The Villanelle

Doctor Gamgee's "simple instructions" to follow for writing your own Villanelle.

The Villanelle is set as follows:

A-Line one repeats in some small rhyme
B-Line B will find another word
A-The third will match with something, "LIME?!"
A-The begins the fouth this time
B-and B will be a word unheard
A-line one repeats in some small rhyme
A-then find another word, sublime
B-and then another, little bird
A-the third will match with something, "Lime"
A-and then you see a stupid mime
B-who in his silence is imured
A-Line one repeats in some small rhyme.
A-and though this stinks, which is no crime
B-and leaves you feeling sick, uncured
A-The third will match with something, "Lime?!"
A-You find no words, which is a 'shime'
B-and desparate search for one not heard
A-Line one repeats in some small rhyme,
A-the third will match with something. LIME!!!!

- Doctor Gamgee