parodies
- "Frodo's Return from the Shire 2" (Part 6) by Lirien (Tales of
the Ring/Stories)
- "Random Weirdness" by Sairinatindomerel (Poetry/Verses about
the Fans 3)
- "A Tribute to Dominic Monaghan" by Legolas74 (Poetry/Verses
about LOTR 3)
- "Une Poem de Gollum, j'aime" by Elethril (Poetry/Verses about
- "To Frodo" by Lady Nurlhawen (Poetry/Verses about LOTR 3)
- A Haiku of sorts by Skybly (Poetry/More Haiku)
- "Frodo's Inner Thoughts" by Arwenbloomer
- A limerick by OldGaffer (Poetry/Limericks about LOTR)
- "Longbottom Leaf" by Shelob (Poetry/Epic/Shelob)
- "Eyes" by Shelob (Poetry/Epic/Shelob)
- "Feetses - Footses" by Shelob (Poetry/Epic/Shelob)
- "Noses" by Primula (Poetry/Epic/Primula)
- "The Marching Uruk Hai" by Joyful (Poetry/Misc/Silly)
- "The Balrog" by Lilywillow (Poetry/Epic/Lilywillow)
- "Morian Dream" by Lady of the Shire (Poetry/Epic/Lady of the
- "Out of Moria" by Mrs. Frodo (Poetry/Epic/Mrs. Frodo)
- "There's a hole in the bottom of the sea" by Pippin's Sunshine
(Songs page 6)
- "Hang on Frodo" by Dandy (Songs page 6)
Some additions added to "Submissions Guidelines."
May 17, 2002
Essay Competition
- Essays added by Ladyhawk, Arwen75, Lirien, m4sure,
Tuilelindowen, Simien
Tales of the Ring
- "Lind's Story" (Chapters 1 through 17) by Lindorie (Tales of
the Ring/Stories)
- "Frodo's Return to the Shire" (Parts 28 through 30) by Lirien
(Tales of the Ring/Diaries)
- "Frodo's Return to the Shire 2" (Parts 1 through 5) by Lirien
(Tales of the Ring/Diaries)
- "Liritar, Second Son of Thranduil" (Parts 6 through 11) by
Anarelen (Tales of the Ring/Stories)
- "At Sammath Naur" by Anborn1 (Tales of the Ring/Stories)
- "The Fellowship in the Big Brother House" (week 4 and Who Shot
Frodo special) by Meriadoc (Tales of the Ring/Parodies)
- "Sam's Lost Journal" (Parts 14 through 16) by Dandy and "You
Oughten Of
Taken Up With Us Bill" (Tales of the Ring/Diaries)
- "110 Days" (Chapter 6) by Linaewen (Tales of the Ring/Stories)
- "Tales of Tolman Gamgee" (parts 10 through 16) by Lilywillow
(Tales of the Ring/Stories)
- "The Second Journal of the Personal Writings of Mr. Frodo
Baggins" (part 2-5) by Overlithe (Tales of the Ring/Diaries)
- "Tales from the Sponge: A Clone of Their Own" by Dandy (Tales
of the Ring/Miscellaneous)
- "The Fat Lady Sings on the Middle Earth Board" by various
(Tales of the Ring/Miscellaneous)
- "Pippin's War" by Varda (Tales of the Ring/Stories)
- "Bill the Pony" by Vison (Tales of the Ring/Parodies)
- "Merry and Pippin as Gungans" by Firiel (Tales of the
- "Morgul Vale" by Primula (Poetry/Epic/Primula)
- "Seabirds Cry" by Primula (Poetry/Epic/Primula)
- "Merry's Awakening" by Primula (Poetry/Epic/Primula)
- "Lockbearer" by Primula (Poetry/Epic/Primula)
- "Sam's Dreams" by Garco (Poetry/Epic/Garoc)
- "Lord of the Ring-A two word thing" by Shelob
- "Daughter of Rohan" by Fan Forever (Poetry/Epic/Fan Forever)
- Updated "Ode to the Wordsmiths" by Lilywillow
