Legolas and Captain Roland: to Khand and Beyond

by Vison/Sheila

Chapter Seven:

.............Captain Roland, 20 June 1437 SR.........

Today we went on board Galatea with Captain Eloi.  He took us all over the Ship, and finished by giving us a lunch in his Cabin.  Mrs. Candida and the Twins were with us, but they have been on Galatea many times, and have even sailed on her.

She (for so I must learn to call her) is nothing like the ships that bore us to Sardara in January.   She is Majestic in her size; rocking gently at Anchor in the deep Channel, she looms over all other ships.

Captain Eloi is very proud of  Galatea.  "My Father had her Keel laid when I was a lad," he said.  "He designed her himself, and saw to every inch of her, and I was with him through it all.  I know every plank, every spike, every peg that made her.  I saw the trees felled that are her Masts, saw the Canvas woven that is her Sails."  As he spoke he touched the rail, and stroked it as another man might stroke a Horse.  

Mrs. Candida smiled at him and said, "You are wed to this ship, Eloi, just as your Father was."

He laughed.  "Mother, do not fear.  I will wed a woman one day,  when I meet one I can love as I love this Lady."

She is a Galleon, I learn, and though she is by far the greatest Ship in Haikan, she is also the swiftest, as swift as the Wind.  I heard talk of the Mainmast, and the Foremast, of Lateen sails.  We walked on the Quarterdeck, and the Poop.  We stood on the Forecastle and felt the ship rise and fall.  Every surface that can be Painted is, everything that can be Polished glitters like Gold in the Sunshine.

She sits in the place of Honour in the Channel, occupying the first Berth, so that she may sail before any other Ship. The Channel is very narrow, kept so to prevent any Enemy ships from riding Upriver except in  Line.

Downriver there is another, smaller, Anchorage, where the ships of the Emperor's Navy are berthed.  Ships coming upriver must take on a Pilot when they reach this place, though the Pilot is not needed to guide the ship.  He is rather an Official of the Emperor, who tallies up the Taxes due on the Cargo, and collects the Fees that each ship pays to Anchor at the Docks.

The Channel is watched every hour of the Day and Night, lest some enemy dare to come up unknown.  The Channel could be blocked very easily, like any Gate it may keep an Enemy out, but it may be shut from Outside, and those inside Besieged.  And every Ship that leaves Haikan has to pass the Navy yard, as well.  No ship may leave without a Pilot on Board, who alone can grant the Permit to sail, and who is taken off by a Navy boat as an outgoing Ship sails out to the Sea.

It seems there is a Prize offered each year by the Merchants of Haikan, a purse of Gold for the first Ship returning from the Spice Groves with the new Crop.  Sixteen years of the past twenty, Captain Eloi and the Galatea have won the Prize.  

A crew of ten score Men man her, but as she rides at Anchor she carries only a skeleton crew.  Men are painting, and repairing sails, but most of the crew is ashore.  Sergeant Axelder struck up a deep conversation with the Bosun's Mate, and Legolas went up into the rigging.

"He climbs like one of those Monkeys from the jungle,"  a sailor said, admiringly.  "I never saw the like of it!"

............Legolas, 20 June 1437 SR......

..................Ever has my Heart been given to the Green things, the Trees and Forests of this Middle Earth.  But I learned today that I can love, at first Sight, something made by Men.  Surely there is more than Craft in the creation of a thing so Fine as the Galatea?  The moment my foot touched her Deck, I thought that here was the Place for me.  

I felt as though I knew her already.  I walked about her with Captain Eloi and the others and I could hear her Speaking to me, her voice soft, whispering beneath theirs.  Touching the rail, the Cabin walls, even, I was touching a living Thing.  

Up into the rigging.  The motion that is as nothing when I stood upon the Deck was much increased by being up at the Crow's nest.  The ship quivers, as a Horse does when at the starting line of a Race.  I thought if I stepped off into the Air, I would soar with the Gulls, and swoop down upon my friends on the Deck, landing like a Bird.  Seldom has my heart been moved so quickly, at such short Acquaintance!

I do not know what the Men wish to do, when we have either seen or not seen this Emperor.  But I know what I wish to do..............

