Difficult Decisions

by suzie sheelf


Ilweran was feeling nervous, the feast was tonight, and so many delegates from the other elven realms were going to be present. She didn’t know why she was feeling nervous, she knew everybody who was going to be there, even if some of them who were just acquaintances.

She had thought of asking Elrond if she could be excused, but then she thought I really would be hiding then.

The chance meeting with Mithrandir had really unnerved her, and what he had whispered to her, had shaken her to the very core, Ereinion was free of Mandos and waiting for her, this should of made her decision easy, but it hadn’t. Why she berated herself, why hasn’t it, What is keeping you here she said to herself. She hadn’t told Elrond or Glorfindel what Mithrandir had told her, maybe I should she thought, they have a right to know.

There was  knock at the door, Ilweran opened it to see Glorfindel standing there.

“Suilad Ilweran, are you ready? I thought we could go to the feast together”

“Glorfindel, suilad, yes I am ready, and thankyou, I would be delighted to be your partner at the feast”

Glorfindel smiled and said, “Elrond thought you might try and get out of going, I was going to drag you there kicking and screaming if I had to”

Ilweran laughed “Oh really Glorfindel! Well I won’t embarrass you I will come along willingly”

Glorfindel offered Ilweran his arm “My Lady”

“Well thankyou My Lord” she giggled

“Were you really thinking of not coming Ilweran?”

“Actually Glorfindel yes I was”

“But why? What did Mithrandir say to you, you have been out of sorts since you spoke to him”

“Ah, not to good at hiding my feelings from you two am I.” Sighing she went on “I was going to seek you and Elrond out I think you have the right to know what Mithrandir said”

“Do you want to tell us together”

“Yes and No, Elrond is busy with the feast and playing host, so I will tell you and maybe you can help me decide why I am feeling the way I am”

“Ilweran, may I suggest you wait till after the feast”

“Well thought my friend, well here we are. Ready, let’s go”

Glorfindel and Ilweran entered the Hall of fire where all the guests had assembled prior to the feast.

“Right” said Glorfindel “I’ll start from the right you go left and we’ll meet in the middle”

“Sounds like a plan” replied Ilweran trying not to laugh.

Ilweran greeted the guests cordially, thanking them for coming and kept on moving from one guest to the other. She tried to see where Glorfindel was or even where Elrond, was she felt lost in a sea of people.

“Mae Govannen Ilweran, it has been a long time since we have seen you”

Ilweran turned to see Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn, she curtsied to them.

“My Lady Galadriel, Lord Celeborn, Mae Govannen, yes it has been awhile, I am sorry that we are not meeting again under happy circumstances”

“Celebrian tells me you are to be part of her escort, will you be healer or protector” asked Galadriel

Ilweran looked at Galadriel wondering what the elf Queen was trying to imply, did she think that if she was on the original escort this tragedy would not of happened?

“Both My Lady” replied Ilweran

“Ah that is good to know Ilweran, you must not mind Galadriel, she is grieving for her daughter” replied Celeborn.

“I understand” turning to Galadriel she said “ I will guard your family with my life, you need not fear”

“I trust you Ilweran, Celeborn told me just how well you fight, shield maiden of Rivendell, I just wonder what would of happened if you had been with her original escort to Lothlorien”

“I would be in Mandos’ halls My Lady” bowing her head in respect Ilweran moved on to the other guests.

As she turned to greet other guests she saw the delegates from Mirkwood.

Mirkwood and Rivendell, had not been on the best of terms since the Last Alliance, why did the Elves have to have long memories Ilweran mused why can’t they let bygones be bygones.

Taking a deep breath she walked over.

“Mae govannen My Lord Thranduil, welcome to Rivendell” she said bowing in respect.

Thranduil looked at Ilweran, with a look as if to say, so they send the servants to greet us, Ilweran ignored this.

“I hope you had a uneventful journey”

“Mae govannen Ilweran, yes we had a uneventful journey” turning he called his son over. “Ilweran you remember my son Legolas”

“Yes My Lord I do, Mae govannen Prince Legolas, my have you grown since we last met, you were but an elfling. Your likeness to your mother is remarkable”

“You knew my mother?”

“Yes my prince, I did, we were good friends”

Legolas looked down at his feet, “I don’t remember her, I was very young when she died”

“Legolas stand up straight, remember who and where you are” yelled Thranduil

Ilweran glared at Thranduil “With you leave My Lord, may Legolas go and join the younger elves?”

Thranduil glared back at Ilweran “Yes until the feast begins”

“Thankyou My Lord” replied Ilweran bowing.

Taking Legolas by the hand, “come Legolas, let us go find Elladan and Elrohir, and on the way I shall tell you about your mothers and my friendship”

Ilweran and Legolas found the twins outside with Haldir of Lorien, they were discussing archery.