- "Gandalf by the Fire" by Northstar (Poetry/Epic/Northstar)
- "Aniron" by Lady Nurlhawen (Poetry/Epic/Lady Norlhawen)
- "The Lady and the Steward" by Pippin's Sunshine
(Poetry/Epic/Pippin's Sunshine)
- "That is For The Ring Bearer to Decide" by Dandy
May 5, 2002
Tales of the Ring
- "Elanor's Diary" by Vison (Legolas entries) parts 16 through
25 (Tales of the Ring/Diaries/Elanor/Legolas)
- "Frodo's Return to the Shire" by Lirien parts 23 through 27
(Tales of the Ring/Diaries/Frodo's Return)
- "Tales of Tolman Gamgee" by Lilywillow, parts 8 and 9 (Tales
of the Ring/Stories)
- "Conversations with Faramir" by Lilywillow (Tales of the
- "The Second Journal of the Personal Writings of Mr. Frodo
Baggins" by
Overlithe, part 2-4 (October 23 to November 9) (Tales of the
- "110 Days" by Linaewen, chapters 2 through 5 (Tales of the
- "Liritar, Second Son of Thranduil" by Anarelen, parts 1
through 5 (Tales of the Ring/Stories)
- "At the MoLD in Rivendell" by DelphiniumTook (Tales of the
- "Frodo at Cirith Ungol" by Annie Bayly (Tales of the
- "The Fellowship versus The Fighting Uruk-Hai" by StefBaggins
(Tales of the Ring/Parodies)
- "The Most Dangerous Thing of All" by Lady of the Wood (Tales
of the Ring/Stories)
- "News From Bree in Brief: Age of Man to Start at Noon Today"
by Mirthwood (Tales of the Ring/Parodies/News from Bree)
- The Fellowship in the Big Brother House (week 3 eviction
night) by Meriadoc (Tales of the Ring/Parodies)
- "Fun with Translations" compiled by Rayvah (Tales of the
- "Coming Soon from New Line" by Baron Wilderness (Tales of the
Ring/Parodies/News Flashes)
- "4in Travelers Frequent Pony, Tangle Tongues" by Primula
(Tales of the Ring/Parodies/News Flashes)
- Changes made to "Gentle Gardener" by Pippinsm
- 10 more Haiku by MithrandirCQ (Poetry/Haiku)
- "A Triangular Poem - about Sam" by Baron Wilderness
- "A Song in the Dark" by Primula (Poetry/Epic/Primula)
- "Rivendell Serenity" by Shelob (Poetry/Epic/Shelob)
- "Love Poem for Orc #17" by Elethril (Poetry/Verses about LOTR
- "Love Poem for Lurtz" by Elethril (Poetry/Verses about LOTR 2)
- "Fatty Lumpkin" by Shelob (Poetry/Verses about LOTR 2)
- "Buckleberry Ferry" by Orlindall (Poetry/Verses about LOTR 2)
- "To Varda" by MithrandirCQ (Poetry/Verses about the Fans 2)
- "Wasted Time/Time Well Spent" by Hobbitlove (Poetry/Verses
about the Fans 2)
- "For Billy Boyd" by Lady of the Shire (Poetry/Epic/Lady of the
- "A Woman's Bitter Choice" by Northstar (Poetry/Epic/Northstar)
- "'Strider' by a Bree Tavern Patron" by Baron Wilderness
(Poetry/Verses about LOTR 2)
- "Second Breakfast" by Shelob (Verses about LOTR 2)
- "A Poem by Mervyn -- Dedicated to Gollum" by Cadsuane (Verses
about LOTR 2)
Theme Collections: We are starting a section of Theme Collections,
beginning with the "Bill the Pony" entries. All of these entries are
also included in their appropriate categories (poetry, tales, etc.) but
have been organized in one place for easy browsing.
