Eomer and Legolas

by Peregrine

Chapter 29

With a roar the entire army of Men leaped forward and ran towards the sea of orcs ringing them in. The ground seemed to shake below thousands of footfalls and the air quivered with their cries.

Eomer ran side by side with Legolas, his sword brandished, his voice raised among the others. The Elf was already firing arrows into the crowd before them, but before long he tucked it behind him--while running--and tore his ivory-hilted knives free. The fight ahead of them was not a place where arrows and long bows could readily be used. But still they had to be weary. Eomer noticed that atop the Black Gates guarding the fell realm of Mordor, there were archers.

But Eomer had no more time to consider that. With a howl of rage and challange, he and every other Man--or Elf or Dwarf or Hobbit--smashed into the black ranks of orcs. Blood was spilt readily, knives and swords already swinging, people already dying.

The battle waged before the walls of Minas Tirith had been a bloody, awful battle. But there had been room there. Now, they had none. Everywhere you turned there was another body pressing close, blocking your vision of whatever lay beyond. Bodies were everywhere, and they fought like caged animals. Kicking, biting, tearing, hacking, slicing, slashing--it was a gory, painful war they fought. They could not hope to win it, but they fought nonetheless.

Eomer screamed his rage, a wordless cry torn from his throat, and he thrust his sword through the air, tearing through throats and chests and stomachs, killing anything orcish in front of him. Everything around him seemed caught up in a wirlwind--everything was moving. Everything was blurred, fighting. There was no sense of space or time. There was only the now, and yourself with a bloodied sword hacking at whatever came near, running forward, trying not to fall. It was a world of terror and bloodshed, and Eomer was a part of it.

He looked over towards Legolas but the Elf was gone from his side. He knew he would be. The first press of bodies had thrust them apart and now they were alone, fighting among a sea of viloent attackers, trying to live. Trying to kill.

Eomer ran and slashed his mighty sword through the air. Orcs fell back before him, but there were always more. Always there were more. Some had spears--long and hooked and evil looking. Others had crooked swords, others bloody axes and others simply clawed with tooth and nail, doing as much damage as anyone else.

Eomer found himself beset on all sides by killers. Faces, glaring, sneering, everywhere, trying to bring him down--trying to kill him. He swung his sword and he saw--distantly, as if in a dream--an ugly head go flying from the shoulders of an uglier body. The force of his swing spun him around and there, near him and yet too far away for him to do anything, was Legolas. And he was in trouble.

As soon as he had set aside his bow, they had been upon him. They recognized him for what he was--an Elf. A hated, feared, despised Elf from the deep woods somewhere beyond their mountain walls. The moment they had laid eyes on him, they were screaming for blood. And all he had were two long knives.

"Legolas!" Eomer screamed, seeing the Elf swept up by a blood-thirsty mob. The Elf whirled and twisted and slashed out with his knives, but there were too many for him.

"Legolas!" Eomer screamed again, fighting to reach his friend. But it was no good. He was pushed further and further away from his friend until he was lost beyond a moving wall of fighting bodies. Weeping with rage and pain, Eomer turned and he fought. Oh, how he fought. He fought for Legolas, he fought for his people, he fought for his life. And all the while he wept and screamed, swinging his bloodied blade through the black tumult.


Legolas was a fine warrior. Though he was better with a bow in his hands, he was not lacking in skill when it came to knives. He had been in rough spots before--many times before. But never had he been set before such a screaming mob, all crying for his blood. Legolas should have been afraid--any man in his right mind would have been afraid. But Legolas was no Man.

Gritting his teeth, the Elf turned and twisted and whirled back and forth with dizzying speed. Orcs fell under his fine-bladed knives. But there were so many--many more than he should have been able to handle--and they were all swarming upon him, screaming for his blood. But he fought back. He was not going to be killed by such rabble. Not now. Not when Eomer and the others were out there, still, fighting for his own life.

Legolas heard a roar behind him and he twisted around to see a massive, twisted orc rear up above the sea of gnarled bodies. Legolas paused, taken aback by such a gruesome figure. Blood dripped from tusks protruding from his mouth, dripped from his cracked finger nails. His head was naked of any hair and his eyes glowed a fierce red. He saw the Elf and he roared--his breath was like a dying animal and Legolas staggered back in revulsion--and the orc leapt at him, tossing his own companions aside in his need to reach the bloody Elf before him.

Legolas did not fall back. He lifted his wicked knives and cut down any orcs around him, ready to fight. The orc came on--he was almost a Troll, he was so big--and Legolas gave a cry and slashed at him with his knives, slicing his stomach open. The orc screamed in fury, but he was not mortally wounded. Crying out his wrath, he violently back-handed the Elf and sent him flying. He crashed into the earth, his head spinning, trampling feet all around him. He was dazed, could not move. His knives were somewhere...

He heard pounding footsteps behind him. He tried to get up. Could not move...

"Legolas!" a voice screamed behind him. Legolas tried to get up. Could not. Had to move...

And then there was a terrible screaming from behind. Legolas managed to finally roll onto his back just in time to see Eomer leap up and slam a long, wicked orc-spear through the orc from behind, the tip of it erupting forth through its chest. The orc roared, gurgled, fell.

Eomer, bloody and sweaty, ran over to the Elf and heaved him to his feet. Legolas quickly took up his fallen knives and looked at his friend--his brother.