“Excuse me My Lords, Haldir, you all know Prince Legolas, may I leave him in your company, as the company inside, well let me say is a little boring” said Ilweran smiling.

“Of course, Mae govannen Legolas it is good to see you again mellon” replied Elrohir, “we were just discussing archery, I have heard that you are becoming quite skilful yourself with the bow, Legolas”

Legolas blushed “Thankyou”

“Ilweran stay and talk with us you are extremely skilled with the bow,” said Haldir

“Nay Haldir, I unfortunately must return, Glorfindel will be looking for me thinking I have abandoned him” she laughed “though I thankyou for the offer”

Ilweran retuned inside and found Glorfindel.

“Where did you go?”

“Just rescuing young prince Legolas that is all”

“Poor elfling I feel for him with a father like that”

“Well I thank Eru that he is nothing like his father”

Glorfindel smiled “You and his mother were close weren’t you”

“Yes, much to the annoyance of Thranduil”

A bell chimed “Come said Glorfindel, the feast is about to start”

Ilweran sat out side under the stars, thank Eru that was over she thought to herself, the feast was over and the guests had made there way to there rooms. There had been no quarrels, everything had gone as planned, she was thankful for Elronds sake.

“Ilweran you wanted to speak to Glorfindel and myself?”

“Elrond, yes I thought you should both know what Mithrandir said”

“Only if you truly wish to Ilweran” replied Elrond

“Ereinion has been released from Mando’s halls”

“That is good news Ilweran” Replied Glorfindel

“Yes I know it is, then why am I finding it hard to decide, what is keeping me here”

“Only you can answer that Ilweran”

“I know Elrond, I know, but I am frightened of what I don’t know”

“Ilweran do you still love Ereinion?”

“Yes Elrond with all my heart”

“Then, you have nothing to fear”


Ilweran watched the bustle below from the balcony she had tried to be
of assistance but was shooed away. She was smiling to herself as she watched,
but then a laugh escaped her lips.

Glorfindel looked up and called to her, asking if she was enjoying the show. Ilweran just smiled back coyly.

She heard the swish of robes and turned to see Mithrandir standing there, "Suilad Mithrandir."

"Suilad Ilweran. You know it is rude to laugh at others."

"She continued to smile, "Well Mithrandir, I did offer to help but they sent me away. I cannot help it if I find it amusing."

"Well my dear, it is good to hear you laugh once more." He said coming to stand by her.

"It is good to laugh once more nin mellon," and she chuckled softly again just for the joy of it.

"I have not seen Elewen this trip, where is she?"

Ilweran's smile disappeared, "She is in Lothlorien visiting her friend Samrendiel."

"Does she not know that you are leaving?" the wizard asked her.

"She knows I am escorting Celebrian. As to leaving, Mithrandir, I still am not decided."

"Not decided, but I thought." Mithrandir's voice trailed off.

"Yes, I know what you thought! I will make my final decision when I reach Mithlond and not before."

"Have you told Elewen, does she know of her heritage?"

Ilweran turned and faced Mithrandir. "How, my friend, is it that you
know of information that is only privy to Elrond and Glorfindel. I know neither
of them would have broken their oath."

"I am an Istari, Ilweran. Also she has his eyes."

Now the elven woman turned away from the wizard, her face sorrowful,
a mask of grief. "I know, they haunt me every time I look at her." She whispered.

As Ilweran turned to leave, Mithrandir grabbed her arm. "She is secret and she is safe Ilweran, go to Gil-galad."

Ilweran ran from the room.

Ilweran was buckling her sword when Glorfindel walked in "Shieldmaiden today are we?"

Ilweran glared at Glorfindel with a look that said don't start. Glorfindel
backed out of the room, not a good idea to get a shieldmaiden angry when
she has weapons at hand.

Returning to the room he cheerfully tried again. "Suilad Ilweran."

"Suilad Glorfindel, I hear Haldir is accompanying us as well."

"That is true, does this worry you?"

"Who is watching Elewen in Lorien if he and the Lord and Lady are here?"
she asked anxiously "I suppose they are coming with us as well?"

"Well, yes they are Celebrians parents after all."

Ilweran sighed and sat down.

Glorfindel crouched next to the chair, placing his hand over hers. "Come nin mellon, tell me what is wrong."

Glorfindel was starting to get worried, Ilweran doesn't usually lose
her cool, but he could see she was very close to loosing it.

Ilweran gazed at the face of her friend and said "Our little escort has
grown to a full caravan, any orc hoard will see it as a perfect target, I
don't want history repeating itself."

"Ah but Ilweran this time we have a shieldmaiden, three Elf Lords, well five if you include the twins and a wizard."