- "Ode to Bill the Pony" by Shelob
- "Ode to Bill" by Lilywillow
- A page of short verses, limericks, haiku and more about Bill by
Lilywillow, Shelob, Primula, MithrandirCQ, Anarelen, Annie Bayly,
Lindorie, Dandy
- "Poor Old Bill" by LilyWillow
- A page of songs about Bill by Primula
- "Bill the Pony's Ride" by Primula
- "The Bill" by Primula
- "A Sonnet for Bill" by Primula
- "A Bill the Pony 'Scenes that were Cut' Special" by Meriadoc
- "The Ballad of Bill's Quest" by LilyWillow
- "Free Verse For Bill the Pony Day" by Dandy
- "It's the One Ring after all" by Anborn1 (Songs page 6)
- "A very short song about Shelob" by Mirthwood (Songs page 6)
- "Bilbo's Birthday Song" by Orlindall (Songs page 6)
- "Hope He Doesn't See Me" by TheWhiteRider (Songs page 6)
- "Gaffer's Got A Brand New Rake" by OldGaffer (Songs page 6)
- "I saw hope Die" by Elethril (Songs page 6)
- "Sponges, Kilts and Muu Muus" by OldGaffer (Songs page 6)
- "Rivendell Bilbollies" by Primula and LilyWillow's reply
(Songs by Primula 2)
- "Hobbit in the Hole" by Primula (Songs by Primula 2)
- "Beautiful Day" by Goldberry (Songs page 6)
- "Ode to Strider-man" by OldGaffer (Songs page 6)
- "The Hobbit Crash by Dandy Baggins (Songs page 6)
Top Ten
- "40 some Signs of Obsession" by Pale Nephredil (Top Ten
Obsession 3)
- "Top Ten Beatles tunes for the Fab 4 version of Rings" by
Elfstone (Top Ten page 3)
- "Top Ten Signs You have seen The Two Towers Trailer TOO many
times!" by Rayvah (Top Ten Obsession 3)
- Prancing Pony drinks menu has been updated and moved to its
own page (see Definitions)
- "Ring Cookies and Sauron's Eyes" by Orlindall (Other/Recipes)
April 23, 2002
- Sam's Lost Journal (parts 12 and 13) by Dandy (Tales of the
Ring/Diaries and Journals)
- Tales of Tolman Gamgee 7: The Rescue by Lilywillow (Tales of
the Ring/Stories)
- Quest for the Pizza Ring of Power (part 6) by Rayvah (Tales of
the Ring/Parodies)
- The Fellowship in the Big Brother House (week 3) by Meriadoc
(Tales of the Ring/Parodies)
- "A Mist Rises from the Marsh" by Dandy (Poetry/Epic/Dandy)
- "Back Home" by Primula (Poetry/Epic/Primula)
- "The Choices of Master Samwise" by Tori*Took
- "Frodo's Return" (entries 21 and 22) by Lirien (Tales of the
Ring/Diaries and Journals)
- "The Day Goes Down" by Varda (Tales of the Ring/Stories)
- missing entry for April 13, 1437 in Elanor's Diary added
(thanks to Linaewen)
April 20, 2002
- "Sam's Lost Journal" (parts 10 and 11) by Dandy (Tales of the
Ring/Diaries and Journals)
- a verse about the Pony by Tori*Took (Poetry/Verses about the
Fans 2)
- "Tales of Tolman Gamgee 6: The Call" by lilywillow (Tales of
the Ring/Stories)
- "Things in FOTR that make me laugh" by Sam Wood (Top Ten 3)
- Good Guy/Bad Guy limericks by Baron Wilderness, plus limericks
TheWhiteRider and Tori*Took (Poetry/Limericks about LOTR)
- "Viggo Mortensen" by ElberethArathorn (Poetry/Verses about
- "On the Edge of Midnight" by Dandy Baggins (Poetry/Epic/Dandy)
- "A Story" by Aeradel (Tales of the Ring/Stories)
- "Top Ten Items That Will Not be Sold in Stores" by Dimples
- "Pint Run" by TheWhiteRider (Songs page 5)
- "No Other Way" by Primula (Poetry/Epic/Primula)
- "Bilbo's Song for Estel" by Dandy Baggins (Poetry/Epic/Dandy)
- Yet more Haiku by MithrandirCQ (Poetry/Haiku)
April 18, 2002
- New! Scrapbook Search Engine.
Yes, now you can search the 500+ pages of the scrapbook,
or even specific sections of it. Check it out (at left) and let me
know what you think, or if you discover any problems with it.