............Captain Roland, 22 June 1437 SR........

This has been a day of Incident, from beginning to end.  During the very early hours, before the Sun rose, I heard some bustle in the rooms below and when we went down to Breakfast we learned that Zeke had died during the Small hours.  

Captain Eloi had been summoned.  The old man had roused, and made his nurse understand that he wanted Eloi.  

"When I went in," Captain Eloi said, "he tried very hard to speak to me, poor old fellow.  But all he could say was my name, more or less.  He was very agitated, and kept pointing here and there in the room.  At last I picked up the thing he wanted, his stick.  And when I gave it to him, wondering what he could want with it, he gave it back to me, with such signs as I took to understand that he wanted me to have it."   He had it in his hands, turning it about.  "I took it, of course, since he wished it.  Only moments later he breathed his last. It is a fine stick, you see, trimmed quite richly with Ivory and Gold, but I have no use for such a thing."

This was sad news, but not unexpected.  Zeke's body was to be taken that morning by the men of the Sailors' Guild.  They will see to his Cremation, to be paid for by the Gold earring he wore, as do most Sailors.  When next he sails, Captain Eloi will cast Zeke's ashes upon Cerula's waves.

"What of Blanco?"  Trooper Anborn said.

"Well, " Mrs. Candida answered, " somehow I have become quite used to the Dog. "

Lucina laughed.  "Used to the Dog?  Mother!  You cannot carry tidbits about in your Pocket for him and call the him pet names and then say you are only 'quite used' to the Dog!"

Mrs. Candida smiled.  "No, I suppose not, my dear.  At any rate he seems at Home with us, and as he is a very well-behaved dog, he may stay."

Then her demeanor changed, and suddenly she looked worn and sad.  "There is a notice on the Corner post, and the Crier has been in the street, that there is to be an Execution tomorrow."

Captain Eloi frowned, and the Twins looked distressed.  "Oh, no," Leandra said.  

Captain Eloi said, looking at us, "It is the Duty of all to attend these Events when they are held in our home District.   Each time, the killing takes place in a different District Square, and tomorrow it is our misfortune.  And I hate to say it, but all Visitors are expected to attend as well."

This was most disconcerting.  To be ordered to attend an Execution?  I asked for the Reason.

"It is the will of the Emperor," Mrs. Candida said.  "'Tis no common Criminal who is to be put to Death, but a man who was found to be plotting Treason."

"Treason!"  Captain Eloi's voice was thick with Disgust.  "Some poor Fool who dared---:

"Eloi!"  Mrs. Candida said sharply.  "Eloi.  It is the Law."

He shook his head.  "I know, Mother.  But these Executions for Treason are becoming as Common as Gull droppings."

"And if we do not go?"  Sergeant Daeron asked.

Mrs. Candida looked miserable.  "It would-it would cause trouble for us, I'm afraid."

"Then of course we will obey the Emperor's will," I said.

Legolas went with Eloi to the Ship, and Ephaz and I walked up to the Market.  The other Men were here and there, some attending to our Horses, some looking out their gear and mending what needed mending.  The two Sergeants were out together, as usual, on some Pursuit of their own.  The Inn was quiet when I returned, and I saw Mrs. Candida seated in her office with some fellow, looking over her Accounts.

I went to my room and must have dozed off, for I was sleeping soundly in the Midday heat when I was roused by someone knocking on my door.

"Captain Roland, Captain Roland!"   Lucina's voice. "Captain Roland, it's here, it's here!"

Rather sleepily I stumbled out of bed to the door.  "What's here?"  I asked.

"The Letter from the Palace!"  she cried.  "The Letter from the Palace for you!"

I soon went downstairs and saw a most Amazing Sight.  Standing in the Lobby was a Personage, a very tall, thin man, completely Bald, dressed all in Purple and Gold, and looking about himself with utter Disdain.  Mrs. Candida was standing in the doorway of her Office with the man I had seen earlier, and Legolas and Sergeant Daeron were in the Lobby as well.  Both Legolas and Daeron were holding packages wrapped in Purple silk tied up with ribbons of Cloth of Gold, and as I came across the Lobby, the Personage held one out to me.