She put up her hand to stop his attempt at reassuring her. "Glorfindel,
last night Galadriel asked me if things would have been different if I had
been part of Celebrian's escort to Lorien, I feel jinxed now. I know it is
silly, but I have a bad feeling about this trip. Our group is too large.
It is not safe."

"You worry to much neth min, Elrond knows what he is doing."

Glorfindel! Elrond is grieving, his mind is not fully on the job at hand."
She got up and started pacing before continuing, "It is on Celebrian and
her leaving. I suggest you tell them to reduce the number or get more weapons
and I will pray that I am wrong." She finished, her voice raised.

Glorfindel was about to reprimand her about respect and that Celebrian
was due more than this party, but thought twice about it. Instead he said,
"You know I will bring my sword."

I don't want orcs getting close enough to use swords, Glorfindel." Ilweran snarled.

"Calm down Ilweran, I was planning on bringing my bow as well. It is more than this escort that is bothering, am I right?"

Ilweran gave Glorfindel an irritated look and sighed. "Glorfindel, I am sorry. I let Mithrandir get to me again."



Glorfindel walked over and hugged her. "She takes after you, she will be fine. Trust me."

She looked up at one of her dearest friends with hope in her face. "Promise me you will look after her, promise me Glorfindel."

Glorfindel nodded and hugged her again, "yes neth min, I promise" he
whispered. Louder he said "Come we must go. Everyone will be leaving momentarily."


Celebrian had already visited all the places within Rivendell's borders
that she wanted top say goodbye to, so there was no need to delay leaving

Celebrian felt well enough to ride a horse as they left Elronds house,
all the house hold had come out to farewell her and wish her a safe journey.

As elves, even in such a large group could travel quickly, but they were
travelling at the pace that Celebrian set. They were able to make camp in
the Forest beyond the Ford. Ilweran wished that they would travel much quicker,
she spoke of this to Glorfindel, but there was not much that they could do,
Elrond was not going to upset his wife at any cost.

The group meandered through the broken hills and forests west of the
Bruinen, the Trollshaw. Elrond made sure to stop well before dusk in order
to set up camp and post a guard against trolls.

Ilweran approached Celebrian "How are you faring, Celebrian." She asked as she sat down next to her.

Celebrian smiled "All goes well, Ilweran. Between you Elrond and my mother, I want for nothing"

Ilweran Laughed "And what of your father"

"Ah yes, ada, if he asks me one more time if I am ok I will scream, it is enough coming from Elrond and my mother"

"Celebrian we are all worried about you, that is all"

Ilweran turned to see Celeborn behind her, she got to her feet, bowed
lightly and said with a wicked glint in her eye " My Lord Celeborn if you
would like to sit with your daughter, and ask her how she is, I will be going
to check on our sentries for the night, quel du"

She chucked as she walked off.

Glorfindel joined her on inspection of the sentries

"What is so amusing neth min"

"Nothing Glorfindel, just don't ask Celebrian within the next few hours how she is" she laughed

Glorfindel just shook his head, and looked puzzled.

"We must be on our guard from here on Ilweran, I am sending out scouts,
in the morning, I don't like the trollshaws, never had" Glorfindel said.

"Understandable, Glorfindel, I will go on first scout. I will take Elladan
and Elrohir with me, I feel they are itching for adventure"

Glorfindel laughed "so be it, do you think you will be fine those two"

"Yes Glorfindel they have proven themselves, time and again"

The scouts for the next two days had found traces of trolls, so the outer guard was increased.

On the third night out the outer guards were attacked by trolls who were
defeated, one was killed the other escaped into the forest. Arafalath ended
up with some broken ribs and a shattered arm, but the rest of his injuries
were a just minor bruises. Though Mithrandir was with the company, the guards
were expected to protect the company. The wizard, as the elves knew, did
not expend his powers unless there is no other choice. Elrond and Ilweran
tended Arafalasth's wounds.

"You will live Arafalath, Mandos will not claim you, your wounds will
heal, though there will be no guard duty for you for a few days" Ilweran

Mithrandir watched over Ilweran's shoulder " I marvel at the healing
ability of the elves, if you were of the Edain, Arafalath, I believe you
would be in Mandos' Halls now" he said

After that episode, there were no further Troll attacks, and they were able to cross The Last Bridge without further incident.

Ilweran breathed a sigh of relief, glad to be away from the Trollshaws
at last, a few more days and we should be at Amon Sul, she sighed again a
few days, at the pace they were going it would take them more than a few
days, she had thought that the Troll attack might have sped up there pace,
but it hadn't.

She lay down on her pallet, and tried to sleep, she was on scouting duty again in the morning.