- "Elanor's Diary" by Vison. A number of new entries added in the
section, including some earlier missing ones. (Tales of the
Ring/Diaries and Journals)
- "Frodo's Return to the Shire" (the first 20 episodes) by
Lirien (Tales of the Ring/Diaries and Journals)
- "The Fellowship in the Big Brother House: Week 2" (including
Eviction night) by Meriadoc (Tales of the Ring/Parodies)
- "Tales of Tolman Gamgee" by lilywillow. 3. Tom tells Sam and
about his misadventure, 4. Getting Ready to Go, 5. The Little Woods
(Tales of the Ring/Stories)
- Part 2-3 of "The Second Journal of The
Personal Writings of Mr. Frodo Baggins" by Overlithe (Tales of the
Ring/Diaries and Journals)
- "The Fencing Lesson" by Varda (Tales of the Ring/Stories)
- "The House of Gondor" part 1 by NorthStar
- "The House of Gondor" part 2 by NorthStar
- "To Rivendell" part 1 by NorthStar (Poetry/Epic/Northstar)
- "110 Days" by Linaewen (Tales of the Ring/Stories)
- May 27 and 28, 1437 of "Elanor's Diary" by Vison (Tales of the
Ring/Diaries and Journals)
- A little ditty from Mervyn, dedicated to Gollum by Cadsuane
(Poetry/Limericks and Verses/Verses about LOTR 2)
- Haiku-like verses by TheWhiteRider (Poetry/Haiku/More Haiku)
- "What Child Given" by Elethril (Tales of the Ring/Stories)
- "The Ballad of Brave Sir Ian" by pippins-scarf (Songs page 5)
- "If I Had the Magazine" by OldGaffer (Songs page 5)
"Picture Taking" by Primula (Poetry/Epic/Primula)
- "The Eyes of
Greenleaf" by TruElvenPrincess (Poetry/Epic/TruElvenPrincess)
- "The Stockholm Central Station, track 13-14" by Tangelian
- Limericks about Rosie, by lilywillow and Tuilelindowen
(Poetry/Limericks about the Fans)
- Film Titles by Ahriell (Top Ten)
- "The World of the Lord of the Rings" by TruElvenPrincess
- "Song for Smeagol" by Swept Off (Poetry/Limericks and
Verses/Verses about LOTR 2)
- If Tolkien had written the Rings today by Stefbaggins (Top Ten
page 3)
April 13, 2002
- "Song of Aeradel" by Aeradel (Poetry/Epic/Aeradel)
- "Poem for Thranduil" by Aeradel (Poetry/Epic/Aeradel)
- "The Beginning of Time" by Arnartariën
- "Eldamar!" by Arnartariën (Poetry/Epic/Arnartariën)
- "Ode to the Dwarf" by Garoc (Poetry/Epic/Garoc)
- "Stone Trolls" by Primula (Poetry/Epic/Primula)
- "Ithilien" by Primula (Poetry/Epic/Primula)
- "Anduin the Great: Tale of a River" by Linaewen
- "Elijah's Frodo" by Lilywillow (Poetry/Epic/Lilywillow)
- "Ode to the Wordsmiths" by Lilywillow (Poetry/Epic/Lilywillow)
- "Frodo's Destiny" by TruElvenPrincess
- "Tales of Tolman Gamgee: 2. A Surprise in the Woods" by
Lilywillow (Tales of the Ring/Stories)
- "You Know of Whom I Speak" by Lilywillow (Tales of the
- "Keep It Close To Your Heart" by Pippin's Sunshine
(Poetry/Epic/Pippin's Sunshine)
- "News from Bree for April 8: Horse Lords Besieged by Single
Wielding Evil Thing" by Mirthwood (Tales of the Ring/Parodies/News from
- "A little bird" by Elwen (Poetry/Epic/Elwen)
- A limerick by Primula (Poetry/Limericks about the Fans)
- A whole new page of Limericks about Gollum and fishes by
Primula, Lady of the Shire, Primrose, Mirthwood, Linaewen, and
Tuilelindowen (Poetry/Limericks/Limericks about Gollum and fishes)
- "A little melancholy passage for a starry night" by Baron
Wilderness (Poetry/Epic/Baron Wilderness)
- "The Fellowship in the Big Brother House: Week 1" by Meriadoc
(Tales of the Ring/Parodies)
- "Why AngryPixie Loves Orli/Legolas" (with photo!) by TO Elf
(Top Ten page 3)
- "On First Seeing the Shire" by Lady of the Shire
(Poetry/Epic/Lady of the Shire)
- "Blackaggins Goes Forth" by White Rider (Tales of the
- "The Fellowship of the Kindergarten" by White Rider (Tales of
the Ring/Parodies)
- "Galadriel Takes her Driving Test" by Baron Wilderness (Tales
of the Ring/Parodies)
- "Scenes that were cut - Sam and Frodo Meet Gollum" by Meriadoc
(Tales of the Ring/Parodies)
- "Account Of Irascian and The Finding Of The Key Of Power" by
StefBaggins (Tales of the Ring/Parodies)
- "You Do Not Feel Pain You Do Not Feel Fear" by Varda (Tales of
the Ring/Stories)
- "Good Night at the Pony" As performed by Dandy and the
(Halavana, Ghostwood, Goldenberry, LithyQ, DesertElf, Icarus, and
Rosie(moderator)) (Songs page 4)
- "May be a Price to Pay" by Dandy (Songs page 4)
- Limericks by OldGaffer and Old Gaffer's Mailbox