Captain Eloi came in just then with Axelder, and lo and behold, the Personage handed them packages as well.  Not a word did he utter in my hearing.  He now turned about and swept out and down the stairs to where his Sedan Chair waited. The bearers were even taller than he, huge fiercely mustachioed men.  I remembered the fellows who had been in Minas Tirith with Sir Amsat Khan, they were such as these, shaven of head, tattooed, and savage looking, armed with Spears, and Scimitars.

We all stood for a time, as if turned to Stone.

"What I want to know," Sergeant Daeron said, holding his package as if it was a Snake about to strike, "is how did that Bird know who we are?  See, this has my Name on it, that one says Legolas, and how in Thunder did he know?  Not a word did he say, not a word!"

"Yes," Sergeant Axelder said.  "And mine  is addressed in Haradlin, and yours in Quenya."

Captain Eloi began to unwrap his.  There must have been three or four fathoms length of silk wrapping, it fell in shimmering folds as he turned the package over and over.  Mrs. Candida caught it up, so that it did not touch the floor, and wound the Golden ribbon about her fingers..

Inside was a rolled paper, like a Scroll, and it was printed in Gold and Purple on paper even more Exquisite than that used by Sir Hirgon.

"His Majesty Maquinna, Emperor of Khand, Suzerain of the Spice Groves, Monarch of the Waves of the Ocean Cerula, and Source of All Righteousness, Most Beloved of his People, Defender of the Realm, does most Earnestly Desire that Eloi son of Eliphaz Attend the Court on the 25 Day of June in the Year 5435 K. A. at the Hour of the Sun opening  the Second Quadrant.  It will be his Pleasure to Admit you into the Light of his Presence.," read Captain Eloi.

We opened our Letters in Turn, one at a Time; the letters were Identical, except that they were written in our Mother tongues.  Like Daeron, I wondered how the Messenger had known who we all were, except for Legolas, of course.  The Emperor's system of Espionage went up a Notch in my Estimation.

Sergeant Axelder folded the Purple silk and the Golden ribbon that had wrapped his Summons, for so the invitation must be called, and he handed it with a bow to Leandra.  "Here, Miss Leandra," he said, "this would make a Pretty scarf for your hair."

She gasped in horror.  "Oh, no, no!  No one but the Emperor or one of his Court may wear Purple! "  She would not even take the cloth from him, but stood with her hands behind her back.  "Sergeant, I cannot take it! "

"What am I to do with it?"  he asked, puzzled.

"You are to Treasure it," Mrs. Candida said.  "Eloi's will become an Heirloom of our House."

Sergeant Axelder whistled.  "You don't say!  Are they so Precious, then?"

"They are," Captain Eloi said.  "You must re-wrap your Invitation, so, and when we present ourselves at the Gate, you must hand it in that state to the Guard.  You will be given it back, of course, when you leave."

The man who had been visiting Mrs. Candida was introduced to us as Trader Morlock.  "An old friend of the Family,"  Mrs. Candida said, but there was little warmth in her Voice.  He made some effusive Compliment about the Honour we had all been shown in being Summoned to Court, but he could not Disguise the Envy in his voice.

He bowed and smiled, and drew Captain Eloi away.  The two Sergeants and Legolas and I went upstairs to the Parlour that had been set aside for our use.  

"So," Sergeant Daeron said.  "We get to meet this Emperor, eh?  Axelder, did we not make a Wager on this very subject?"

Axelder laughed.  "I will pay up, friend Daeron, when we leave the Emperor and get those Invitations back."

Daeron nodded.  "Yes, there is many a slip twixt the cup and the lip, as they say.  But I don't know what could prevent us now."

Legolas sat looking out the window at the Sky,  a thing he does a lot of.  "I wish something would," he said.  

"Well," I said, "the Emperor is one thing.  But what of this Execution business?  I don't wish to go see some poor wretch put to death!  How do they do it, anyway?  Hanging?"

Sergeant Axelder grimaced.  "If he was a common Felon, yes.  But this fellow is a Traitor, and it's the Thousand Knives for him, I'm afraid."

"Then that is a true thing!  Not a traveler's tale!"  I exclaimed.  "And we must stand and watch?  That is Barbaric!"