"Are you okay, Elf?" Eomer gasped. Legolas nodded, could think of nothing to say...

"Then let's fight!" Eomer grinned and hefted his sword--the very tip of it had been broken off and now it gleamed evilly in the weak sunlight, black gore staining its length. Legolas grinned and together, howling, they raced back into the fray, slicing and fighting and whirling and kicking and killing. Legolas flashed his knives back and forth, turning and twisting. His face ached and blood ran down his cheek where the giant orc had back-handed him. There were other hurts all over him--a long cut was bleedy along his side, another along the back of his shoulder and another along his arm. But he did not stop to feel the pain. He could not. He fought, staying always near Eomer. They could protect each other.

And they did. But then they heard a sound that chilled even Legolas's blood. A blood-curdling scream. The Elf and the man looked up to see long, reptilian things with bat-like wings come swooping down out of the sky. Black Riders were upon their shoulders and the creatures--like dragons they were--swooped down to begin their slaughter. But they never had the chance. A voice raised clear above the roar of battle, a voice all heard.

"The Eagles are coming!" Pippin cried. And there they were. One of the fell beasts swooped, but even before it could an Eagle appeared below it, twisted around, and sank its beak and talons into the things breast. The beast roared and they fell, twisting through the air, the Eagle pushing away at the last minute. More came and soon the Nazgul were preoccupied, and the war waged on below them.

Violence, everywhere. Legolas twisted about, fighting wildly with his keen knives, cutting down enemies. And then, from somewhere behind him, he heard a roar. Like the orc it sounded, but when he twisted around, he saw there a giant Troll bearing a wicked sword--the blade nearly as long as a Man. And it was after Aragorn, alone among a sea of fallen bodies.

"Aragorn!" Legolas screamed. Eomer turned in time to see the Elf go running through the crowd. His knives, still in hand, were forgotten and he simply pushed whatever got in his way aside. Eomer ran after him, his sword killing any who would take the Elf from behind. And all the while Legolas ran, pushing everyone violently aside, struggling to reach Aragorn.

He was on the ground now, the Troll set on crushing him with his foot. Aragorn stabbed him with his own Elven blade and the Troll roared in pain, but he did not yeild. He raised his sword to strike and Legolas screamed at it, fighting his way towards his fallen comrade.

And then the Troll, his sword raised to slice Aragorn's head clean off, stopped. He looked back over his shoulder in alarm and then, with a roar of terror, he turned and ran off. And even as Aragorn got to his feet, Legolas turned towards the black tower in the distance, upon which a great eye sat, evil and glaring. Legolas felt his blood run chill even as the shrieks of Nazgul sounded above, mingled with the terrible screams of the mighty Eagles.

And then a great scream, one that seemed to silence all others, though it was utterly silent, filled the air. Legolas felt it rip through his head. The Elf screamed in pain, and he fell to his knees, his hands covering his ears, trying to block out a sound he could not. Others around him fell to the ground, weeping and cowering below the evil sound.

Eomer, too, fell to the ground as the terrible screaming filled his head, but he looked up, and there he saw the Eye. And it was dying. It was a ball of black and red flames, writhing as if in pain. And then the tower began to crumble.

"Look!" Merry cried and Legolas, still upon his knees, looked up to see the dreadful tower crack. Crumble. Fall into ruin. And the Eye shrivled up into nothing... and then it exploded outward. A great wave was thrown outward and the ground where it passed began to sink and collapse. Mordor was falling into ruin. Sauron was destroyed. Frodo had destroyed the Ring.

"Frodo!" Merry cried, lifting his sword in triumph. "Frodo!"

Aragorn got to his feet, Eomer helped Legolas to his own. And they stared in wonder as the Black Gate itself began to collapse, the ground below it buckling and crashing in on itself. Orcs fled, but many fell into the black chasms opening up below them. The world shook, men screamed in terror. But no one ran. The earth below their feet was stable, and they stared in amazement at where the tower once had been.

"Frodo!" others took up the cry, though few knew who the Hobbit was. But all cheering ceased when Mount Doom, in one last attempt at a firy glory, erupted into a great cascade of molton flames. The mountain exploded.

Merry stopped in mid-cry. Legolas stared in wordless grief at the volcano, Aragorn was stunned. Pippin fell to his knees and wept. Men didn't know what to do.

But Gandalf never paused. Legolas heard him shout a name and three of the Great Eagles swooped down to the earth. Gandalf climbed onto the neck of one.

"Away, Gwaihir!" the Elf heard him shout. "We must be swift!"

And the three Eagles lifted away and flew for the dying mountain. And all others were left upon the field of strewn dead. There was nothing more they could do. They could not weep. They could not cheer. They could do nothing.

But they wanted to go home. And slowly, casting grieving glances towards the firy mountain and the Eagles flying away towards it, they made their way from Mordor, away towards green Ithilien. Legolas and Aragorn, Gimli and the Hobbits--Eomer, as well, did not move. They could only stare. And they were yet standing there when they saw the Eagles fly back.

And two bore tiny bodies in their talons. The Eagles flew away for Ithilien and then did the warriors follow. The war was done. The fighting was over.

They left Mordor behind, weary and heart-sore with grief and wonder. And hope that the two wee Hobbits yet lived.