(Poetry/Limericks/Limericks about the Fans)
- Verse about waiting for the post by Old Gaffer
(Poetry/Limericks/Verses about the fans 2)
- More entries in "The second Writings of Frodo Baggins SR1393"
Overlithe (Tales of the Ring/Journals and Diaries/Writings of Frodo
Baggins part 2b)
- "Peter Jackson's Hocus Pocus Ring Song" by Dandy (Songs page
- "Boromir" by Vison (Tales of the Ring/Journals and Diaries)
- "A Night in Orthanc" by Vison (Tales of the Ring/Journals and
- Legolas Greenleaf and Captain Roland segments of Elanor's Diary
(Part 1
through 7) by Vison (Tales of the Ring/Diaries and Journals/Elanor's
Diary/Legolas and Roland)
- "The Second Annual Goldenberry Goldens (Oscars Version)" by
Goldenberry (Tales of the Ring/Parodies)
- "Top Ten 'official' email addys" by Goldenberry (Top Ten page
- "Reasons Why 'Mellon' is a Very Strange Name for Friend" by
goldenberry (Top Ten page 3)
- Responses to Redbeard's Thangorodrim challenge by Primula and
MithrandirCQ (Poetry/Miscellaneous)
- Addition to Submissions page to clarify procedures for
pieces that come in segments (diary/journal/continuing story entries,
April 7, 2002
- Added Scrapbook
Submission Guidelines
- Some re-organization of miscellaneous items into the category
"Other Interesting Stuff"
- "Of Eowyn and Faramir" by LadyOBloom (Poetry/Epic/LadyOBloom)
- Some entertaining synopses of "The Hobbit" by Dandy and
Xethian (Other Interesting Stuff)
- "Nine Reasons Why Bill the Pony was Glad to Leave the
Fellowship" by Mirthwood (Top Ten page 3)
- 19 new Limericks by Old Gaffer, Primula, Dandy, Rhiannon,
Rosie, Garoc,
and lonevoice (Poetry/Limericks about the Fans)
- "The Door to Moria" by Shelob (Poetry/Epic/Shelob)
- "The second part of The Personal Writings of Frodo Baggins" by
Overlithe (Tales of the Ring/Diaries and Journals)
- "Tales of Tolman Gamgee: The Trolls' Lair" by lilywillow
(Tales of the Ring/Stories)
- "The Trailer" by lilywillow (Poetry/Epic/lilywillow)
- "A-Z Haiku" by MithrandirCQ (Poetry/Haiku)
- "Tales From the Sponge: Can't you Control Your Clone" by Dandy
(Tales of the Ring/Miscellaneous)
- "Tom Bombadil's Trip to his Shrink" by Baron Wilderness (Tales
of the Ring/Parodies)
- "You know you've seen LOTR too many times when" by Meriadoc
(Top Ten Obsession 3)
- "Scenes that were Cut - Elrond Re-decorates" by Meriadoc
(Tales of the Ring/Parodies)
- "Scenes that were Cut - The Ringwraith Conference" by Meriadoc
(Tales of the Ring/Parodies)
- A couple more For Your Consideration ads added thanks to
Sunshine (Other Interesting Stuff/For Your Consideration)
- "Elanor's Diary" by Vison, including May
1, 1437 SR, May 4, 1437 SR, May 11, 1437 SR, May 16, 1437 SR: more from
Legolas Greenleaf and Captain Roland (Tales of the Ring/Diaries and
- "Aragorn Ponders in the Hornburg" by Vison (Tales of the
Ring/Diaries and Journals)
April 4, 2002
- Elanor's Diary (April 10, 12, 18, and 25, 1437) by Vison
(Tales of the Ring/Diaries and Journals)
- "Chosen" by Linaewen (Poetry/Epic/Linaewen)
- "Untold Tales" by Primula (Poetry/Epic/Primula)
- "'If I Was Tall' by Gimly Dwarf esq." by Meriadoc
- "Aragorn" by Melkor's Sister (Poetry/Epic/Melkor's Sister
- "Estel's Quest: The Mark of Sauron: The Journey Begins" by
Dandy (Tales of the Ring/Stories)
- "Theoden" by Primula (Poetry/Primula's Adaptations)
- Sam's Lost Journal, part 9 by Dandy (Tales of the Ring/Diaries
and Journals)
- "News from Bree for April 3: Bill the Pony Returns to Bree
Adventure in Wild" by Mirthwood (Tales of the
- "A Balrog's Trip to the Doctors" by Baron Wilderness (Tales of
the Ring/Parodies)
- "Fishhh" by Primula (Poetry/Limericks and Verses/Verses about
- "Frodo Laughing" by Primula (Poetry/Limericks and
Verses/Verses about LOTR 2)
- "Dark! Leafy!" a parody in two acts by Primula (Tales of the
- "For the Makers" by Yaralindi (Poetry/Limericks and
Verses/Verses about LOTR 2)
April 1, 2002
- The final additions to "Primula at the Oscar Party"
(Poetry/Limericks and verses)
March 30, 2002
- Additions to "Primula at the Oscar Party" (Poetry/Limericks and
verses), including "Track 16," "Waiting in Line," "Top of the Stairs,"
"The Hall," "Rivendell Viewing Room," "Oscar Moment," "Rumors,"
"McKellan," "Cooling Down," "Someone," "Entourage."