Axelder shrugged and took out his pocket knife and began paring his nails.  "If he is Lucky, he will get an Executioner who will take Gold to cut his Wrists quickly.  If he is not Lucky, or too poor, well.......".........

Chapter Eight:

...........Captain Roland, 23 June 1437 SR........

May I never see such a thing as the Thousand Knives again.  Evidently the wretch had not been Lucky or rich, for no merciful cut ended his Sufferings, and it took him half the Day to die.

The folk of this city made a Festival of it, with hawkers of all sorts of Wares moving about in the Crowd.  We could purchase Pies and Sweets, and Ginger Beer, if we wished to Refresh ourselves.   Groups of soldiers in the Livery of the Emperor stood about here and there, watching the Crowd.   We stayed as far from the thing as we could, and Mrs. Candida and the Twins kept their faces entirely covered and I hope they could see Nothing.  But Veils could not have shut out the screams.

There is no Air in this Place.  The Emperor seems to use it all, in some Fashion.  When we returned to the Inn I came up here to my chamber and wished myself away. Anywhere but here.  And I am not alone.  

Captain Eloi is urgent in trying to persuade his Mother to take ship with him, and leave Haikan.  She demurs, but I sense her resolve is weakened, after this morning.  The man we met yesterday, Trader Morlock, has repeatedly offered to buy the Inn from her, Eloi says, and he is offering a very fair price.

"I wish I could make Mother see," Captain Eloi said to me, over a glass of wine later.  "There is no reason for her to stay here.  At one time she said she would come with me when the Twins got married, but I think she has given up the notion that they will ever Marry."

"Why not?" I asked, and I confess I was surprised to hear him say that.  It is not just their Beauty, although they are very Beautiful with their Tawny skin and glossy Sable hair.  But they are charming and clever women, merry and lighthearted, each one would make any Man's home a happy place should he be fortunate enough to win her heart.

He took a long swallow of wine.  "My sisters and I are half-castes, Roland.  Few men of Haikan would marry such.  None has offered, at any rate.  Were we Folk of high blood, well, it would not matter so much.  But we are not High."

"Where would you go?" I asked.

"Anywhere I like," he said.  Then he smiled ruefully.  "Cerula is a very big Sea, Roland.  I am a wealthy man, I could live on Cerula's waves for the rest of my Days.  I could take Mother back to Gondor, to her old Home."

"There is no reason," I said, having thought for a space, "why you could not Trade into Minas Tirith, as readily as into Haikan.  King Elessar is eager to open Trade Routes wherever they might be."

"I have thought of that," he said.  "But I do not know if I could trade into the Spice Groves, should I leave Haikan.  However, it bears looking into, does it not?"  He looked up.  "Here are the Two Sergeants, Captain.  They have been up to no good, by the looks of them."

"Up to no good?"  Axelder laughed.  "Nay, nay, Eloi my friend.  We have been exploring a bit, that's all."

"That old Curiosity, that never Idle Curiosity." Daeron said.  "Tell me, Eloi.  Did you know that there is passage under this Inn that leads to the Docks?"

Eloi frowned.  "There was once, I know.  My Great-grandfather had it blocked up, many years ago, for it flooded and threatened the foundations of the house."

"Someone has unblocked it, " Sergeant Axelder said.  "For we have just come through it."  He went to the Door and looked up and down the hallway, then came back and said, his voice low,  "It is being used, Eloi."

.............23 June 1437 SR.  Legolas.........

It may be that there can be no way to kill a man that is not Vile.  But surely the Thousand Knives is the most Vile.  If he was indeed a Traitor, he was Punished.

There are hours of Light after our Dinner.  I went down to Galatea and walked about her Decks.  The Sailors pay little attention to me, I am often there, the last few days.  As the Sun set, the water of the River seemed to become a sheet of some glowing Metal, and looking down this River to the Sea it is as if the water was a Road and one made only for me.

It may be that I cannot sail with her as soon as I wish, for the Men must be thought of.  I cannot expect that the Men will want to go with me, and I feel that it is my Duty to return to Minas Tirith with them, and see my old friend the King.  There are other ships, of course.  In Minas Tirith and Sardara are ships.  But there is something about this great Galleon, the way she sits like a Queen upon the Water, the feel of her planks beneath my Feet.