- "Bilbo's Party" by Lilywillow (Poetry/Epic/Lilywillow)
- "The Wind, the Sea, and the Sky: The Istari Arrive" by Vison
(Tales of the Ring/Stories)
- "A Visit with Bell Gamgee, Sam's Mum" by Vison (Tales of the
Ring/Journals and Diaries)
- "There Are No Such Things As Elves" by Elwen (Tales of the
- "Mr. Frodo's Waiting" by Linaewen (Tales of the Ring/Diaries
and Journals)
- "Two Towers Characters Haikus" by MithrandirCQ
- "Return to Middle-earth" by Sam Wood
March 27, 2002
- Added Linaewen's "Reading Tolkien Chronologically - A Suggested
List" along with the Scrapbook's LOTR Bookstore. See link at left.
- "Primula at the Oscar Party" - a series of poems on her trip
to L.A. (Poetry/Limericks and Short Verses)
- "The Great Escape" by Varda (Musings)
- "Top 10 Things You Are [Unknowingly] Looking Forward To Seeing
In The
Two Towers" by Gil-Galad (Top Ten/Gil-Galad's Top Ten)
March 26. 2002
- "An Unexpected Disaster" By Telcontar (Tales of the
- "News from Bree: Bombadil Charged with Three Counts of
Mischief" by Mirthwood (Tales of the Ring/Parodies/News Flashes)
- "How comes he here" by Lilywillow (Poetry/Epic/Lilywillow)
- "The Orcsers Awards" by Baron Wilderness (Top Ten page 3)
- Link added to Mithrandir's Chronology of the Silmarillion
(Other Member links below)
March 24, 2002
- Added list of awards for which LOTR has won or been nominated
- "Elanor's Lament" by lilywillow (Poetry/Epic/lilywillow)
- "Gentle Gardener" by Pippinsm (Poetry/Epic/Pippinsm)
- "Song for the Lurkers" by Arwenbloom (Poetry/Verses about the
Fans 2)
- "Galadriel Cannot Sleep" by Vison (Poetry/Epic/Vison)
- "Rosie muses on her wedding day morning" by Vison (Tales of
the Ring/Diaries)
- "No Picnic" by Varda (Musings)
- "The Chieftains" by Varda (Musings)
- "The Bridge of Khazad-Dum" by lilywillow
- "Pony Board Kicks" by Dandy (Songs Page 4)
- "Pony-00" by Dandy (Songs Page 4)
- "Fans from the Pony" by Dandy (Songs Page 4)
- "10 step LOTR CM Program" by Dandy (Top Ten Obsession page 3)
- More entries in "The Personal Writings of Mr. Frodo Baggins"
by Overlithe (Tales of the Ring/Diaries)
- "more Silmarillion Haiku" by MithrandirCQ (Poetry/Haiku)
March 23, 2002
- Poetry Section has been completely re-organized. All epic and
longer poems now are organized by author.
- Top Ten Section has been re-organized to add a page
specifically for Gil-Galad, Elven King.
- "Top 10 reasons why the LOTR characters would never make it in
the real world." by Gil-Galad (Top Ten/Gil-Galad)
- "Top 10 reasons why an Elven King writes Top 10 lists" by
Gil-Galad (Top Ten/Gil-Galad)
- "Top 10 unknown facts about FOTR" by Gil-Galad (Top
- "Top 10 Rejected Names for LOTR Characters" by Gil-Galad (Top
- "Top 10 items on a Middle Earth Menu" by Gil-Galad (Top
- "10 Lines that would have changed the course of FOTR" by
Gil-Galad (Top Ten/Gil-Galad)
- "Top 10 Music Chart for Middle-earth" by Gil-Galad (Top
- "Top 10 television shows for the characters of Lord of the
Rings to
star in, after the movies" by Gil-Galad (Top Ten/Gil-Galad)
- "Call to the Warrior" by Northstar (Poetry/Epic/Northstar)
- "A Dear Friend Remembered" by Elwen (Poetry/Epic/Elwen)
- "Ode to the Horn Blowers of the Fellowship" by ElfinWolf
(Poetry/Verses about LOTR 2)
- "Wormtongue" by Primula (Poetry/Epic/Primula)
- "Night in Lorien" by Northstar (Poetry/Epic/Northstar)
- "How Bout Them Hobbits" by MrUnderhill (Poetry/Verses about
- "Elanor's Diary" (March 27, April 1, 3, 6, 7) by Vison (Tales
of the Ring/Diaries)
- "a simple good night poem to all" by Ialegolas (Poetry/Verses
about the Fans 2)
March 19, 2002
- "Elanor's Diary" (March 5, 7, 8, 11 of 1437) by Vison (Tales
of the Ring/Diaries)
- "Nose of Sauron Seeks Sanctuary in the Shire" by Mirthwood
(Tales of the Ring/Parodies/News Flashes)
- "The Personal Writings of Mr. Frodo Baggins" by Overlithe
(Tales of the Ring/Diaries)
- "Musicians Renamed Because Of LOTR Fame" by Stefbaggins
(TopTen/Top Ten Lists 3)
- A List of Drinks Available at the Prancing Pony is now on the
Definitions page.
- "Look After Sam" by Varda (Musings)
- "Counsel of Lies" by Primula (Poetry/Epic page 9)
- "The Scene:" by Black Breathalizer (Tales of the
- "In the Shadows of Mount Doom" by northstar (Poetry/Epic page
- "Snowmane" by Primula (Poetry/Epic page 9)
- "Rest, my master, rest" by Fan Forever (Poetry/Epic page 9)
- "Gondor Will See It Done" by Linaewen (Poetry/Epic page 9)
- "Why we love Juz" by Galadriel-ca (Poetry/Limericks about the
- "Bill the pony's Ode to Sam" by Ladyhawk (Poetry/Verses about
- "A Grief Too Near" by LadyOBloom (Poetry/Epic page 9)
- "The Arrival of Gandalf" by lilywillow (Poetry/Verses about
- "The Ballad of Peregrin Took" by northstar (Poetry/Epic page
- "One Tea Towel" by Melkor's Sister (Songs/Songs page 3)
- "And the Skies Look On" by Elwen (Poetry/Epic page 9)
- "The Old Forest" by Primula (Poetry/Epic page 9)
- "Sam, Frodo and Bill" by Barliman Butterbur (Poetry/Verses
about LOTR 2)
- "The Darkness" by Grimbeorn (Poetry/Epic page 9)
- "West Wind" by Linaewen (Poetry/Epic page 10)
- "Brandy Hall" by Primula (Poetry/Epic page 10)
- "Middle-earth - A song to the tune of Veggie Tales" by
Pippinsm (Songs/Songs page 3)
- "The Toy-Makers of Dale" by Primula (Poetry/Epic page 10)
- "The Charge of the Rohirrim" by Baron Wilderness (Poetry/Epic
page 10)
- "Poem for the LOTR Fanclub Message Boards" by Firiel
(Poetry/Verses about the Fans 2)
- 38 new Haiku-like verses by MithrandirCQ
(Poetry/MithrandirCQ's Haiku)
- "Gimili Unfroze" by Dandy (Tales of the Ring/Miscellaneous)
- "Estel's Quest" and "Estel's Quest: The Tale from Rivendell"
added to
"The Mark of Sauron" by Dandy (Tales of the Ring/Stories)
- "Pony Man" (to the tune of Piano Man) by Dandy Baggins
(Songs/Songs page 3)
March 8, 2002
- A new section: Varda's
including * A Great Sorceress Lives In These Woods * Boromir's Brother
* Boromir's Last Stand * I'll Have You Longshanks * One Day In The Life
Of Frodo Baggins
- A Muumuu for Sean Bean and A Muumuu for Brave Aragorn by Elwen