We have looked into the Treatise on Protocol that was given us by Sir Hirgon.  There is much in it that is Odd, but as we are not Citizens of the Khand, most of it does not apply to us.  It is well that is so, as I cannot see any of us Prostrating ourselves before the Emperor.  I daresay Captain Eloi will, though, and it causes me some discomfort to think of that.  The Emperor is only a Man, after all, though that Truth is in the process of becoming a Lie in the City of Haikan.   Capain Eloi tells us there is a campaign underway to have him Elevated to a Supernatural status, in other words, A God.    When I asked Eloi who was behind this Astonishing idea, he raised his mobile black Eyebrows and shrugged.  "It is to someone's benefit," he said.  "And not necessarily the Emperor's."

The ordinary Civility required of any Gentleman attending a Court is all that will be required of us,  except that we must not, upon any Account, turn our Backs to the Emperor.  This is ever a constraint of any Court, but in this Court the Insult is regarded as  Discourteous to a Shocking degree.

King Elessar and King Eomer both require a high Standard of Courtesy in their Courts.  But the atmosphere in Elessar's court, and Eomer's court, is one of Gentlemen among Gentlemen, albeit one takes Precedence of Place due to his High birth and Station.  King Darius requires a more rigid Protocol, but even there , no man is expected to Debase himself and Darius is possessed of a gentle Courtesy that sets all at Ease.  My Father is a King of Elves, of course, and the Notions of what must prevail in the Manners of his People are very different from anywhere else, except maybe for Lorien in the old days, or Rivendell before Master Elrond went away.

Ah, well.  I have been much about the World, and have seen a number of Astonishing things, but there is always something New to be seen under the Sun.

..............Captain Roland, 24 June 1437 SR..........

After breakfast I went with Captain Eloi and the two Sergeants down into the Cellars of the Inn.  Troopers Anborn and Gardez were stationed in the Lobby, they were to Idle about, playing Chess or Cards, and keep an Eye to Shamar the Barman's return from the Market.  Everyone else was carrying on their regular Duties, nothing out of the Ordinary could be seen, should anyone come into the Inn.

The Cellars are cavernous, much larger than one would suppose.  One end is set up as a Wine Cellar, and the stairs we came down lead directly to that part.  There is a door, most ordinary, opening into the Storage area, which is much larger, and which opens onto the Bricked courtyard and thence to the Alley. But in the Wine Cellar,  if one moves a Keg, a curiously empty Keg, behind it one can see a door cunningly made to look like the stone wall.

Behind that door is a Passage.  The walls and ceiling are roughly dressed stone, the floor is the sandy earth of the place, and it is easily seen that water seeps from the walls and ceiling.  There is Damp, and the smell of mould.  The passage slopes quite sharply down to the Docks, and we could see little in the light of candles we carried except the gleam of candlelight caught in Water on the walls and floor.  We walked down to where the Passage ended at a wall made of Wooden planks.  We stood quiet, and could hear people on the other side.

"This door opens into the shed behind the Customs House" Axelder said.  "Yesterday Daeron here and I were sitting upon a Bench near Galatea's berth, taking the air, and we saw two fellows come out of the shed.  One was Shamar, the other his brother Farmat the Guard. When we had left the Inn, they had both been in the Taproom. It seemed very curious to see them come out, as we had not seen them go in.  So, we thought we would just take a wee look, like.  And we find naught in there to interest Anyone, just some old crates and bins."

"So," Daeron carried on, "we mooched about a bit, and what do we find?  A door, that's what."

I laughed.  "It is our Fate to find doors, is it not?  Just like the Blue Kingdom."  A chill went over me, at that.  

We went back up to the Lobby and just as we did so, Shamar came in from the street.  He went on into the Taproom and we went out and down to the Docks and went aboard Galatea.  In Captain Eloi's cabin we carried on our conversation.

"I don't understand it," Captain Eloi said.  "Why do they come and go in secret?  They are free to come and go in the open, and they do so commonly."

"There is some Mischief afoot," Sergeant Axelder said.  "Thievery, most like."