- The Party Tree by Primula (Poetry/Epic page 8)
- Falling Leaves by Primula (Poetry/Epic page 8)
- Bergil & Pippin - a couplet version by Primula
(Poetry/Epic page 8)
March 2, 2002
- Pager messages (lots!) by ainalorn, Arabee, Rhiannon,
StefBaggins, sindarleaf, lina (Top Ten/Pager Messages)
- Consumer Report: "Environmentally Friendly" steed doesn't make
grade by ainalorn (Tales of the Ring/Parodies/News Flashes)
- Waltzing Midd'l-Earth by Primula (Songs/Primula 2)
- Falling Asleep Again by Primula (Poetry/Epic page 7)
- Top 10 LOTR obsessions at the work place by Thomas Covenant
(Top Ten/Obsession 3)
- Top 10 reasons Rosie loves Sams Pans by Rosie (Top Ten 3)
- Top 11 Signs The Prancing Pony Really DOES have Power Over
Your Mind! by Melkor's Sister (Top Ten/Obsession3)
- Top 11 list of ways I know that I just might be getting
addicted to The
Prancing Pony!! by Melkor's Sister (Top Ten/Obesssion 3)
- lament by brelene (Songs page 3)
- haiku-like verses of the Valar by MithrandirCQ (Poetry/Haiku
- 2 Limericks by Baron Wilderness (Poetry/Limericks about LOTR)
- Limericks by Primula, MithrandirCQ, Vison, and Elfstone
(Poetry/Limericks about the fans)
- SweetiePie's Peg o' Her Heart by Primula (Songs/Primula 2)
- Elanor's Diary February 6, 8, 10, 19, 22, 25, March 1, 3, 1437
by Vison (Tales of the Ring/Journals)
- Middle-earth Olympics (part 3) by Vison (Tales of the
- Three Green Rings by Warbird (Poetry/Verses about the Fans 2)
- Magic Lanterns by Vison (Poetry/Epic page 7)
- 2 poems by siofra of rivendell (Poetry/Epic page 7)
- The Beaglescouts of the Ring by Goldilocks Brownlock (Tales of
the Ring/Parodies)
- Sam and Frodo at the Grey Havens by Baron Wilderness
(Poetry/Epic page 7)
- Erwen by Elwen (Tales of the Ring/Stories)
- Stories of the Prancing Pony by Melkor's Sister (Tales of the
- Lurtz - The True Story by Islaren (Tales of the Ring/Parodies)
- LOTR Word Problems by Mirthwood2 (Tales of the Ring/Parodies)
February 25, 2002
- Fellowship Tales part 3, lines 76-116 by LilBaggins
(Poetry/Longer/Fellowship Tales)
- Ode to the Prancing Pony Patrons by LilBaggins (Poetry/Verses
about the Fans 2)
- Ode to the Prancing Pony by Fool for a Took (Poetry/Verses
about the Fans 2)
- Addendum to Ode to the Prancing Pony by Primula (Poetry/Verses
about the Fans 2)
- Two Ferrets and Bill Ferny by Sarielou (Poetry/Silly stuff)
February 23, 2002
- Middle Earth Recipes compiled by MithrandirCQ added on main
- Additional Haiku by MithrandirCQ (Poetry/Haiku 2)
- Top 11 (always wondered why everything is 10) ways you can know
you are
obsessed w/ LoTR by Melkor's Sister (Top Ten/Obsession 2)
- Top Ten Signs I Spend Too Much Time Here by LilBaggins (Top
Ten/Obsession 2)
- Top Ten signs you need a reality check by LilBaggins (Top
Ten/Obsession 2)
- Top Ten reasons Prim rocks by Goldberry (Top Ten/Goldberry)
- Lurking by Mervyn (Poetry/Longer)
- Please Mr. Gaffer by Galadriel-ca (Songs Page 3)
- A Little Poem by Cadsuane (Poetry/Verses about the fans 2)
- Elanor's Diary, February 1, 2, and 3 (Tales of the Ring)
- Weathertop Hill by Mirthwood2 (Songs Page 3)
February 21, 2002
- A Synopsis of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings by
MithrandirCQ (Synopsis)
- For Howard Shore by Primula (Poetry/Epic Poetry page 7)
- You know LOTR is getting in the way of your school work when
by Rowan and Lady of the Laiquendi (Top Ten/Obsession 2)
(No archives were kept for 2001, although a small number of items
were added December of that year.)
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
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