"But of what?"  Captain Eloi said.  "Of our goods?  My Mother keeps strict Accounts!  
And if by some Cunning Shamar is stealing Coin, he could carry it out on his person at any time, without going through some secret passage.  But again, my Mother's accounts are very, very careful.  She has been at this business for many years, and I doubt that he could get away with much."

"Then he is not stealing from your Mother," Sergeant Daeron said.  

Captain Eloi paced about in his Cabin.  He is a large man, and his pacing took up most of the Room.  At last he said, "I wonder.  I wonder.  I tell you what, Gentlemen, I will take another look in that Passageway, myself."

"One of us will come with you," I said. "You ought not go alone."

He laughed. "I do not need a Nursemaid, Roland, but it shall be as you like.  We will do it tonight, when Shamar is busy in the Taproom.  Perhaps Anborn and Gardez and the others could take it upon themselves to keep him very busy?"

 "They are up to anything, those fellows," I said.  "What do you think to find that we did not see today?"

"I am not sure.  But we did not look about us very carefully, did we?  We looked only at the fact that it is a passageway."

He said no more on that Head.  Sergeant Axelder is to go with him tonight, and the rest of us will keep our Eyes upon Shamar.  

I sought for Legolas, and found him on the Forecastle, polishing some Brass, squatting beside a grizzled Seaman.  He grinned at me as I came upon them.  "They are putting me to Work, you see," he said.  "Keeping this Lady's finery in order takes a lot of Doing."

He looked supremely Happy, it is his Nature to take each moment as it comes; his eyes are keen, and his notions not overly nice, and he is open to Experience.  These qualities make him a good Companion on a journey such as ours, and I felt a sudden realization of what a Friend he had become.

He was Intrigued by the Passageway, of course, but had no Ideas to offer on the Subject of what it might be used for.  The First Mate came by just then, and he and Legolas fell into conversation, as Legolas is quickly picking up Seaman's Khandese and his intense interest in the Ship makes the Sailors glad to talk to him.

It fell out that the Taproom of the House of the Two Mermaids was as busy as we could have desired tonight.  So busy that Shamar did not disdain some help from Trooper Gardez, who volunteered to haul Kegs and Jugs up from the Cellar.  The rest of us except Sergeant Axelder sat and drank and sang with the Crowd, and while we did not sup as much as we appeared to, the singing was real enough.

About Midnight Axelder came in and sat with us, and we could see he was big with News.  Daeron and I soon followed him up to Captain Eloi's parlour.

We left the door open, and Eloi spoke softly.   "They are not stealing from my Mother, as Axelder knew from the start, but they are stealing, and they are hiding their takings down there.  Near the door at this end there are a couple of loose rocks, and when we shifted them, we found as tidy a little nook as might be imagined, and in there a chest and in the chest---Gold.  The Emperor's Gold.  For there are three brothers, not just Shamar and Farmat, but Parmir as well.  And Parmir is a River Pilot, and I guess he is stealing from the Pilot fees and Taxes."

Axelder spoke up.  "There is a very great deal of Gold down there.  This has been going on for some time.  There are other things as well, Jewels and such."

"Yes," Eloi said.  "People bribe the Palace Guards all the time, folk are often Desperate to gain an audience with this Official or that.  Many Guards have become rich from Bribes, and  I reckon Farmat is one of them.  By Thunder!  I do not like it, that it is hid in my Mother's house!"

"Why is it hid here, I wonder?"  I asked.

"They all live in the next street," Eloi answered.  " And they are clever enough not to risk having it in their own homes.  Should it be found -well, what would it have to do with them?  They could disclaim all knowledge, and my Mother would be accountable."   He drummed his fingers upon his desk.  "So they go on.  Sneaking about.  When a ship berths, the Pilot disembarks with everyone else, one of a crowd.  He would easily be able to slip unnoticed into that shed, and so into the passage.  Likewise with Farmat.  The Guards go everywhere, no one pays them any attention."

We sat and waited for him to go on.  At last he said, "I must convince Mother to sell up and leave this place!"

Axelder nodded.  "I think you are right, Captain.  After seeing what they did to that poor wretch yesterday........"  He stopped.  "Well, I'm for bed.  We have this plaguey Emperor to visit tomorrow, and I need my Beauty sleep."